*F. b. 443. Scrofulous disease of the vesiculse seminales of a
boy; an abscess, which opens into the bulb, exists in one of
Cowper’s glands.
*F. b. 444. Cancer scroti, which occurred in a sweep; a
broad, mushroom-like fungus springs from the affected skin.
*F. b. 445. Cancer scroti; the disease involves the subcutaneous
tissue, and a fungus exists externally.
F. b. 450. Testicle of a wild boar, containing a scrofulous
tumor in its substance. A great portion of the free surface
of the tunica vaginalis is covered with flattened tubercles of
the same nature as that in the testicle.
F. b. 465. Penis affected with cancer, and amputated successfully.
The diseased portion comprises about three inches
of the organ, which, in this situation, swells out into a large
tumor, remarkably weighty for its size, and hard to the feel.
The skin is thick, rough and indurated, and the prepuce is
closely adherent to the glans, even to the very orifice of the
urethra. At the distance of an inch behind the extremity,
in the situation of the corona glandis, there exists a luxuriant
cauliflower growth, which completely encircles the
penis : it evidently originates in the deeper seated parts, and
protrudes through a number of ulcerated openings in the
skin, with the margins of which it is, in most instances, so
closely consolidated, that at first sight it might be considered
to be a disease of the cutaneous texture alone.-—Prof. Kirby.
F. b. 466. Cancerous penis, removed by operation. The
prepuce is retracted and consolidated to the body of the origan
; the glans forms a large tumor, of gristly hardness; and
the whole surface is uneven, presenting, in some situations
fungous projections, in others, deep excavations. The urethral
orifice is still visible, though much changed in figure.—
Dr. Houston.
F. b. 467. Cancer of the penis; the glans is healthy, and
the prepuce is the seat of the disease ; it is retracted, and
forms in the situation of the corona glandis a very remarkable
tumid ring, which on the left side is particularly prominent.
The tumor is exceedingly hard, and the skin for some distance
around is much indurated, and no longer moveable on the
subjacent parts : the surface is ulcerated and fungous.—Pro/".
F. b. 468. Cancer of a considerable portion of the penis.
The prepuce is retracted, the glans enlarged, and covered
with a cauliflower growth; the rest of the organ is increased
in size, and the various tissues are consolidated into one
dense, gristly mass.
F. b. 469. Cancer of the glans penis—the surface has a remarkably
granular appearance. Removed by Sir Philip
Grampton, Bart.
F. b. 470. Cancer of the penis. The prepuce and adjacent
skin are thick, hard, leathery, of a remarkably dark colour,
and separated by burrowing ulceration frofn the subjacent
parts. The glans and body of the organ are but little altered
as to size, but present the usual scirrhous hardness and
fungous surface.—Dr. Greer, Lifford.
F. b. 471. Clans penis affected with cancer.
F. b. 472. Wax model, exhibiting acute phymosis, and
general inflammation of the penis, the result of venereal ulcers
of the prepuce.
#F. b. 473.A slough, consisting of the two corpora cavernosa
of the penis, which came away under the following
circumstances. The case was that of a gentleman, who had
long laboured under very bad stricture, followed by dilatation
behind the strictured part, with rupture and extravasation of
urine into the substance of the penis ; this was succeeded by
priapism and violent inflammation, during the course of which
the twTo crura sloughed off completely, from the root, as far as
the glans penis. The patient recovered, but nothing remained