A. a. 248. The head of teeth. It may serve as ana esxaalmmopnle porfe paa rfeisdh twoi thsh toewet ht hine emvaelrsy, vsiiztu :a—tiothn e ijna wwsh,i cpha ltaeteet,h vaorem feoru, ntdo nignu teh,i sb rcalanscsh iosef aannid
phAar.y an.x 2.—56J. . THh.e mouth and oesophagus of an eight-armed cbuettwtlee-efnis ht h: e( steepniata coucltao,p ucs,o)n sthiset sm oouf tha, pslatrcoendg inh tohren yc enbtirlel lbirkaen otuhsa tf rionfg eas poar rlriopts, : stuhrero buinlld eisd imbyp latnhtreede arto twhse oorfi fmicee mof
ao ehsoolplohawg ums utsackuelsa ro criagvinit.y fArolml t htheese o ppaprotss,i tteo gsiedteh eorf wwihthic sho tmhee o2f5 7t,h ew hniecrhv egs ivaerst eari evsie wan do f vtehien ss, amaree setxruhcibtuitreeds. in Stehee psereppia. doeffmicoinnastlrisa:t esde es eaplasroa te2l5y8, ,a nad s2in5g9l,e a hboomttlye fubli llo fp rthepemare dfo uanndd nine atrh eD sutbolmina.—ch Jo. fH a. delphinus diodon taken in Killiney bay poAin.t ead. 2an60d. seTrhraet etod,n agnude loofn gae lri mthapne tt:h e{ peantteirllea a.)n iimt aisl. —hoJm. Sy,. theAre. aar.e 2th7r0e.e Tofh ee qtueaelt hs iozef , ap llaeceecdh :a t {thhieru dboo ttoomffi cionfa ltihs,e) lsaugcikneoru sfo, rmanedd tboy atlhl ea papnenauralanrc el ibp a:d tlhye ayd aaprete sdo ffto ar nmd ackairntig
those sharp, linear incisions which characterize their biJt.e .H—. jawAs., af.o r2m7e1d. oTfh teh em osaumthe omf aate rciraal ba :s t{hcea nscheerl lm, aamrae sp,)l acthede ltahtee rpaulrlyp,o saens do fh apvoew sehrfaurlp teceutthti.n—g Je. dSg.es like scissors, serving waAs . ebx. e2c8u5t.e dA wsthoemn aicnh traukdeen hfreoamlt hth: ei tb opdreys eonft sa tmhea nu wsuhaol pyAra.m bi.d 2a8l 6s.h aApne .—huJm. Han. stomach prepared to exhibit the cHirocmuela.—r cJo. nSs.triction near the pylorus described by Sir E. ingA t.h be. s2t8r7u.c tAur ep raenpda raartriaonng oefm tehnet sotof mthaec hg loanf daunl aaed Pulety sehroi.w—A.
b. 288. The stomach and spleen of an human y foJe. tuSs. faobromuetr ,t haen ds itxhteh gmroeantt hp, reoxphoirbtiiotinnagl tshizee golfo tbhuel alra ttsehra.—pe J.o Hf .the conAi.c abl. t3h0a0n. tThhaet sotfo mthaech h oufm aa nm osnukbejeyc. t: Iti its isso maleswo hatht imckoerer aenxhd ibmitosr,e a mt tuhsec lualragre aetn dth, ea ppayrltoirailc ceuxtitcreumlairt yli,n ianngd. —inJt.e rSn.ally
intAo .t wb.o 3 c0o6m. pTahretm setonmtsa—chth oef laar gdeorg a, dijnojiencintegd .t he Iot eisso pdhivaigdeeadl tohriofuicgeh pdriessteinnctst ciunttiecrlne—alltyh en usmmaelrloeur sl eraudgianeg ctoo attheed pbyyl oar ufisn eis, more uniform, glandular and villous on the mucous surface.—
teaA,). bI.t 3h0as7 . bTuht ea sstionmglaec cha voift ya, kisa nvgeurryo olo :n g{d, iadnedlp hwiisd eg,i gaannd- cboainledds , ulpikoen tihtsee clfo;l oint .i s tTuhcek ecdar diniatoc ecxeltlrse,m biyty bforormads ma ucsucl-udlea-r soafc t hwehsiec hli titsl es usbacdsiv oidneed i si nrteom twarok aabtl yth teh micoks ta npdro mgliannednut lpara ritn: the recent state—the other is smooth, whitish, and rugouJs.. —S.-
ginAea. nba. .)3 0T8.h eT heo essotopmhaagceha l ofa nadn poyploorsiscu mo:r if{icdeids elaprhei s nveira-r eeancdh o fo tthhee ro: esnoupmhaegrouus s: tmheu spcyulloarri cf igblraensd ss uarrreo uvnerdy tlhaerg elo awnedr abAun. dba. n3t0.—9. JT. hHe. stomach and intestines of a batt, preserved icna vsitpyi,r imts e:m {bvreasnpoeursti,l ioa nmd ugrlionbau,)l arT, ahne d sittosm oaricfhic eiss liae nseimarp tloe enaoct h oontlhye or:f tchoeec iunmte, sbtiunte so fa raen ysh tohritn gan dto stmraaigrkh t,a adnidst idnecvtiooind btuebtwe ewenh icthhe c somrraelslp aonndd sl awrgieth i nthtees tiinnseesc—tivao rqouuasl ithya obfi tds igoefs ttihvee aonf itmhea l.s tomThaec hs.p—le-eJ.n His. shown attached to the great extremity abAou. tb .s i3x1 0m. oTnhteh s sotoldm, apchre soefrv ead bine asrp, iri{tusr :s uist s Afmoremri,c asntruusc.)
turAe . abn.d 3 d2i2m. Tenhsei osntos maraec hw oefl la e rxahbibbiitte: dt.—heJ m. Huc.ous membrane icso smmpoaorttmh eanntsd vbiyll oau s c: irtchuel acr acvoitnys taripcptieoanr s ndeiavri dtehde ipnytolo rtwuso. The preparation though uninjected is very pretty and instrAuc.
tibv. e3.—23J. . THh.e stomach of a rat {mus rattus) exhibiting tah ew aorrtg-laikn e ise xlcirneesdc ewncieth icnu ttihcele : ctahrde iaacn imexatlr ewmhiteyn wkihlleerde was in good condition, and its stomach filled with fooJd. .H—. carAd.i abc. e3n2d5 .i sT choev esrtoedm iancthe ronfa laly rwati thi nc uat ihcleea;l ththye sptayltoer: ict hies thhige hdlyis tivnacstciounla br etawndee nv itlhloemus.:— aJ .c iSr.cular defined line marks