210 F. c. 390—461.
F. c. 390. Guinea-pig,
F. c. 4Û0. Rain-deer,
F. c. 401. Rein-deer,
F. c. 402. Dromedary,
F. c. 403. Dromedary,
F. c. 404. Cow,
F. c. 405. , .
F. c. 406. ——>
F. c. 4 0 7 .------ , . .
f . c. 408. m m
F. c. 409. — . ; .
F. c. 410. — ,
F .c. 411. — ,
F. c. 412. — -, . .
F. c. 417. Mare,
F. c. 418. Mare,
F. c. 419. Foetal foal,
F. c. 430. Porpoise, .
F. c. 431. Porpoise, .
F .c. 432. Porpoise,
F. c. 433. Whale, .
F. c. 445. Domestic fowl,
F. c. 446. Cormorant,
F. c 447. Domestic fowl, .
F. c. .448. Domesticfowl,
F. c. 460. Tortoise, .
F. c. 461. Tortoise, . ; •
. mammary gland of, during the period of
stickling its young. J. H,
. female organs of, injected. J. S.
. uterus of, in the state of recent impregnation.
. . . . . 144
. uterus of (camelus dromedarius). J. H,
. ovarium and fallopian tube of. . 144
• two early foetuses of (bos taurus) one enclosed
in its amnion. J. S. . •
. two of the glandulss uterinaj of, . . 144
. one of the cotyledons of the placenta of. 144
. cotyledons and glandulae of, in natural
conjunction. . . . . 1 4 4
. fetus of, in its membranes. . . 144
. uterus of, after parturition, injected and
dried. ........................................ 144
. membranes of fetus of, injected and dried :
beautiful preparation. . , . 144
. very early fetus of, suspended in its membranes
; wet preparation. J. H.
. fetus of, in its membranes. Donor
Dr. Beatty. J. H.
. fetus of, with the amnion and chorion
(equus caballus). J. H.
. a piece of the chorion of, showing its
villous Structure. J. H.
. in its membranes. J. H.
. female organs of generation of (delphinUs
phoceena). J . H. .
. uterus of, after parturition ; injected and
dried. ........................................145
. nipple and part of the mamma of. . 145
. nipple of (bahena rostrata. L.). . 145
. ovaria and oviducts of, in situ (gallus dotrtiesticus).
J. H. . . . . 145
. female genital organs of (pelicanus carbo). 145
. egg shell of. • . . . . 145
. two eggs of, united-end to end. Donor,
Doctor J. Browne. ' ; . . ...
. female genital organs of; wet preparation. 145
. female genital organs of (testudo gneca),
eggs in the oviduct ; dry preparation. J. II.
F, c. 466. Chameleon,
F.iC. 467. Chameleon,
F. c. 579. Snake,
F. c. 471. Boa constrictor,
F. c. 472. Serpent,
F. c. 473. Rattlesnake, .
F. c. 474. Cobra de capello,
F, c. 475. Cobra de capello,
F. c. 485. Two frogs,
F.i C. 485. I- Frog,
F.fc. 485 . 2- Frog,
F. c. 485. 3. Tadpole, .
F .c. 485. 4. Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. 5. Tadpole, ,
F. c. 485. 6. Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. 8- Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. 9. Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. 1°. Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. U- Tadpole, .
F. c. 485. 12 . Tadpole,*
F. c. 500. Ray,
F. c. 502. Lump-fish,
ovarium and ova of (lacerta chameleon). 146
two ova of, discharged during life. . 146
ovarium andova of. J.II.
ovarium of (boa constrictor) . . 1 4 6
female genital organs of. J. S. . .
female genital organs of .(_crotalus
horritlus). . . . . 1 4 6
egg of, (coluber naja) impregnated. . 146
egg of impregnated. . . . . 146
in coitu (rana temper aria, L,). J. H. . ..
spawn of, (rana temporaria, L.). J. H.
very young tadpoles of : bodies round ; tails
short. J. H. . . .
Somewhat larger than the former; tail considerably
elongated. J. H.
the tail grown to the full length, thick and
..., -strong. J. H.
rudiments of hind-legs at root of tail visible,
with more elongated legs. J. H. .
with long hind-legs, a body, and a tail ;
but no visible fore-legE. J. H.
the tail slightly shrivelled at the free extremity.
J. H. . . . ..
the tail considerably shortened. J. H.
the tail shprter than the limbs; no anterior
, extremities- J.H . .
the tail nearly all gone ; the right fore-leg,
recently burst through the integuments,
is perfect and free : the projection of the
.. .left is observable. .T. H. . .
the tail has vanished; all the legs are out,
and at liberty ; and the animal appears as
a frog (rana temporaria, L.). J. H.
ovum of (raja batis, L.). J. H.
ova of (cyclopterus lumpus, L.). J. H.
* These tadpoles were all procured from the same parcel of spawn. They were
kept in a basin of fresh water, where all the metamorphoses were observable to the
naked eye, and were removed^from [thence and plunged into spirits as fast as the
changes occurred. The little animals daily devoured bread and meat with much
greediness. J.H.
2 E