A. a. 34. Panther, . tongue of (felis pardus, L.^). 15
A. a. 35. Coati-mundi, , . tongue of (viverra nasua, L.) J. H.
A. a. 36. Fox, . pharynx and oesophagus of (can.'valpes, L.) 15
A. a. 37. Hedgehog, . tongue, pharynx, larynx of (erinaceusEurop.) 15
A. a. 50. Porcupine, • tongue of ( hystrixjcristata,Tu») 15
A. a. 51. Rabbit, . tongue of ( lepuscuniculus, L.^) 15
A. a. 52. Agouti, . tongue of (mus^aguti, L.). J. H. . . ..
A. a. 53. Agouti, lips and external nares of. 15
A. a. 54. Guinea pig. . mouth of (cavia),] J. H. 4 . •
A. a. 64. Platypus, . mouth of (ornithorynchus paradoxus, B.) 15
A. a. 80. Hog, . . . oesophagus of (sus scropha, It.) 16
A. a. 8 6 . Foetal calf, . . tongue of (bos taurus, L.^) 16
A. a. 87. Llama, . tongue of (camelus lama, L.). J. H.
A. a. 8 8 . Young rein-deer, . tongue, palate, pharynx of (cerv, tar and. L.^) 16
A. a. 89. Nylgau, . mucous membrane of the cheek of (antilopus
picta). . . . . . . 16
A. a. 90. Dromedary, . . cheek of (camelus dromedarius. J^.) 16
A. a. 91. Dromedary, . . soft palate, and uvula of. . . . 16
A. a. 92. Dromedary, . . oesophagus of. J. H. . . ,
A. a. 93. Dromedary, . . tongue of (camel, dromed.). J. H. - .
A. a. 100. Seal, aged, . tongue of (phoca vitulina L.) . 16
A, a. 101. Seal, young, . tongue of (phoc. vitul. L.) . , I&
A. a. 1 0 2 . Seal, . oesophagus of (ph.. vitulina, L.) 16
A. a. 103. Seal, . tongue of.—Professor Kirby’s Collection.
A. a. 106. Porpoise, lips of (delphinus phoccena, L.). J. H. .
A. a. 110. Whale, . mucous follicles, from the pharynx of (delphinus
diodon). . 16
A. a. 111. Whale, . tongue of (delph. diodon). , . 16
A. a. 112. Whale, . vascular pulps, from the jaws of, (balcena
rostrata).1 . . . . . 16
A. o. 113. Whalebone, . . foramina in the roots of, for entrance of pulps. 16
A .a. 114. Whalebone, . canals of, for passage of pulps. 17
A. a. 130. Eagle, . tongue of. . . . . 17
A. a. 135. Woodpecker, . tongue, and singular os-hyoides of (picus
minor, L.) . . . 17
A. a. 136. Parrot, . tongue of (psittacus cinereus, L.) . 17
A. a. 137. Mackaw, . tongue of (macaceros macao, -Vieill.) J. H.
A. a. 138. Ostrich, . tongue of (struthio camelus) S e e C. a. 91. 94
A. a. 150. Spoon-bill, . . tongue of (platalea leucorodia, GM.) 17
A. a. 151. Wood-cock, . tongue of (scolopax rusticola, L.) . 17
A. a. 152. Purple-coot, . . tongue and trachea of, (fulica purpurea). ..
A. a. 156. Tame duck, . bill of, showing the nerves ( anasboschas, Tu.) 17
A. a. 157. Wild duck, . tongue of (an. bosch. L .). 18
A. a. 170. Turtle, . tongue of. J. S.
A. a. 171. Turtle, . oesophagus of (testudo my das, L .) • 18
A. a. 172. Turtle, . dried cuticle from the oesophagus of. 18
A. a. 173. Tortoise, • . tongue of.—Professor Kirby’s Collection.
A. a. 177. Alligator, . tongue of (lacerta alligator, L.). 18
A. a. 178. Alligator, . tongue of (lacerta allig. ). J. H . ••
A. a. 179. Chameleon, . . tongue of (lacerta chameleon, L.) in situ. 18
A. a. 180. Chameleon, . tongue of dissected. • * 18
A, a. 190. Rattlesnake, . skull of (crotalus horridus, L .) showing the
poison fangs. . . . . 19
A. a. 191. Rattlèsnake, . poison fangs of, shown detached. . 19
A. a. 192. Rattlesnake, . poison gland of, removed from the skull. 19
A. a. 193. Rattlesnake, . poison gland of, in situ. 19
A. a. 194. Rattlesnake, oesophagus of, wide, thin, and membranous. 19
A. a. 195. Serpent, . tongue of. 19
A. a. 205. Frog, . tongue of. '1 See A. b. 510. 20
A. a. 215. Lamprey, . mouth and teeth of (petromyzonfluviatilis,l,.)20
A. a. 216. Ray, . teeth of (raja, batis). . . 20
A. a. 217. Dog-fish, . oesophagus of (squalus canicuhts, L.) 20
A. a. 218. Angel-shark, . teeth of (sq. squatina,). . . . 20
A. a. 224. Frog-fish, . teeth of (lophius piscatorius, L.) . 20
A. a. 225. Frog-fish, . angling apparatus of (loph. piscat.) 2 1
A. a. 226. Frog-fish, . muscles for the angling apparatus of. 2 1
A. a. 227. Frog-fish, . posterior angling filament of. . . . 2 1
A. a. 228. Sturgeon, . mouth and feelers of (acipenser sturio, L.) 2 1
A. a. 229. Lump-fish, . maxillary and labial teeth of (cyclopterus
. lumpus). ■ . . • . 21
A. a. 235. Conger-eel, . . maxillary and vomerine teeth of (rnurena
conger, L.) . . . 2 1
A. a. 236. Wolf-fish, . maxillary and palatine teeth of (anarrhicas
tupv.s, L.) . . . . . . . 2 1
A. a. 240. Codfish, . head and teeth of (gadus morrhua). J .S .
A. 0 . 244. Holybutt, . . . tongue of ( pleuronectes hippoglossus, L.). 2 1
A. a. 245. Wrasse, . teeth of (labrus tinea’, L.). J. H. • •
A. a. 246. Wrasse, . teeth of (labrus tincce) dry. .
A. a. 248. Salmon, . teeth of. . . • ■ • 2 2
A. a. 249. Pike, . teeth of (esor Zucius). J. H.
A. a. 256. Cuttlefish, . mouth and part of oesophagus of (sepia
loligo, L.) . . . . . 2 2
A. 0.257. Cuttlefish, . lips and bill of (sepia officinalis). 2 2
A. o. 258. Cuttlefish, . bill of (sepia octopus). 2 2
A. o. 259. Cuttlefish bills, . found in stomach of a balana rostrata. 2 2