E. b. 972. Heron, . . osteology of (ardea major, L.). J. H.
E. b. 973. Albatross, ■ . . bones ofthe wing of (diomedea exulans,L.).J .11. •
E. b. 974. Peacock, . tendons from the leg of, ossified to a great
extent. J. H.
E. b. 975. Guinea-fowl, . . skeleton of, showing black periosteum.
Brooks’s museum. J. H.
E. b. 1015. Gecko lizzard, , suckers on the ends of the toes of. J. H.
E, b. 1020. Rattlesnake, . . vertebrae and ribs of separated (crot.
horridus). J. H. . .
E. b. 1021, Rattlesnake, . . abdominal locomotive muscles of. J . H.
E. b. 1070. Gar-pike, . bones of (esox belone) ; green coloured. J .S .
E. b. 1071. Sturgeon, . a piece of cartilage from (acipenser
sturio.'). J.S. ••
E. b. 1072. Shark, . . a piece of cartilage from. J. S.
E. b. 1073. Dog-fish, . a section of the spine of (sq. canic.). J .S .
E. b. 1074. Frog-fish, . a section of the spine of (loph. piscat.) 128
E. b. 1075. Frog-fish, . a section of the spine of, showing the
elastic inter-vertebral substance. 128
E. b. 1076. Hollybut, . articulation of the scapular fins of (pleuron.
hippoglossiis.) . . . 129
E. b. 1077. Frog-fish, . abdominal muscles of (loph. piscat. L.). 129
E. b. 1078. Lump-fish, . . sucker of (cyclopterus lumpus, L.). 129
E. b. 1079. Remora, . sucker of (echineus remora'). 129
E. b. 1130. Cuttlefish,' . . homy lamina from the back of (sepia
loligo). . . . . . 130
E. b. 1131. Cuttlefish, . . bone from the back of (sepia officinalis). 130
E. b. 1132. Cuttlefish, . . tentacula of (sepia officinalis). J. H.
E. b. 1133. Cuttlefish, . . tentaeulum of (sepia loligo). . . 130
E. b. 1134. Crab, . new shell of, soft and pliable. 130
E. b. 1135. Cray-fish, joints of the claw of (cancer astacus, L .), 130
E. b. 1136. Leech, . sucker of (hirudo officinalis, L.). J. H.
E. b. 1137. Bivalve, . shell of, softened by acid. J .S .
E. b. 1138. Oyster, . pearly concretions inside the shell of. J .S
E. b. 1139. Oyster, . spring-hinge-joint, and muscle of. J, S.
E. b. 1140. Mussel-fish, . spring-joint, and closing muscle of. J. S.
E. c. 1209. Human foetus,
teeth of: membranes of pulps injected. JH. .
E. c. 1210. ■---------milk-teeth,
fangs of, absorbed. J. S. .
E. c. 1211. --------- milk-teeth,
fang3 of, partially absorbed. J. S. . •
E. c. 1212. --------- ■ teeth,
cavities of, demonstrated. J. S. :
E. c. 1213. i---------teeth,
sections of—bone charred by burning; enamel
white after the process. J. S.
E. c. 1215—1391. 201
E. c. 1215. Human teeth, . dug out of the ruins of .Herculaneum. J. S.
E. c. 1216. See E. o, 21, 22, a preparations showing the teeth in foetal life,
23,24, .25, 26, 5 childhood, manhood, and old age. J . S.
E. c. 1217. Human lower jaw, showing the changes produced in the alveoli,
by the falling out of the teeth.
E. c. 1250. Macaque monkey, head of, showing the teeth (simia cynomolgus).
J. H. . . . . . .
E. c. 1251. Capuchin monkey,
E. c. 1262. Dog, : .
E. c. 1263. Dog,
E, c. 1264. Tiger,. .
E. c. 1292. Rabbit,
E. c. 1293. Hare,
E. c. 1294. Marmot,
E. c. 1295. Rat,
E. c. 1324. Ornithorynchus, .
E. c. 1350. Horse,
E. c. 1351’ Foetal foal,
E. c. 1352. Horse,
E. c. 1353. Elephant,
E. c. 1354. Elephant’s tusk, .
E. c. 1355. Hippopotamus,
E. c. 1356. Wild boar,
E. c. 1357. Babiroussa,
E. c. 1358. Rhinoceros,
E. c. 1370. Foetal calf,
E. c. 1384. Seal,
E. c. 1385. Walrus’s tooth,
E. c. 1390. Spermaceti whale,
head of, showing the teeth (simia capu-
cina, L.). J. S. . . . . . .
teeth of, in situ—one side exposed by dissection.
J. S.. . . . , -
teeth of, removed from the jaw. J. S
canine teeth of (felis tigris, L.). J. S.
teeth of (lepus cuniculus, L.) in situ : one
side exposed by dissection. J. S. .
teeth of (lepus timidus, L). J. S.
incisor teeth of : course and position shown.
SeeE. a. 217. J. H.
teeth of (mus rattus, L.). J. S. .
teeth of (ornith. paradoxus). See A. a. 64.
J. H. . .........................................
several sections of teeth of, showing arrangement
of enamel, &c. J. S.
teeth of, in situ; capsules, nerves, arteries,
&c.'shown. J. H. . . .
teeth of, all shown in situ, by removal of
lamina of jaw-bone. J. S. . .
grinder of (elephas Indicus). J. S.
two beautiful sections of (elephas Afric.). J. S. .
tooth of—three sections of (hippop. amphi-
bius, L.). J. S. .
several teeth of ( sms scrofa, L.). J. S.
teeth of. See E. a. 254. J .S .
teeth of (rhinoceros Indicus, Cuv.). J .S .
teeth of : the membranous sacs injected.
J. H.......................................................................
teeth of. See E. a 333. to 336. .
a section of (trichecus rosmarus'). See also
E. a. 339. J. S. .
tooth of T(physeter macrocephalus, L .), a
section of. J. S.
teeth of delphinus E. c. 1391. Porpoise, phocana, L.). J. II.