Bthalbes. 5. S o len .— Razor-shell.
1. Solen siliqua,
2. Solen vagina,
3. Solen ensis,
4. Solen legumen,
pod razor-shell,
the sheath,
the sword,
peas pod.
1. Tellina caneellata,
2. Tellina radiata,
3. Tellina jerroensis,
6 . T e l l in a .—Tellen.
cancellated tellen,
rainbow tellen,
carnation tellen.
7. C a r d ium .—Cockle.
1. Cardium echinatum,
2. Cardium edule, ,
3. Cardium levigatum,
thorny cockle,
common cockle,
smooth cockle.
8 . M a c t r a .—Mactra.
1. Mactra stuit orum,
2. Mactra so Lida,
3. Mactra Listeri,
4. Mactra lutraria,
simpleton’s mactra.
strong mactra.
Lister’s mactra.
large mactra.
9. D onax.—Wedge shell.
1. Banù.r trunculus, . yellow wedge-shell.
10. Ven u s.—Venus.
1. Venus dione,
2. Venus Islandica,
3. Venus mercenariu,
4. Venus,gallina,
prickly-mouthed Venus.
Icelandic' Venus,
money Venus,
hen Venus.
Britain, &c.
South America.
Britain, &C.
Britain, &c.
Britain, &c.
Britain, &c.
South America.
. Britain, &c.
. North America.
. Britain, &c.
tîtbalbes. 11. S pondylus.—Thorny oyster.
1. Spondylus, T—--------- ?
12. C hama.—Clamp, or Clam.
1. Chama gigas,
2. Chama hippopus,
3. Chama cor,
. giant chama.
. spotted chama.
. heart chama.
. Amboyna.
. Ibid.
. Britain, &c.
13. Arca.—Ark.
1. Arca Note, . . Noah’s ark.
2. Arca nucleus, . silvery ark.
3. Arca navicularis, . boat-ark,
Britain, &c,
St. Domingo.
14. O str ea .—Oyster.
1. Ostrea edulis, . common oyster. . . Britain, &c.
2. Ostrea lineata, . lineated Oyster. . . Ibid.
15, P e c te n .— Scallop.
1. Pecten maximus,
2. Pecten pleuronectes,
3. Pecten var-ius,
greatest scallop,
sole scallop,
various scallop.
. Britain, &c.
. Amboyna.
. Britain, &e.
in A n o m ia .— Anomia.
1. Anomia ephippium. . orbicularj anomia. . Britain, &c.
17. M y t il u s ,— Muscle.
1. Mytilus lithoph'agus,
2. Mytilus aristatus,
3. Mytilus edulis,
burrowing muscle,
cross-beaked muscle,
common muscle.
. E. & W. Indies.
. Senegal.
. Britain, &c.
2 F