D. b. 304. The choroid, injected weyiteh oqfu aicnk osixl,v eerx h: ibthiteinyg atrhee vveersys ellasr goef atnhde numerous.— J. H.
of Dan. bo.x .3 05T. hTe hpe uipriisl, ips utprailn,s avnedrs ecliyli aorvya pl,r owceitshs erse goufl tahre, edyee
fined margins.—J. S.
InsD d.r obm. 3e0d7a.r iuTsh) es hanowatno miny towfo t hsee cetiyoen so.f aA dlrl otmhee dtuarnyic (sc, awmieth- cthoelo luern os,f tchilei atrayp eptruomce siss eas ,d eireips, b&luce. .a—reJ .d eSm. onstrated. The theD e. ybe. o3f0 8a. dTrohme evditarreyo, ussh ohwuminog utrh ea nimd phryeassloioidn sm meamdbe roanne t hoef antDer. ibo.r 3p1a0r.t oAf ltahteemra lb vyi etwhe o cf itlhiaer ye yper oocf eas sderso.m^-eJd. aHry. {camel, dhruommoeudr.) aenxdh ilbenitsin, gi na lsli ttuh.e— tuJn. iHcs., together with the vitreous
preDp.a rba.t i3o1n1 .g iTvehse ae syied e ovfi eaw Linlatom tah e{ cinatmereilours oGf ltahme ae)y. e, Twhitihs ablilt etdh ei nc othaetsir, ncahtaumrable rpsl,a caensd.— hJu. mHo.urs, preserved and exhiat
D31. 1b,. e3x1h2ib. itTinhge tchoeu cnitleiarprya rptr oocf ethssee es,y eir iosf, tphuep Lill,a &mca. —shJo. wHn. cesDse. sb .o f3 t2h8e. eTyhei so fp are hpoarrsaet.i onT shheo wpus ptihle i si rais tarnadns cvielriasery o pvraol,
witDh. ab .s i3n3g0le. fAri nvgieew i ni nthtoe tcheen tbrea cokf iptsa rutp opfe rt hmea crgavini.t—y Jo.f Sa. htionrts eo’fs geryeee n: .—thJe. cHo.lour of the tapetum is blue, with a light
opeDn.i nbg. 3f3o7rm. eTdh eb ye ytheelimds iso fs ma alsle a: l th(eprheo caar e vnitou leiyneal)a. shTesh e: tmhureceo uosr fmoeumr lbarragnee hlainirisn go ctchuep yli dths ei sp olafc ae bolfa cekyeisbhr ocwolso u: rt,h—e
D. b. 338. The eye of a seal, demonstrated in two sectJi.o nHs.. tThhee esnutpraenricoer sohfo twhse thope titch icnkenrveess, otofg tehteh esrc lweriothti ct hceo awt, haitned- lcoonlogu rceidli atrayp eptruomce sosfe st,h ea ncdh otrhoeid .r etTichuel aitnefde rimoru secxuhliabri tfsib trhees of the iris.—J. H.
pesDse. b{.d e3l4p3h.i nAus spihdoec-vcieenwa) .o f tBhey ian tevreiortri coafl tihnec iesiyoen otfh rao puogrh- tmhaed sec lemroatnicif, escth, ortooigde, tahnedr rwetiitnha , tahlel thvietsreeo tuusn ichsu mhaovuer baenedn shpyiarliotsi.d— mJe. mHb.iane, which have been rendered opaque by the
rioDr .p abr. t3 4o4f . tThhee s ecyleer ootfic a, pcohropreosisde, (adnedl prhe. tpinhao ch.)a.v eT hbee eann treemceonvtreadl
e: , tshues pheynadlso itdh em leemnsb. ranTeh, e haanpgpirnoga cfhr oomf tthhee rfeotrianma eton theD c. irbc. u3m4f5e.r eTnhcee ocfo rtnheea , leirniss , isa nedv idceilnita royn pornoec essisdees. oJf. tHhe• eoyne t hoef ap opsotreprieosrs es.u rTfahcee coorfn tehae i si rtirsa niss vveerrsye lyb laocvka l: : tthhee puuvpeial fporromcess sae st raarne slvoenrgs,e a nsdli tb eoaf uati fusellmy ilruengaurl ars. hapJe. H: .the ciliary
shoDw. ibn.g 3t4h6e. thAi cskencetisosn ooff tthhee secylee rooft aic p coorpate saste t{hdee lbpahc. kp hpoacr.t), and the fatty, fibrous texture which surrounds the entrance
of Dth.e bo. p3t4ic7 ,n Terhvee .e—yeJl.i dSs. of a porpesse {delph. phoc.). They areD s.m bo. o3t4h8, .w Aith poruetp acirlaiateio, na nsdh opwerinmga ntheen talyn aotopmeny,— oJf .t hHe. eye othf ea irwish, atlhee {cdoelrpnheian, us& dci. odaoren ).a ll Tehxeh ibscitleedro.—ticJ, . tSh.e choroid, whDal.e b {. b3a4le9e.n aA r ovsetrrya tap)e.r feIctt shporewpsa rtahtaiot nt heo fs cthleer oteiyc ec ooaft ias oopf tgirce ante trhveic, kinne rsusn; nthinagt itthsr osutrguhc tuitr, e isis efnibvreoluosp e; da nidn tah aftib trhoe- fmaottvye dte xtot ugriev.e aA v iepwor toiof nth oef stihzee osifd iets ocfh tahme beeyres ;h basu tb iene nsu rceh
a manner as to preserve the cornea.—Presented by Mr. M.
DaDn.i ebl.l e3—51J.. SA. back view of the iris, cornea, and ciliary prohceasss
ebse ienn thdee teayceh eodf aa nwdh atuler n{ebdal eeansaid reo tsotr asthao)w. thTeh e tacphoetruomid lhuicbiidt uitms ,c aonndti nthueit yc oonvjeurn cthtiev ac ohranse ab. eeTnh es ol edniss,s ewchteidch a sa ptpoe eaxrs
asut rtfhaec ebs.o—ttoPmre osef nthteed bboyt tMle,r i.s M sm. JaDll aannidel lv.—eryJ . cSo.nvex on both preDse. rbv.e d3 6i0n. sTpihreit ss colefr otutircp, eanntdin ceo. rnTeah eo f eayne eaisg lere, mdraierkda abnldy ltahreg ec o: rinte ias, hwehmeirsep ah erriincga l opfo lsotnergi oprllayt,e asn ids icnytleirnpdorsiceadl btoewtwaerdens tnheen clea,y eforsrm os fa thsme aslcleler raontitce rcioora th. emTihspeh ceorern-—eaJ, . bSy. its promipoDste.
rbio. r3ly6,1 . isA t hsienc taionnd obfl tuhiseh e y: et hoef acnh oeraogilde .a nTdh ep escctleenro tairce, tshheo wlenn s: :t hteh eh yaanltoeirdio mr aenmgblrea noef atnhde vpietrcetoeuns ahpupmrooaucrh seusp vpeorryt
near the posterior surface of the lens.—J. S.