very tall man. The neck has totally disappeared ; a large
heap of osseous matter has been deposited around the margins
of the fracture, and particularly in the situation of the trochanter
minor. The surfaces of contact between the head
and shaft, have sunk down considerably on the latter, the trochanter
major standing completely above the joint. There is
no union whatever.
*E. a. 577. The right os femoris of a man, exhibiting an
instance of complete re-union of a fracture of the neck. The
neck is somewhat shortened and laid more transversely than
natural: but the ossific bond of union is strong and compact,
and accompanied with little deformity or superfluity of callus.
The fracture has been of that variety termed impacted.
#E. a. 578. Fracture of the neck of the femur of the right
side, in a female, followed by ossific union: there is no shortening
of the neck; but it is thrown down to a perfect right
angle hy the impaction of the inferior margin of the neck
into the cancelli between the trochanters. Additional strength
is imparted to the union by the deposition of ossific matter
all around. The femur is otherwise diseased; and at its inferior
extremity is covered by numerous exostoses.
*E. a. 579. Fracture of the neck of a left femur, involving a
part of both trochanters. The re-union is by perfeot and
strong bone; and the only deformity a sinking of the head and
neck below the level of the trochanter major.
*E. a. 580. Fracture of the left os femoris of a man, close
under the trochanters, firmly united by bone: the lower
fragment projects forwards and makes a tumor in the groin :
the upper part of the shaft stands outwards.
*E. a. 381. Fracture of the femur below the trochanters,
perfectly re-united, but with the usual deformity of shortening
and eversion.
*E. a. 582. Oblique fracture of the femur below the trochanters,
The shaft is elevated and thrown to the inside of
the upper piece, which makes a projection towards the outer
and anterior part of the thigh: there is considerable shortening
and rotation of the limb outwards. The union is firm,
though very unseemly.
*E. a. 583. Remarkable specimen of comminuted fracture
of the upper part of the thigh bone. The neck is broken off
close to the trochanters; and these latter, are both detached,
and thrown up to encircle, as it were, the neck. The injury
is evidently recent, and must have been the result of great
*E. a. 584. A wet preparation, of a compound fracture of
the lower part of the femur. A piece of muscle has got entangled
between the broken fragments, preventing their perfect
*E. a. 585. A beautiful preparation (bottle) of a section of
an os femoris, fractured at its centre and re-united. There
is great overlapping: the pieces are united side by side, and
rounded off at the most projecting points : the hard, central
ridge, formed by the apposition of the outer tables of the
fragments, is nearly absorbed, and the cellular texture of the
medullary canal, re-established.
#E. a. 586. Another specimen of the same nature, and very
like the foregoing, as to the seat of the fraeture, and the
nature of the deformity, but in which a similar advancement
towards the original form of the bone, had scarcely been attained.
#E. a. 587. Fracture of the shaft of the femur, a little below
its centre, in which there had been a failure of union. Some
ossific matter has been thrown out on the surfaces of the
broken extremities, but none in the interspace between them.
#E. a. 588. A fine wet preparation of a fracture of the
femur of an adult, «between the middle and lower third,
which terminated in a false joint. The superior fragment lies
on the fore-part of the inferior fragment, for at least three