the right side. In this related by Professor Kircbays ein, tthhea ts eocfo nadn voolldu mbee gogf atrh-ew oDmuabn
llionw Hedo sppeitrafol rRateepdo trhtse, ao epsioepchea gouf sb oanned wwhoiucnhd ehda dth bee iernre sgwulaalr
saortre rKyi rabty ’tsh eC oplloeicntito no.f its contact with that tube#-ProfesrigBh.
t tch. y3r3o5id. Tarhtiesr iperse. paTrahteio inn fsehrioowr st hiyrrreogiudl atariktieess oinri bgiont hf rtohme tlhyein ga rtienr iiat s inansocmenitn aotna tahned arnutnersi our pp atrot othf eth eth tyrraocihde ag, laanndd, cwhheeorteo mity m buesetn hpaevref obrmeeend woonu nthdee di nhdaidv itdhuea lo tpheer atsiuobnj eocf tt raof
esuxctehr nirarle gcualraortiitdy,. bTuhte csruopsesreiso rt hthey creonidtr ea riosfe st haes ucsruyaclo f-rtohmyr othide tmroedmubcreadn ein— llayriynngg portoecmisye.l—y Jo.n H th.e spot where the knife is inartBer.
i ecs. . 33T6.h eA s uppreerpioarr aatinodn iinnf erwiohri chho ltdh etrhee iar rue stuharle ep othsyitriooind; tahrete rthiai ridn,n oomr imnaitdad, lea nthdy aroscide nadss ito nis t hcea llferdo,n ta orifs etsh ef rotrmac htheea to Ben. tce.r 3in3t7o. tThhee m aidrmdl eo flo ab ec ohfil tdh ein t hwyrhoicidh tghlea nrda.d—iaJl. aSr.tery tiat kaensa ostroigmino sferos mb yth ae alaxrigllea rbyr.a ncInh witist hc otuhres eu olnvaerr athrtee reylb :o wit jtohiennt , asfusurnmisehse si tsa ussuupaelr fpiocisaitliios nv, olaanad n eaasr liyt pasa sslaersg teh ea sw trhiset tuhlen apra, lman do fw thheic hh abnyd afnoramstso mthoes isnugp ewrfiitchi atlh pisa llmatatre ra rcvhe.s—seJl .Sin. andB .l ycm. 3p4h1a.t icAs omfo thste shuacncde sasnfdu lf oinrjeeacrtmio. nT ohfe t haert berlioeosd a vree srseedls, tSheev evreailn sly, mwphhicaht icasre a sphpoewarn oenv ethn et ob athcek foinfg tehres ehnadnsd, aanrde bfoluree.
aanrmd pirnejseecrtveedd iwni tah boqtutlicek#s-iJlv. eHr.. The preparation is dried of Bth.e e .h a3n4d2 .w Aith squucciceksssifluvle irn. jecTthioen c oafp itlhlaer iaerst eroife st haen ds uvrfeaicnes cairael lsyh uonwdne rt oth eg rneaaitl sa, davraen ctaogmep ;l ettheley tcoopvse oref dth we ifthin sgmerasl le csopnefvuollluyt
eddi svteesnsdeelsd, wanitdh tahlle t hqeu iclakrsgilev esru.b-cutaneous trunks are fittTehde fhoar ndm aokfin ga ay oupnregp aeramtiaocnia toedf tshuibs jekcitn di.s tThhee bfeoslt
ilnogw.i ngA wviellr y beti gfhotu nldig aatu resa tsihsfoaucltdo ryb e mbooduen d oaf ropurnodc etehde
fore-arm a little below the wrist, with compresses under it
pboefsoer eo f asntdo pbpeinhgin udp o cno mthpel eitnetleyr oaslsl epoausss asgpea cthesro, ufgorh tthhee pvuesrqseulisc
k: sail vteurb es hcoauplda blteh eonf bheo ldinintrgo dau cceodn saindder asbelceu rceodl umin nt hoef rtoad aianly aortfe trhye bsemloawll tvhees slieglas.t ureT,h we itqhu tihcke slielvasetr pioss snibolwe itnoj ubrye pgoreuarte dra ipnitdoi ttyh ea ntud bfeil,l heevledr ys laarntteirnyg layn, dw vheeinn iint twheil lh falonwd :w tihthe itnhjee cdtoiorsnu mma ayp bpee akrn mowodne troa thelayv efi slluecdc. eeHdoetd wwahteenr sthheo uvledin ns oown wbeh ipcohu arered toon b teh ec ahreafnudl lyso s carsa ptoe dl ooofsf einn tohred ecru tthicalte tahned s unbaisles,
vqeusesnetl sd rmyianyg boef thcoem cuptliest,e a.n d Tthhee ehxahnibdi tsiohno uolfd t hneo wsu bbceu etxanpeooseuds taos ait cmurarye nbte o nfe dcreys saairry, wfriotmh tthime etu tboe t ismtiell tion athded raa dliitatll ea rmteoryre, mquaiyc kbseil vreear diinly caasscee ratnayin eodf tihne t hvees pserolsg raepsps eoafr dermyipntgy,, awsh tihche tvhees shealsn db eics ocmoem epvleetreyl yd daryy m, aomrep auntadt imonor oef v iits mibaley. beA pse rsfooormn eads pablioevde t oth teh ew rciustt isnu rtfhaec es ittoe opfr etvheen lti gtahteu reex, uadnadti oan c eomf eqnut iacpkseixlvtreerm,
witiheisc ho fw tihlle b be olniekse loyr toso omcec usrm farlol mo ptheen incagns cienl ltahteedir evxicciinenittyl.
y aSnsewaleinr gth ew apxu rpiso sae . coTnvheen wiehnot lec eims nenotw a ntod bwe iilml smufefritsheed
dinri ecdl efalers hs piisr intos to ofn tluyr ppreensteirnvee, db byu tth ree nodpeerreadti torna nosfp warheincth, yaneldl otwhe c qouloicukr—silavletro gine tthheer vmesaskeilns gm oandee toof athppe emaro osft ab beraiulltiiafunlt aanndat oinmstirsut citsi vcea peaxbhlieb iotifo pnrso douf cvinags.c ul-aJ.r Han.astomosis that the takBin. gc . o2r4ig3i.n Tfhroem a rmth eo bf raacnh iaadl ualbt oshuot wminidgw tahye bueltnwaer eanr tethrye falxeixlolar manudsc leelsb oowf t h: ei nfo rdee-sacremn.d—inJg. Sit. lies superficial to the injBec. tec.d ,3 4sh4o. wAin pgr tehpea rraatdiioanl borfa nthche faosr eit- aarpmp rwoaitchh eths eth aer twerriisets, ttuhranti nbgo nreo.—unJd. tSh.e radius to be applied to the back part of of Bth. ec .h i3p4 5a.n dA p seulvcicse. ssfAull li nthjeec btiroann cohfe st hfreo mar ttehreie osr iagnidn ovfe tihnes iinnf ethrieo rt hhisgehm aorrerh ionijdeaclt eddo wann dto dthemato onfs tthraet aenda.—stoJm. oHtica magna B. c. 346. An unusual irregularity of the femoral artery.