other, and free from any pressure it may be made taod amssixutmuree a onfy sfeorrumm, tohro uagdhe pitss. buBlky iunn tdheer gsooelse noof tchhea nfgooe.t oAf t hster uLcltaumrea .o fS tehee Dsa.m ee. 8n9a2tu.—reJ e. xHis.ts theE a. bdomb. in8a5l6 . pAar ieptoerst ioofn ao fd reolmasetidca royr {cyaemlleolw, dlriogmamede.)n.t Afr om tbhreo asdid sehse aent do fl otwhiesr pstarrutc otufr eth ceo vaebrdso am ceonn osifd tehreab alne imexatle, nbt uotf issk ionf agnreda tmesuts cdleenss, itayn dto wapaprdesa rtsh eto p ubbee as. mIot dliiefisc abteiotwn eoenf tthhee subE-.c utanbe. o8u6s0 .c eAll upliaerc eti sosfu ete.—ndJo.n H t.aken from among the musrcalensg
eodf tihneto b naucmk eorfo au sw, hnaalrer o: wit acpoonnseisutrso soefs p, abraolulenld ftiborgeest haerr
absyu ntrdaenrs avnedrs ed rifeibdr,i lblseec.o mTeh setsreo nagp aonnde ufrleoxtiicb lbea lnikdes, twwihneen, asnlidt faos r sau vcahr ieatrye omf apduer puossee so.—f Jb.y St.he inhabitants of Greenland, muEr.i na) bto. 8s6h6o. wA t hdei sgserecatito dne ovfe ltohpee mmeunst colef st hoofs ea cboantn e(cvteesdp ert. Twhiteh stmhael l asnitzeer ioofr tehxet reeymei,t iaens,d othveer garneayt owthiderths oinf tthhee ebxotdeyr.
nalE a. uditob.r y9 7c0an. aTl haere odse mhuomnestrria otef da inbi rthde, sphroewpainragt itohne. —aiJr .Hca.vity ifnro imts tcheen tlruen, gasn.—d Jth. eS .orifice by which this cavity receives air theE u. nderb .s u1r0f1a5c.e oAf ltihzez atrode s{ gbeyc kwo hliecvhis )t,h teo asnhiomwa lt hise esnuacbkleerds on toof rrouonm usp, itnh ep usmrsouoitt ho fs fulirefsa caensd ooft hwearl lisn, soerc tasc wrohsisc hth ceo cnesitliitnugtes bitrsi mfo—oda.c tsT ahse thaep pparrinactuipsl—e ao f saonf t,e xhohlaluoswte cdu rpe,c ewivitehr , coirrc luilkaer ma opiisetceen eodf slteaateth teor thwei thsu raf ascteri nogf ai ns toitns ec; eanntdre a sa aptptleimedp tisn toa paduhlle roef f mthoer ele faitrhmelry, , byso a wctiilnl gth oen s tuhcek esrtrsi nogf, t hoen ltyo ecsa upsree sietr vtoe itthse baondimy athl fer ommo sfta ldlienpge nbdye intst opwarnt. graBvyit ya, pwahretinc umlaorv einxge rwtiiotnh osuf cmceusssciloens,, sito caans-, thoo wmeovvere, adleotnagc hw aitnhd rraep-iadpitpyl ya intds sfaefeet tyin. E. b. 1074. A section of a portion of the spine ofJ .a Hfr.og- tfhiseh b{oldopiehs. opfis tchaet ovreirutse)b rtaoe —shoJ.w H th. e cavities formed between E. b. 1075. A section of the spine of a frog-fish, showing
tfhoerm eelda sbtyic thgee laaptipnoosuisti osnu bosf tathnec ev ecrtoenbtraaien,e da ndin otnh ew hciacvhi tdiees
penEd. the br.a p1i0d7 a6n. dA e apsrye pmaroatitoionns sohfo twhein bgo tdhye. —beJa. uHti.ful mechanpisomgl
.b)y a rweh jiocihn ethde t op etchteo rsacla pfiunlsa eo:f athne e hlaosltliycb buatg { pisl eiunrtoenrp. ohsiepd- between the radii of the fin and the scapula, to both of which
it iEs .b ounbd. 1b0y7 7a. fiAbr opuiesc cea posfu tlhe.e— aJb. dHom. inal muscles of a frog- ffiisbhre {sl,o apnhd. ptihsec antuomr.)b esrh oofw tihneg ttehned isnhoourst nbeasns dosf b tyh ew mhicuhsc tuhleayr
areE i.n tersbe. ct1e0d7.8—. JT.h He .sucker of a lump-fish {cyclopterus lumpus). Tthhee tahpopraaxra. tusB yis iitn, tthhee f oarnmim oafl a i sf lasta,i do vtaol- d bisek ,a bpllaec teod autntadcehr iwtsoeullfd sob rfeiarmk loyf ft ot hreo cbkosd, yth oaft tahney aanttiemmaplt 'sr attoh erp utlhla nit loaowsaeyn tahned hheoaldd s ooff tlhuem psu-fciksher .b einFgis, hfeorumnden asdpheearkin go ft oth teh es urcokcekrss, from which the bodies have been torn away and devoured by
shaEr.k s.—bJ. . 1H07.9. The sucker of a sucker-fish {echeneis remora). iTt hies aopf paanr aotuvas l ifno rtmhi,s afnisdh aibs opulta coende tahti rtdh et htoep l eonfg tthhe ohfe atdh e; rwimho lcea paanbimlea ol.f apItp liys isnugr riotsuenldf ecdlo bseyl ya tbor othaed ,s luorofsaec,e moon vwehabiclhe iptl aist epsl aocre ldam. inWae,i thhaivni nthgi se arcihm aa frree et weod greo,w ws hoicfh c iasr tfiilnaegliyn oseurs
rsaetde ds o:’ atsh etose b prliantge st haerme cfalpata,b laet othf eb ewinilgl roafi stehde uapn imora dl,e tphreerse
tbheeisneg tpweoc urloiawrs m ouf spcllaetse os na trhe e ssekpualrla atedda pmteedr efloyr bthya at pthuirnp opsaer :
toirtidoenr tohfa tc baretiinlagg seh, oartnedr ,. aeraec thh umsa dyi vgiadiend ,a nm ionsctr eparsoebda bdleyg,r eine odfe gfrierme noef sms, usscou alasr tofo rbcee .capable of bearing a more intense spaBcye mvoeiadn os f oafi rt haess ien pal actuepsp tihnegr eg lisa sas )v ianc uthuem f oflolromweidn g( vmiza.n a
ntheer. caTrthilea geixntoeurns apl laritmes bleyiinngg cfllaots ealrye afoprpcliibeldy troa isaendy uspu,r fcaocne,
swehqiulee ntthlye psroerdruacteindg e idngteerss tiocfe st hweh ipclha tbeesc,o mthee seol emvaatniyo nv abceuina g; toanccte toaf fceocntetidn,u ree tiani nth aa ts upfofsicitiieonnt, h aoildde do fb tyh et hseu bpsrteasnscuere i no fc othne
surrounding water, without any continuance of muscular ex