lar opening which charges it again thmroauyg bhe tsweeon a ipne rittsu rseusp—ertihoer pfiarsrtt a; apnads sdaigse
ilneftot dthesec eanddjoiningi nago rctoa mwphaicrthm ceonnt,d uthcets sietc cohnide ftlhy et oo rtihfeic ve ioscfe trhae; tfhroem o ththeer af osrmmaelrl,e ra lnodd gdeis crehcaerigveess oitn layg athine ibnltooo tdh ese mnto iunttho oitf tchoern epru. lmTohnea ryth iardrt evreyn twrichuiclahr alroidsegse fmroamy biets seuepnp ebry atnudrn ilenfgt rpoaurnt do ft hteh ep rehpeaarrat,t ioann d: iat pisp esaitrus atleodn-g aetr thaen dle fmt oarned mpousstceuriloarr itsh athn aeti tohfe rt hoef tphuel mfoornmaerry. auTrihcele bolno oidts w whaicyh f rfoilmls tthheis lucnavgist y: tvhaelv easp e; ratunrde ctlhorsoe utgoh i t wish itchhe aipt efrltouwres oifn eixsi t g(uianrddiceadt ebdy btyw oa abolarctak— btrhiset lter)u ncokn wduhcitcihn gfu trhneis hbelos otdh ein tcoa rtohtei drsi,g haxt idlleasrcieesn dainndg iolifa tchse. coTmhepraer tamree nlitks ewwhisiec hn ualmloewro uosf as mmaultlu haol lienst eirnm tihxet usreep toaf theI tb lroeosdu ltcso nftraoimne tdh iisn athrreasneg ceamveitniet so.f the heart that the corlpuonrgeas
l thvreonuoguhs bthloeo tdw ios fdirissttr idbeustcerdib echdi elfoldyg etos , thleef tv iascoerrtaa aanndd tphurlomuognha rtyh ea rttehriyrd; anodr tphoast tethrieo rb locoodm pfraormtm tehnet luisn gpsr poapseslilnegd tthaieln acned a leoxntrge mthieti erisg. ht Tahoerrtea aisn dl eistss rianmteifrimcaixtitounrse too ft hthee h epaudl,
mspoenciaersy oafn rdep ctiolrep tohraenal i nb ltohoed t uinrt lteh ed ecsacvriitbieesd oaft tBh.e5 h. e2a2r0t .—in Jth.Sis. aftBer. db.i s2te2n5s. ioTnh ea nhde ahratr doefn ainn ga lilnig saptoirri,t si nwjeecrtee dc.u t Iotpse cna vsoit ieass t2o2 4e xish iebqitu tahlleyir aipnptelircioarb. le Ttoh et hdise—scrJi.p tIiIo.n given of the heart ThBe .h eb.a r2t2 i6s . coTmhep ohseeadr to of ft wa o cahuarmiceleleso nan d(l aocneer tvae ncthriacmlee.l eTonh)e. caluer i;c alensd atore t hlaer gseid ea nodf pealacche da laatr gthee suinpupse ris p caortn noefc ttheed vwehnitcrih
rwehceicivhe sr etthuern b tlhoeo db looof dt hfero mbo dthye aenrdec ttoilneg tuoen g: uteh ed itswchoa rvgeei nist fdriormec ttlhye i notrog atnh isd upreincug litahre rseusebrsvidoeirn wceh eonf stuhdadt ecnolyn gaebssttiroanc tbeyd wcohmicphl iisthse edl.o ngTahteio vne, natnridc lper oist utrsiiaonng iunl acra tacnhdi nmgu isncsuelcatrs. is Tahce
nluencgks toa rteh et wsaoc irnu mn u: mthbee rc aenllds oexf twenhdic ho nt heeaych a rseid feo rfmroemd tahree polygonal ; they are small near the neck, gradually become
leanrdg ehra tvoew aalrmdso stth dei smapidpdelaer eodf tihne tlhuen gf,o ramnadt ioant tohfe opnoes tlearrigoer
meBm. bbr.a n2o2u7s. vTehseic hlee.a—rt Jo. fI Ta. boa-constrictor dissected and dispcolamyepda.
r tmTenhtes haeraer ttw iso mauorriec lseism apnled tohnaen vienn tthriec lael.l igTathoer . rigIhtst athueri clleef tw whhicihch r eicse itvhees rtehsee rbvlooior do ffr otmha tth fero bmo dthye i sl ulanrggse r: tthheainr wfleaslhlsy a frieb rtihllisne awnhdi cthra fnosrpma raenn te xinte nthsiev ein itrerresgpualcaers i nbteetrwlaeceenm tehnet arallt eosv etrh teh eo nien taeurrniacll e sfurrofmac eth :e ao tmheemr brTahneo ufso rpma rtoitfi othne s evpenatornic
tleh ei sle tfht atht aonf ao nc otnhee trhieg hbta ssied eo,f awnhdi cthh er issuersf aac elist tloef hwighhicehr aorfe m fluastcteunlaerd fbiberfeosr ew ahnicdh b eexhhinibdi t: iint tihse f oinrmteerido ro af am laurlgtietu mdea sosf foinnee ifsa spcliaccueldi. bTehfoer ec aavnidty a ilsi tdtliev ibdeelod win tthoe towtoh elro d: gtehse,s eo fl wodhgicehs aroreu s sfeopraarmatiendu lab ya nad fpuarrtthiteiro nc owmhpilceht eliys dpeefrifcoireantte do nb tyh en urimghet
sciadteio, nw thherroeu gah s mito: otthhe woipdeen ihnoglse oefs tthabel iasuhreics leas f areree icno tmhem buansie
loofd tghee. veTnhtrriecele aarntedr ibeos tht alkeea d oirnigtoin thfreo mpo sthteer iovre notrr icsluep,—ertihoer ptou ltmheo nriagryh t acroterrnye ra nnfd ittsw boa asoer t: seth ;e alol riogfi nw ohfi cthh ea rpeu almttaocnhaerdy athrtee rayn tiesr iothr alot dwghe,i cahn da pips efuarrsn imshoesdt wtoi thth ae dleofut b;l ei tv laelavdes w fhroicmh ilse fts haoowrtan ivs ecrlyo spel atoin tlhye i nri gthhet spidree poafr tahteio fno r: mtehre, aonridg ionp opfo sthitee tbheel opnagsss apgrein ocfip caollmy mtou nthicea taionnte rbioert wloedegne thaned lopdregseesn t: s iat aplesro
fbeyc tt hvea lovtuhlearr tmwoou vtehs: stehlse aonridg ilne aodfs t hoeu tr iogfh tth aeo prtoas itse rcioorn cloedalgeed. a hTehaer tc aosu rtshei,s ,t hmenu,s to bfe t haes fbolloloowd st h; rforuomgh b tohteh cbaovdityi easn odf l usuncghs iwt hisi crhe caefivteerd bienitnog t hmei xpeods tietr iiosr dloisdcghea rogfe dth, ei nv epnatrritc lien, tof rtohme rinig htht ea osretpat,u man dto inb ep atrrta niss mtriattnesdm iinttteod t hthe rmouoguhth tsh eo fo pthenei nlegfst aruonrt ain aton do npeu lamt oan ashryo rta rdteisrtya.n ceT hbee yotwnod tahoer tasep exsu obfs ethqeu henetalryt avnesds efolsr mis as hsoinwgnle i np opsrteepriaorra taioonrt aB. . bT. h2i2s9 c.—oaJli.t ioHn. of the two B. b. 228. The heart of a rattlesnake (crotalis horridus).