5 9 8 INDEX,
F . b. 315. Urethra, stricture of, with abscesses ... 462
F. 5. 316. Urethra, stricture of, with abscess and rectal fistula 463
F. b. 317. Urethra, stricture of 463
F. b. 318. Urethra, stricture of ... 463
|IHS ^ S |h|| F. b. 319. Urethra, rupture of, from stricture 464
F. b. 320. Urethra, inflammation and sloughing of 464
F. b. 321. Urethra, stricture of, transverse section 464
F. b. 322. Bladder, disease of, from stricture at orifice 464
F. b. 323. Urethra, rupture of the upper surface of 465
F. 5.324. Urethra, rupture of 466
F. b. 325. Bladder and ureters of a pig, dilatation of 468
*F. 6. 326. Urethra, stricture of ... 468
*F. b. 327. Urethra, long stricture of » . 469
*F. b. 328. Urethra, ... stricture of, with false passages 469
*F. b. 329. Urethra, general disease of ... 469
*F. b. 330. Urethra, stricture of, with false passage 469
l l Ä f t s p *F. b. 331. Urethra, stricture of ..." 469
*F. b. 332. Urethra, ... general narrowing of ... 469
*F. b. 333. Urethra, stricture of, with false passage 469
*F. b. 334. Urethra, general contraction and disease of 470
F. b. 335. Urethra, stricture of ... 470
F. b. 3501 to 350«. Specimens of urinary calculi, with analysis of each 470
F. b. 360. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of ... 473
F. b. 361. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of 473
F. b. 362. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of ... 473
F. b. 363. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of ... 474
F. b. 364. Tunica vaginalis and chord, hydrocele of 474
F. b. 365. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of ... 474
F. b. 366. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of— sac bilocular 474
F. b. 367. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of 474
F. b. 368. Epididymis, small cyst connected to 474
F. b. 369. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of each, (cast) 474
F. b. 370. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of each, with inguinal herniæ 475
F. b. 371. Tunica vaginalis, acute inflammation of 475
F. b. 372. Tunica vaginalis, peculiar disease of, the result of hydrocele 475
jnjkylf moKgEl F. b. 3721. Tunica vaginalis, 372 drawing of 477 *F. b. 373. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of ... 477
*F. b. 374. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of . . . 477
*F. b. 375. Tunica vaginalis, hydrocele of 477
*F. b. 376. Tunica vaginalis, general adhesion of ... 477
*F. b. 377. Tunica vaginalis, remarkable thickening of 477
F . b. 390. Spermatic chord, varicocele of 477
F . b. 391. Spermatic chord, varicocele of 477
F . b. 400. Testicle, effects of acute inflammation on 478
F . b. 401. Testicle, effects of acute inflammation on 47.8
F . b. 402. Testicle, scrofulous disease of 478
F . b. 403. Testicle, scrofulous disease of 479
F. b. 404. Testicle, tubercles in substance of 479
F . b. 405. Testicle, tubercle in substance of 479
F. b. 406. Testicle, tubercle in substance of 479
F . b. 407. Testicle, tubercles in substance of 479
F . b. 408. Testicle, scrofulous disease of 479
F . b. 409. Testicle, scrofulous disease of 480
F . 5. 410. Testicle, fungus of ... . 48.0
F. b. 411. Testicle, fungus of '... 481
F. b. 412. Testicle, fungus of (cast) 481
F , b. 413. Testicle fungus of (cast) 481
F . b. 414. Testicle, chronic enlargement of 481
F. b. 415. Testicle, chronic enlargement of 481
F . b. 416. Testicle, scrofulous tubercles in 481
*F. b. 417. Testicle, scrofulous tubercles in 48,1
*F. b. 418. Fas deferens, scrofulous disease of 481
*F. b. 419. Testicle, fungus of, .(.cast) 482
*F. b. 420. Testicle, fungus of each, (cast) — 482
F. b. 435. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 482
f . b . 436. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 482
F. b. 437. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 483
F. b. 438. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 483
F. b. 439. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 484
F . b. 440. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 484
F . b. 441. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 484
*F. b. 442. Testicle, fungus hæmatodes of 485
*F. b. 443. Vesiculæ séminales, scrofulous disease of ... 486
*F. b. 444. Scrotum, cancer of ... 486
*F. b. 445. Scrotum, cancer of 486
F . b. 450. Testicle of a wild boar, scrofulous tubercle in 486
F. b. 465. Penis, cancer of 486
F, b. 466, Penis, cancer of 483
F. b. 467. Penis, cancer of 486
F. b. 468, Penis, cancer of 487