posed in longitudinal r a pyloric muscle, and uagns ea ebxrhuipbti tcinhgan mgaen iyn gthlaen dduislparoosriitfioicne so f: tshmea rlul ginstee smtianrek. tThhee lpirneep aorfa tdioenm iasr cbaetaiuotni fublelytw ineejenc tietd .a—ndJ .t hSe. renAt . sbtr. u4c7tu7r. eTs heinst eprrienpga rianttioo nth ies cinomtenpdoesidti oton sohfo twh et hsteo mdiaffceh
porfe av itouurtslley. (intejsetcutdeod ,m hya dsa sb.)e eAn psoo rdtiiosnse, cttaekde na sf rotom eax hstiobmit athche several strata of mucous, muscular, and peritoneal tunics.
A. b. 487. The stomach of an alligator : the oesophaJg. eSal. eaxndtr epmyliotyr ici so rnifeicaer s tahree cploysleolryu sa p: paro xceimntartaeld t,e nanddo nth eo nb ueligtihnegr surAfa. cbe. 4g8iv8e.s Tohrieg ione tsoo pthheag fuibs,r esst oomf tahceh ,m aunsdc ual apro crotiaotn.— oJf. thHe. mduaocdhe nisu mn eoafr lya ycoirucnugla ar l:l igaa ttoenr:d o(lna ciesr tpal aaclleidg aotonr .)e atchhe ssitdoe
frrooums bwirhdisc,h (tsheee mA.u sbc 4u1la8r. )f imbraeksi nragd iaast e ina s thine ms oamne a pcaprrnoiavcoh
toof bthired sa rpraunrgeleym egnrat noivfo rteonuds o: n thaen do emsoupshcaleg eailn athned gpiyzlzoarridc loartifteicre se xacreee ndeinagr lyea ncahr rootwhe. r ; Tthhee sfoprlmeeenr bise isnhgo wvenr yh awnigdien,g t haet tshues pbeancdke do fb tyh eth per eapttaarcahtimone n; t aonf di tsth ed ugcat llt ob ltahded deur ordeemnauimns. A. b. 489. The stomach and intestines of a chameleJo. nH :. t(hlaroceurgtah ocuhta mneealerolyn .u) ntihfeo rmca: ntahle isst ovmerayc hs hpoorsts,e sasneds tihtse twhiicdkth
estsati nceoda tsb l:u eth, ep ienrtheasptisn ebsy atrhee c coonltorraicntge dm iant tseerv eerxatlr apcltaecde s,f raonmd half digested flies with which the whole canal is fJi.l leHd.. (crAo.t abli. s5 h0o0r. rTidhues ) sttohme aocehso pahnadg uisn ties svtienreys woifd ea, rtahtet lestsonmakaec h: mcaunsacl uilsa r,n oant de qthuea li nttoe stthinaets osfh othrte : bothdey eonft irteh el eanngitmha lo f: tthhee tvhaelv es moaf ltlh ien tpeysltoinreu si si st hprroowmni ninetnot |l otzheen mgeu cshoaups emd efmolbdrsa, nea nodf iosf uthnee qpuoailsloyn t-hfaicnkg si nw deirfefe rfeonutn pdl aclyeisn.g , Tinh rtehee ocf atvhiety loafr gtehset recAtu. mb.. —50J1.. ST. he stomach of a rattlesnake, dissected and ionp elnoendg i:t u(dcirnoatl. fhoolrdrsi.d .) Tthhee mduucctos usfr omme mthbera nleiv eisr adnisdp ogsaeldl
sbmlaadldl eirn teasrtei neshs,o wanft etor hoapveinn gi nptoa stsheed tchormoumgehn ctehme esnut bostfa nthcee of Aa . gbl.a n5d2u5l.a rT hbeo dsyto, mthaec hp aanncdr esapsl.e—enJ .o fH a. scate. (raja batis.) Ibtr aisn ep aisrt iasmllyo odtihv idaendd inwthoi ttew oli kpeo rttihoants o: f thteh ein teorensaolp hmageums,
taunddi nfaolr mrusg, sein : ththee calirndei aocf pdoeumcha,r csaetvioenra lb eptrwoemeinn etnhte loonegsoipevhiadgeunst.
anTdh es tosmpalecehn isis deaftitnaecdh e; dt htaot atth eth ec parydlioarcu s pios rltiitotnle. A. b. 526. The stomach and intestinal canal of a dogJ-f. isHh., (csoqnusatlruicst ecda nniecaurl utsh)e ipnyjelocrteuds— : ittsh em usctoomusa cmhe misb roabnleo nigs , glaannd
dcaunlaarl oafn tdh ev ianstceusltianre : faro mbe tahueti fpuyll osrpuisr atlo vtahlev ea ntruasv, ecrsoems ptehne
msauticnogu sf omr etmheb rasnheo rotnveesrs a onf e txhtee ngduetd b syu rthfaec ee.—xpJa.n sHio.n of the rayA, . (br.a 5ja2 7t.o rTpheed os)t ofmilalecdh awnidth i nptleassttienra l: cthanea ol eosfo pahna geules catrnidc sptyolmoraucsh ifso rmmu cohn e ncaornrotiwnuedo u:s thaenrde eaqrue anlloy cdaielacatel da ptupbeen d: agthees aattt atchhem deunotds enouf mth e: tohvei diunctetss tiante st haer es isdheos rto fa nthde w cidloea. caT ahree shoAw. nb .i n5 3th5.e Tprheep asrtaotmioanc.—h aJn. dH .pancreatic gland of a sturgoef
otnh e: s(aamcipe ewnsiedrt hs t;u rtihoe.)r e Tish en oo emsoaprkh agbuestw aenedn tshteomm,a cehx ceapret tah ceh afonrgme eirn btheein gc hbaeraacutteifru ollfy trheet imcuulactoeuds, mwehmilsbtr atnhea,t tohfa tt hoef lcaotntesrtr iisc tsiomno onteha ra nthde w pityhloourut sr,u gasned o rt hveil lia p: etrhtuerree lise aad imnga riknetdo tvhaelv de.u odTehneu mw iids ev eernyt rannacrero wof atnhde bpoaunncrdeeadt icw idtuhc ta icnitroc utlhaer duAod. ebn. u5m36 n. eTarh eth set opmylaocrhu sa nisd mduaodde eenvuimde ontf. —a fJr.o gH-f.ish (loph. pgilsacnadtu.)l airn j; etchteed m: uthcoe usc ofaotlsl icolef st haer e stnoummaecrho uasr, e ltahrgicek, aanndd npreoamrlyin eenqtu ;a lt hdei moeenssoipohnasg uthsr oaungdh osutotm ; atchhe fpoarmss aognee intutob et hoef dduagoedse.n—umJ. His . very narrow ; there are two duodenal appentinAe
.o bf. a5 l3u7m. pT hfies hs:t o(mcyacclho,p tderuuosd elunmalp uasp.p) etnhdea sgteosm aacnhd iisn tpeysramidal
and contracted about the middle ; its coats are trans