}■ 1 206 F. b. 135—208.
F. ft. 135. Negro,
1. H F. b. 148. Green monkey, . penis, bladder, musculi compressores ven®
. prepuce and glans of ; the mucous membrane
black. J. H. . . ,
F -6.149. Satyr, . . penis, bladder, &c. of i 11 (simia satyrus, L.). 133 F. 6. 150. Monjcey, . male genital organs of. J. S.
dorsalis penis, $cc. oijsimia.sabaa, K ). 133
F. 6. 151. Monkeys, . two urinary bladders of. 133
F. b. 160. Bear, . penis, bladder, and vesiculae seminales of
(ursm ctos). J. H.
F. b. 161. Wolf, . testicle of (canis lupus), J. H.
F. b. 162. Panther, . penis, bladder, &c. of (felis pardus). . 133 I lil F. b. 163. Dog,. . . prostate gland of (canis familiaris). 133
F. b. 164. Dog, . penis and_urinary bladder of, dried. J . S.
F. b. 165. Badger, . penis and bladder of ; bone in penis (ursus
meles):. J, H.
F. b. 166. Cat, . penis and bladder of (felis catus). 134
F b, 167. Wolf, ,. . penis, bladder, and musculi compressores
ven® dorsalis .penis of (canis lupus)•
J. H , . ...................................................
F. b. 180.. Opossum, . prostate gland of .(didelphis Virgineana). 134
F., b. 181. Opossum, . testicle; of (didelphis Virgineana). J. S.
F. b. 182. Opossum, . penis of (didelphis Virgineana). J S. .
F.. 6. 183. Porcupine, . penis and bladder of (histrïx cristata). 134
F. b. 184. Hare, . penis and bladder of (lepus timidus),. 134
F-. b. 185. Squirrell, . penis and bladder of (saurus vulgaris). 134
F. b. 186. Cavy,. . testicles of (cavia. paca). . . - - ’ 134
F, b. 187. Agouti,, . testicles of (mus aguti). J. H.
F. b. 188. Kat, . male genital organs of (mus rattus-, -L.)„' . 134
F., b. 189. Hedge-hog, . male genital and urinary organs of (erinac.
■ Europe)* : . . . 134
F. b. .19,5. Horse. . vesiculse seminales, &c. of (equuscaballüsf 135
F . b. 19.6. Hprse, . . part of the. penis of, showing its structure. 135
F. 6. 197. Horse, . penis of, injected with wax. J.- S. .
F, b. 19.8. Horse, . , . . cavernous structure of the penis of, exhrbited.
J. H. . . . . .
F* b. 20.0 . Calf, . . testicle, and tunica vaginalis of. 136
F. b. 206. Seal,- . testicle, and tunica vaginalis otf phoca mtu-
lina):. J, H. . . . .
F. b. 207. Seal,
, penis, and musculi compressores vense dorsalis.
of. . - 135
F. b. 208. Seal, . section of the penis of, showing its. venous
structure. . , . , 135
F. b. 211. Whale,, . . . testicle of (delphinus dioden, H.). 135
F, b. 212. Whale, . prepuce from the penis of, stuffed. 135
F. b. 213. Porpoise, . prepuce of (delphinus phoctcna). 135
F. b. 224. Sparrow, . testicles of, in the month of December. 135
F. b. 225. Sparrow, . testicles of, in the month of January. 135
F. ft. 226. Sparrow, , . testicles of, in the month of February. 135
F. b. 227. Hawk, . penis and cloaca of (faleo peregrinus).
J,; Hi: . . • • •
F. b. 228. Ostrich, , . penis and cloaca of (struthio camelus). 136
F. b. 229. Ostrich j . testicle of (struthio camelus).
F. b. 230, Duck, . penis ofJjmas boschus, L.).
F. ft. 240. Tqrtoise, , . penis of, injected. 136
F. b. 241. Tortoise, . penis, bladder, testicles.of, &e, 136
F. b. 242. Turtle, . penis, bladder, and cloaca of (testudo
my das):, . 136
F. b. 245, Alligator, . penis of, &&. (lacerta alligator). .
F. b. 247. Rattlesnake, . , , penis of (cmtalus horridus), . , 136
F. b. 248, Rattlesnake, . . penis and prepuce of; prepuce inverted. 136
F» b. 249. Rattlesnake, .. , testicle of (crotalus horridus). 137
F. b. 250. Snake. . penis of. J ,S . , ,
F, b. 260. Ray, . kidneys, vasa’deferentia, and cloaca of (raja
batis)• . . • . . . 137
jgg b. 261. Ray, . testicle and epididymis of. J. H.
F. ft. 262. Angel-shark, . . testicles, penis, and cloaca of ( squahis
squatina). . . . . . 137
F. ft, 270, Cuttlefish, . male organs of (sepia loligo). J. H. .
F. ft. 271. Cuttlefish, . . male genital organs of (sepia officinalis).
J.H.. .........................................
F. c. 290. Female, . pelvic viscera of, in situ : had borne children. 137
F. c. 291. Female-, . pelvic viscera of, in situ : never pregnant 137
F. c. 292. Female, . pelvic viscera of, in situ : aged 1 2 years. 137
F. c, 293. Female*, . uterus of, detached : a virgin. 137
F. c. 294. Female, . uterus and external parts of: a virgin. . 138
F. c. 295. Human foetus, . uterus and external parts of, at birth. J. S.
F, c. 296. ----------foetus, . membranes of, prepared to show the vesicula
umbiKcalis. Donor, Dr, Robert
Shekleton. J. H. . . .
F. c. 300. -----------uterus, . impregnated in the 1 st month. • 138
R c. 302. ----------uterus, . impregnated—3rd month. 138