D. b. 430. A posterior ray. The iris is dissected sdegowmne ntto oshf otwh ei tes yec oonft iannu ietyle cwtriitch tbhlea nccheo troo idc,i liaanrdy pthroec aebssseesn.c—e Jo.f Ha.ny thing bearing a resemshaDrk.
.b . T4h3e1 .p rTehpea rastciloenr,o ctiocn csiosatitn gan odf cthoernsee at woof tthune icesy,e iso tfh ea omnolyn thresl.i—c oJf. tHh.e eye of a shark, macerated in water for several orgDa.n bi.s 4s3m6a. llT, haen de yceo nsoifd ear abglayr -fplaikttee ne(des oinx tbhcel oannet)e. ro-pTohse- twerhiaotr ldikiree ctthioant o: ft hthee c sokleoluert oonf, th(see es cEle. roa.t ic6 9is2 .g)r—eeJn.i sHh., somearrDan.
gbe. m43e7n.t Tohfe tehyee oofp ati cm nuellrevte ,( manudg ili ctse pchoaulrusse) . tTowhea rpdlas ittehde tshcele rpoutipci li s csihrcouwlanr.. -—TJh. eS .cornea is flat, the iris silvery white, lucDiu.s )b.. T4h3e8 .s cTlehreo tpico sctoeraito irs cseagrtmileangti noof uths:e t ehyee c ohfo rao ipdi kceo n(seissotxs aonf tihnrteeern alal mfoinrmaee—d oanf peixgtmerennatlu msil vneigryru, ma .m Aidnd olev avla sspcuolta, ra,b aonudt tohfe t shieze e onftr asinxcpee nocfe t, hper eosepntitcs intseervlfe i. nteTrhniasl lysp aott thise oliugthetre sri dine caonlaolourg tyh taon t thhee traepset toufm t hleu cbidlaucmk pinig omthenetr, aannidm malasy.— bJe.a Hr s.ome —aD p. obs. te4r3i9o.r , Tshwoow sinecgt itohnes socfle trhoet ice,y et hoef ac hpoirkoeid ,{ easnodx tlhuec iures)
tuivneaa ;, aanndd aabns eannctee roiofr c, ildiaermy opnrsotcreastisnegs. —thJe. yHe.llow iris, black ingD t.h eb . c4h4o0r.o iTdahle gelyaen do, fs au rhraodudnodcinkg { tghaed euns troaengcliefi nouf st)h, es hoopwtic
hnaervvee .b eeBn yr einndjeecretido ne,v iad emntu litni tiutsd es toruf cltaurrgee.—, dJ.i sSti.nct vessels junDct. ivba. 4is6 0s.h oTwhne ieny ef roofn at, csuutptlpelfyisihn g( stehpei ap llaoclieg ob)o. th Tofh ceo crnoena
manidlt eoyfe fliidshs e:s , ains dm paodset eervioidrleyn,t .a— gJl.a nHd.ular substance, like the to Dsh. obw. 4th6e1 . mTahgen ihteuadde , oafn ad c puottslietfiiosnh o(fs etphiea elyoeli.g o)B, pyr ethpea rreed
nmeoav, acl onojfu nthceti vian taengdu meyeenltisd sw, hthiceh scslueproptliyc tchoea t,p tlhacee i roisf, caonrd
tshheo wlenn sto, hbaev ec obneteinnu aolul s bwroiuthg htht ein stcol edroirteicc t coviaetw ; . thTeh peu ipriisl iiss ocifr ctuhlea r,v easnsedl st hoef tlheen ss calpeproetaircs, parnodt utdhionsge tahtr othueg hl aitte. ralA m feawr
gins of the lens are injected red.—J. H.
tlefDis. hb (. s4ep6i2a. oTffhicei ncaolinsj)u, nshctoiwvainl gc tohvee mrinagn noefr t ihne w ehyiec ho ift af ocrumts
a kind of anterior and posterior eye-lid, at the point where it
is cDo.n bti.n 4u6o3u.s Twhieth etyhee osfk ai nc.u—ttJle. fiHsh. (sepia officinalis) separgaatnegdl
iforno ma tt hteh eb obdayck. pTarhte oof pthtiec enyeer,v el arfgoremr sth aann tehneo rwmhooules lbaryaeinrs. ofT hweh iscihtu tahteio snc leorfo tthici si sg caonmglpioonse dis, banetdw oefe nw hthiceh townoe hFarso mbe ethne i n gpaanrgtl icount, anwuamy baenrdle stus rnfeinde ansiedrev,e sf omr iatsy ebxeh isbeietnio tno. wraadridaste, ,t oa lpl errufonrnaitneg t, hew istchl evroatriico ucso adt,e garnede se xopf aonbdl iqinu itthye, ffoorrmsuapteiorino
ro mf atrhgein roetfi nthae. puAp ilt,w goi-vpionign tteod t hvaatlv oep ehnainnggs af rkoimdn ethye- shape. The glandiform structure around the optic ganglion
is dDe.m bo. n4s6t4ra. teTdh.—e eJy. eH o. f a cuttlefish {sepia loligo) showing the delicate hyaloid membrane inside the sclerotic coat,
&cD. &. cb.. —46J5. .H A. n anterior segment of the. eye of a cuttlefish m{seepnita oofff itch.e). chFororomid b, ethhein cdi,l iamryay p rboec esseseens , thaen db tehaeu tpifouslt epriigor
hpraosm reinceeinvte cdo snovmexei trye do fin tjheec tciorins,t aaltltienme pletnesd :t ot hbee ctihliraorwy nc iirnctloe tohfe c oorrngeaan,. thVei ecwoinntgin tuhaeti opnre poaf rtahteio inri sf rwomit hb ethfoer es,c ltehreo taicb sceonacte, and the kidney-shaped form of the pupil are all severally demoDn.
s tbra. t4e6d6.—. AJ. vHa.luable preparation, exhibiting the eye of a tchuett loerfgisahn {sheapsi ab oeeffnic .c),u itn a iwtsa yp,l acsoe aosn ttoh es hhoewad .a ll Othnee tsuidneic os,f apnadrt ,c thoagmebtheersr . wTithhe t hdeo iunbteler ploasyeedr goaf nthgeli oscnl eorfo ttihce, oapt ttihce n bearvcek, aTnhde ttherem nineaigtihobno uorfi nthge gslcalnedroiftoicrm in b tohdey i riasr,e a ndtiesrtiinorcltyly, asnhdo wthne. cmoonntastcrta toefd .t haTt hme emlebnrsa nise two ibthe tsheee nc oimnjmunecdtiiavtae layr eu nadlseor tdhee
icnhtaegmubmeer;n tbs,u tw biethhoinudt tchoer nleena,s , aaq ulaerogues chhuammobuerr, moar ya nbtee rnioor
itsic sehdo, winn ,w inh iictsh stmhea lvl ictraerotiulas ghinuomuosu bre ids, caotn tthaein beadc. k pTahret obfr tahine
orbDit.. —b. J4.8 0H. .The eyes of a lobster {cancer gammarus). They are two in number, and placed, each, on the extremity of a