(A. a. 1—33.)
A, a. 1 . Preparation showing the situation, form, and connections of the
pharynx, at the age of thirteen. . . 13
A. a. 2 . Tongue and salivary glands of an adult. . . . . . 13
A. a. 3. Tongue of an adult, right lateral half injected. . . . 14
A. a. 4 . Tongue of an adult, completely injected.— Professor Kirby’s
Collection. . . . . . • '
A. a. 5. Tongue of an infant, in je c te d Professor Kirby’s Collection. ••
A. a. 6, Palate and gums of an infant, injected.—Professor Kirby’s Collection. ..
A. a. 12. Monkey, . tongue of, uninjected (simia sabosa, L .). 14
A. a. 13. Monkey, , tongue of. J. S. . . .
A. a. 14. Monkey, : . face of (simia flavescens L.). 14
A. a. 24. Young lion, . tongue of (felis leo, L.) 14
A. a. 25, Pull-grown lioness, . tongue of. . . . . . 14
A. a. 26, Dog, . tongue of (canis familiaris, L .). 14
A. a. 27. Dog, . mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, &c. of. 14
A. a. 28. Cat, . tongue of (felis catus, L.J) 14
A; a. 29. Jackall, . . tongue, pharynx and trachea of (canis aureus). 14
A. a. 30. Bear, full-grown, . tongue of (ursus Americanus, L.). 15
A. a. 31. Bear,young, . . tongue of (ursus Americanus) 15
A. a. 32. Wolf, . . tongue of (canis lupus, L.). J. H.
A. a. 33. Wolf, • . oesophagus of (can. lup. L.). 15
* Throughout the index, the figures in the right-hand column indicate the page
at which a more full description of the preparations will be found ; and the occurrence
of a blank in this column, opposite any particular preparation, shows that
no further notice is taken of such preparation. In such cases, and in no others, is
the name of the donor, or the initials of the Curator inserted in this part of the