cartilages form a thick brim at C. a. 22. The tongue, larynxt,h aen odp ternaicnhge ao fo tfh ae slpaoryttnexd. -cJa.vSy. a(cnadv icaa puasecsa )t.h e Tohpee neinpgig looft ttihse rgisloestt ias btoov per ethseen tv eitlusemlf paat lathtie, poCst.e rai.o 2r 3n.a rTehs.e— laJr.y Hnx. , tongue, and trachea of a hedge-hog t(herei ngacloetutsi s Ewuritohp oereussp)e. ct Ttoh et haerr avnegluemm eanntd o fp otshtee rioopre nnainregs oisf theC .s aam. e2 6a.s Tinh ep rleupnagra toifo na Cre.i na-. d2e2e.r— (cJe.r vHu.s tarandus). The dceeltlasc hareed cforollmec eteadc hi nottoh ecrl,u satnedrs ,s hwohwinch t,o i nb eth pee prfreecptalrya stieopna,r aartee ainngd mdiesdtiinucmt—.—aJ .f iSn.e cellular tissue being their only connectsesCse.
sa .a 2s7m. aTllh lea rlyarnygnexa l osfa ac .r—einJ-. dSe.er (cerv. tarand.). It poshaCs
.b eae. n2 8re. mTohvee dlu fnrgosm a tnhde hleefatr tl uonf ga tfoo eetaxlh cibalift. theT hloeb pulleauterda taor reaancghe moef ntht eo fu tlhtiem aaitre crealdlsi.c lesA ocfl tuhsete br roofn ccheilalsl itsu baepsp. enTdehde cavCi.t ieas. 3o2f . thAe phoeratrito na roe fe txhhei btriatecdh eian othfe a phroerpsaer, atsihoonw.—inJg. tHhe. pmoosdteer ioinr lyw, haincdh tthhee acpaprltiiclaatgiionno oufs a rsintrgosn go lvaeyrelarp o fe tarcahn svoethrseer muCs.c ual. a3r3 f.i bAre s sfeocrt iaolnte roinf gt hthe e lucanlgib roef oaf thweh taulbe e.(—deJl.p hSi.nus adniodd othne). pleItu rias sroemlida raknadb hlye atvhyic ;k .t heA a isr tcroenllgs acraep svuelrey lsiems ablle ;
tweCe. na t. h3e4 .l uTnhge a lnadry tnhxe apnledu trraa.c—heJa. So.f a whale (delph. diod.) wdraierdds. thTeh eb loewpi-ghloolteti sl ikane da afuryntneenlo, iadn dc aarsticleangde sc roinsesi duepra btoly
aboCv. ea .t h3e5 .p oAst eproirotri oonp eonf inthge olfi nthineg mmoeumthb.r—anJe. oSf. the trachea aonf da rwuhgaolues .{—deJlp. hS. .diod.). It is white, and remarkably thick, {deClp. hai.n u3s6p. hAoc cweenta )p. reTpahrea tairoynt enoof idth eca rltairlyagnexs oafn da eppoigrplootitsies nfoerlm-s haa preemd atorkwaabrldes ptrhoeje bcltoiown- hino lteh. e Tphhaer vyanlxv,e aosfc tehned ianngt efruionr
tnhaer ebso totrle .b loTwh-eh otolen gisu ee,x hthibei ttehdy rboyi ds uasnpde nsciroicno aidt tchaer titloagpe os,f tahree oshs owhyno iïnd etsh, et hper etphayrraotiido ng.—lanJd. ,S .and a part of the trachea C. a. 37. The lung of a porpoise {delph. phoc.) injected,
and preserved in spirits. The bronchial tube is slit open to
shoCw. ath. e3 8m. uTchoeu sl umnegm borfa nae .p orJp.o iSs.e {delph. phoc.) without bceelilnsg, ianniedc teexdh. ibiItts dae mfaottnys traaptepse ntdhaeg es matatlalc hsiezde toot tthhee tahiirn-
maCrg7 ian. o8f1 .t hTeh leu ntrga.c—heJa. oHf. a swan {anas cygnus) in situ. It pmraekveiosu as tsoin gitusl aern tcroanntcoer tiinotno itnh eth ceh seustb satnadn cleu nogfs th: ea sltaeymeru ront theC s. tae.r n8u3m. Thhaes lboeweenr reexmtroevmedit yto o efx tphoes ter aitcsh weai,n dainndg st.h—e Jp.u fle.
tmreomnaitryy toisfs uthee o ft raa cpheeaac oisc kp r{opvaivdoe dc raist taittsu sb).i fuTrchaeti olonw weri tehx a ttruubee laatr ytnhxis, pthlaec see iast noafr trhoew esodu anndds doivf itdheed vionitcoe tiwn ob inrmdsæ :, tthhee boof rtdeenrssi oonf awnhdi crhe laarxea tfiuornn,i shaendd woitfh vmareiemdb rvainbersa tisounssc e: pitti blies toefr mtheed btrhoen cinhfie driioffre lra riynn fxo rmof abnirdd sd i:r etchteio nc afrrotimla gtihnoosues orti nthges ltruancghse. a, Tanhde pduilsmapopneaarry atlimssouset daose sso noont apsr ethseen ttu bthees lroebacuhla ttehde aarrrea naglseom elanrtg oebr searnvda bmleo irne tdhies tilnucntg s: tohfe m barmonmcahlii a d: ot hneo tc erullns imntaon ysu ochf ftihneem ra ompiefnic oanti otnhse ; sthurefya cteer, mwihniacthe ims othreeraebfrourpe tlpyie ; racnedd wlikineg as ,s icehvees, ta allnodw ainbgd othmee nai.r Ttoh peraes si si nntoo tdhiest ginrceta ts ecreolulss omt etmhe
brane or pleura, enveloping and insulatingthe whole lung—J .tL.
freCq.u ean. t8 4a.b lOutnieo no fi tnh ew luatnegr,s othfe a csewllsa nw {haincahs cayreg nnuas)t.u rarlflyy ltahreo-3be rhoanvceh ubse eonn rtehned einresidd ev eorfy t hdei sltuinncgt, : atnhde ttheerm oipneantiionngss oont the outer side by which the air passes into the great accessarCy.
vae. s8ic5l.e sT ahree alulln gdse moofn ast rcauterdle w J.{ sHco.lopax arquata) detached
from the body, and well washed. The cells are very
disCti.n ac.t 8an6d. Tbheea uttriafcuhl.e—a,J l.a Hry.n x and tongue ot a parrovt {( psi.t- rtaecnudse rceidn eprleauisn) .b Ty hdei smseucstciolens. —ofJ t.h He .i nferior larynx have ee,n pecCk. ear. {8p7ic. uTs hmei nlaorry).n x,T thraerceh eisa ,e xahnidb iotes dh iyno tïhdiess porte paa wraotioodn
tah sei nagnuimlaarli tyis i ne nthabe lecdo nstotr udcatirotn oouft tihtes otos nhgyuoeï dwesi,t hb yra wpihdiicthy
and force: see A. a. 135.—J. H.