oesophagus with the opening in the dromedary.—J. H. leading into the third stomach thiAs .d biv. i3si8o3n. oAf tphaer ts toomf tahceh fios ulrotnhg s atonmd ancahrr oowf a: dthroem meudcaoryu s: lmoenmgibturadninea li s rudgeævo iadt othf ec uetnidcl en e|x itt tihs et hthroirwd n cainvtioty n, uamnedr obues
ecxomtreems istmy oiost hs,o adnidla tthedic kas totow gairvdes tthhee payplpoeraursa.n cTeh eo fd auno daedndail
tioAna. l bo. r3 f8i4ft-h Aca sveictyti.o—n Jo. fH th.e fourth stomach of a dromedary, tsihoonw oinf git st hmeu tchoicuks nmesesm borfa nites. —waJl.l sH, .and the plicated condiandA
. ibn.t e3s8t5in. aAl cfaunlal-l sizoefd a p adirnotminegd aorny c: anthvea s foofrm th, es iszteo,m aancdh lreealarntievde fproosmit iaonn ionfs tpheec tisoenv eorfa lt hcios mppicatrutmree.—ntsJ .m Ha.y be readily alpAa.c cba. , 38(c6a. mTehlues filràsmt ac.a)v iptyre oser rpvaeudn cinh osfp itrhiets staonmd aschho owfi nang roensee mofb tlhanec reo wbest wofe ecne lltsh.e pTahuen cphr eopfa trhatei osnt odmeamcohn isntr tahteiss atnhie
maAl .a bn.d 3 t8h7a. t Tohf eth es edcroonmd eodra .rcye lslhedo wsnto amt aAc.h bo. f3 7th6e.— aJl.p aHc.ca. Isnam the e csotmrupcatrutrme enatn di n artrhaen gsetommenact ho fo fi tsth cee ldlsr oimt eidsa rlyik, ed tehse
criAbe. db . a3t9 388. 0A.— dJr.i eHd .preparation of the stomach of a seal : T(phheo cian tveirtiuolri nias ) birto ius gah ts iningtloe voibelwo n; g acnadv itthye w oitphe nthinicgk owfa tlhlse. adnudc th oalff tfhroem g athlle b plyadlodreurs iins tod etmheo ndsutroadteedn.u mT ahbeo cuæt counme ionfc ha seaAl,. mb. a3rk9e9d. AA. sc.e c4t8io1n, ist apkreense rfvroemd inth teh es tsoammaec cha soe.f— a J.s eHal. tahftee rm iuncjeocutsio mn.e mTbhraen me uhsigchullyar rcuogaotu iss arenmd avraksacbullya rt.h:—icJk. ;H a.nd ThAe . abn. im40a5l. fTrohme stwohmicahc ht hoifs a sptoormpaecssh. w{daesl pthaikneuns pwhoacsoe vnear.y) tyhoeu ndgi v: itshieo nm uocfo utsh es ursftaocme aics hb eainuttoif ulfloyu rr edc afvroitmie si njiesc tiwonel l: exhAi.b ibt.e d4.0—6. J.A S .dried specimen of the stomach of a whale, c(idoemlpmhuinnuics adtiioond obne)t wIetesn ethigehmt acraev iatlile ss haonwdn .t—heJ . aSp.ertures of meAm. bbr.a 4n0o7u.s Tshtoe msatocmh,a cahn do fa avne neatrgilceu. lusT hseurcec eins tuar iactruosp , ina the form of a collar around the infundibulum : neither the
oesophagus, crop, or stomach possess any evident cuticular
linAin.g b.—. 4J1.8 S. .The stomach and part of the oesophagus of a sOpna rreoawch-h saiwdek . oTf hteh ev esnttorimcuacluhs tshuecrcee nistu rai astumsa ilsl ,v efrlayt ,e vrioduenntd. tceunldaro nfi barbeosu ot ft hthee soizreg aonf ata skielv tehre pire onrniyg,i nf r:o mIn w thhiisc hre tshpee cmt tuhse
dpeavrieeltoeps eodf ttehned sitnoomusa cahn bde amr uas creusleamr bstlraunccteu rteos thoef ma ogriez zfuarlldy. A. b. 426. The oesophagus, stomach and intestinesJ .o fH a. wmaidcaew: .t he(m carcoapc elraorgs e,m tahciano, .)d iTlahtaeb loee saonpdh avgaussc uisl ars: htohret vaennd
tsrtiocmulaucsh -sluikcec ewnthueriraet uist ijso itnhsic kth aen dg igzzlaanrdd:u ltahre, agnidzz alarrdg eis annodt laanrcgee ro tfh aa nk nao bgoboyd a psipzeendd hixa zteol -tnhuet ,i nafnudn dhiabsu mluomre, tthhea na pap peaarrt
tohfe t hper oocregsasn o ffr odmig ewshtiiocnh. muMcho sats spirsotabnacbel yc oinu ltdh isb eb idredr,i vwehdi cinh fweads chvieerfyly oolnd , paanpd, hthaed bceoennd itai olno nogf- ttihme e stdoommaecsht ichaatedd baenedn cbhruainsginegd tfhroem h uthskast wanhdic hs hienll st hoef fnrautiut,r atlo stthaatet madoarep tssu iitta bfoler ifnotre tshtien ecsh yamrei fliocnagti oann do fw siothfot uatn cda edcai.g*e—stiJb. leH .materials. The ThAe .p rbe. p4a2r7a.t ioTnh seh oswtosm thaech c roopf , ag ipzzaarrrod,t an(pds iintttaecsutisn ecsi.n—erJe.u Hs.). theA s. tob.m 4a2c8h. isT mhee msbtormanaocuhs aonfd ai tsc umcuccooou s: (scuurcfauclues i sc caonvoerruesd) wiAth. fbin. e4 2s9h.o rTt hhea irssto.—mJa.c hS .of a cuccoo : the mucous surface iosp esnmeodo, thth ean idn tveirlilooru sw, aasn df illferede wfriothm t haen yd ohwainr s.a ndW whienng sfi rostf ignasveec tsto wthhiec hs uardfahceer etdh ee xatepnpseiavrealnyc teo o tfh ae cvoisactiind gm oufc huas,i rsa.n—d A. b. 436. The crop taken from an old pigeon, (colJu.m Hba.
* The death of this animal was caused by a round, firm, whitish tumor which grew in the coats of the intestine, about a foot and a half from the cloaca, and obstructed
the passage through the bowels : the part of the gut above the tumor was distended with alimentary matter in a semifluid state, and appeared thick and large—that below, which naturally is the widest part, was small, attenuated and
empty. Similar diseased tumors were found in the liver and spleen. The skeleton, also, presented a specimen of the re-union of broken bones—one thigh and tibia
having been fractured at some former period, and strongly, though not very elegantly,
repaired by irregular masses of callus.