Preparations marked thus * will be found in the Museum attached to thé
School of the College. The preparations are arranged in the same order,
and references to them are made by the same description of letters and
numbers, as in the Catalogue of the Anatomical Department, already
A. a. I. This preparation exhibits extensive destruction of
the glims, loosening of the teeth, and a large circular hole in
the cheek ; the result of the ulcerative and sloughing process
attendant on cancrum oris. The patient—an ill-fed child,
eight years old, died of the fever attendant on the disease.—
Professor Todd.
A. a. 2. Drawing of the face of a girl, set. three, who died of
gangrena oris. After recovering from scarlatina, the child
was much emaciated, and had tumid abdomen with diarrhoea.
Sloughing and ulceration of the gums of the right upper jaw,
set in. Gangrenous inflammation of the cheek followed; and
before death, which occurred within the week, the right eyelid,
half the nose, and upper lip, and a great part of the