1 he size of the cavity, are regulated by muscualnadr cthoantt roafc tthioen e.n—trJa.n cHe. leading thereto {UCm.a xa .a 1te9r1).. TTheh erree sips iara tsoirnyg lea pcpaavriatytu usn doef r tah eg anredcekn, wsliutgh oonfe t hoep oerngianng. -w—hJi.c Hh .may be noticed a little to the right side
artCer.i aal.i z1in9g4. thTeh ibsl oporedp ainra otinoen ogfi tvhees gaa vsiteewro poof dtohues omrgoallnu sfcoar ibnrhanacbhitiianeg fothrme wtwatoe r,l othneg wsehreileks (obfu tcrcainnsuvme rusen dalatmumin)a. e, Tohnee loafr gthee, tshhee lol,t haenrd s mtoa lwl,h wichhi cthh ea rwe actoern cise acloendd uuncdteedr tbhye am maregmin
ibnr atnhoeu ssh teulbl.e—, Ja. pHro.longation of the cloak, lodged in a groove
theC .n aar.r o1w9 5d. eeAp gmrouorevxe isnh ewllh, ic{hm uthreex rescsporirpaitoo)r, y sthuobwei nigs lodged.—J. H.
areQ f.oxut.r 2la0r0g.e Tphlaet egsi,l lst woof au nscdaelrl oepa c(phe schteenll minasxiidme utsh)e. cTlhoearke, lcoonmgp aoxsiesd ooff tah es eprliaetse so f: pthaera ltlreuln kvse sosfe ltsh ersuen vneinsgse lasc, raorstse rtihael achnida e.v enTohues, mruonu thal oins ga ltshoe sfuixrerodu natdteadc hmbye nftos uor f ttrhiaen bgrualnar
ppelarhteasp, ss,t rtiop ethd ew pituhr pvoessseesl so lfi kree stphier abtriaonnc.h iaTe,h aensde cgoinlltsr ibaruet inexg,
poopseend.— toJ .t hHe. action of the water, at all times that the shell is
larCge. ap. e2c0ti1n.a teTdh pel agtiellss, osfi tuaant eody sitnesri de{o stthree a cleodaukli,s )f. ixeFdo buyr iosn oe pmenaergdi,n c, ofnrsetei tubtye tthhee orethsepri,r aatonrdy saepepn aarsa tsuoso^n- Ja.s Hth.e shell rumC.) . a. F2o02u.r sTmhea llg iglillsl so lfi ea afrroeushn-dw tahtee rm mouutshs,e ll ik{ue nliiop sp;i catnod- tawnoim aolt.h—erJ . laHrg. er pairs are placed towards the back of the
briCcu. sa .t e2r2re0s.t risT)h. e rIet scpoirnastiosrtsy oofr gtwano orfo wans oefa rstmh awllo hrmol e(sl umon- itnhteo blaitctlke— oovnael orens peiarcahto rryin vge soifc leths ep blaocdeyd :b ethneesaet hh othlees slkeiand, taunbde .a—ttaJc. hHed. by fine filaments to the sides of the intestinal
rowC .o af .m 2i2n1u.t eT ahpee rltuunregss oofr ast ilgemecaht a{, hoirnu deoa cmhe sdiidcein, afloirsm). thAe einnstirdaen coefs t htoe tshkei nr,e slpyiirnagt oprayr avlelesli ctloe st,h ew ihnitcehs tairnea ls hcoawnanl —onJ .tHhe.
haiCry. atu. f2t2s 2w. hAic hl usugr-rboauitn d{ ltuhme boripceunsi nmgsa riinn tuhse) esxhtoewrnianlg intthee
guCm.e an.t 2le2a3d. inTgh eto rtehsep irreastpoirrya toarpyp vaersaitculse s.i—n Jt.h He . sea-mouse l{iattplhe raondiimtaa l.a cuTlehaet as) ticgomnasttait,u tpelsa cae dr eamloanrgk atbhlee spidaerts ooff tthhies tbhoed yc,o eacrae, vtoe ryw lhaircghe thaned s tsiugrmroautna dleeda dw, iathre t uloftnsg o af nsdt ifcio nhiacairl,: tahned wliae teloro fsien disn far ecea vaditmy iussnidoenr bthye a snk oinp eonf itnhge nbeaacrk t,h teo twahili cohf
theG a. nai.m 2a3l0.—. AJ. Hpr.e paration showing the branch.iae of a crab s{hcaenllc e: r tmhecyen acso)n. sisTt hoefs es eovregna pnys raarme idpalal cbeodd iienss iodne tehaec hd osridsael, aotft aecahcehd p byyra tmheidir ibsa fsoersm, eadn do f frae eg raeta tth neuirm abpeirc eos f : trtahnes vbeordsye blaym winhaiec, ha tnhde ablolonogd tihse c omnavregyiends toof, eaancdh f rroumn tthhee ogrrgeaant :v esessee Als.
b. C63. 1a..— 2J4.0 H. .T he organs of respiration in tIh e star |fi s,h ,{aste- rniuam rbuebre nosf) samrea lslh, ocwynli nind rtihciasl ,p raenpda roastitoenns. iblTe hteuyb ecso nasrirsatn ogfe da ianlo tnhge tlhivei ncgen atrnei mofa lt,h ein l oitws enra stuurrfaalc eel eomf tehnet atrhme s.w Watehre, nt hseeesne tubCe.s aa. r2e 4v1e.r yT hcoe nrsepsipciuroatuosr ya nodr gbaenasu toiffu al . seaJ-. uHrc.hin {echinus eosfc thhuel ebnotudsy). forL tohneg a, bfsinoer ptteinotna coufl wa aetxeris fto ra lrle sopvierra ttihoen . suTrhfaecsee tentacula may be looked upon as the first indication of gills,
in Cb.e ian. g2s5 o0f. tAhi sv etrriyb ela.—rgJe- aHct.inea {act. anemone) showing the rWeshpeinra ttohreys et etnetnatcauclual ai na rge resaete nn uimn btheres liavbinogu t anthime alm uonudther. wbeactoemr, et heemyp tayp poer afru lllo onfg ,f lmuido vaeta btlhee, wainldl ocfo tnhtera acntiilme a: l, atnhde scloingthetnetsst, taonudc hre toifr eth, es of iansg etor cbaeucsoimnge tahlemmo stto i nsvqiusiibrtl eo.—ut Jt.h eHir. cuCl.a aa.r e2 5h1e.r eA wn aecllt ipnreeas e{arvcetidn;e fao dr iaalnththouusg).h T mhue crehs opfir tahtaotr yp ltuenmtpa-
nfuels sd uarnidn gd elilfiec ahcays obfe ceonl olousrt, winh thiceh p rreenpdaerrast itohne,m y esto t hveeirry lbeenagutthi-, forCm. , aa.n d25 p2l.i aAbinliotyth earr e vnaervieetryth eolfe sasc ctilneeaarl y{ aecxthiniebait ecde reHus§) , Hin. which the respiratory tentacula are much shorter, and finer
than those of the actinea dianthus.—J . H.