exists in the valves of the pulmonary in the aortic valves at 90. The hearat rwtearsy ,t haas t tohfa at mshidodwlne aangded h weaolmthayn.—, aJn.d H in. all other respects was perfectly natural theB s. ubp.e 9ri2o. r Tvhene a hceaavrat odfi sacnh aargdeudlt ihtusemlfa nb ys utbwjoec ttr,u innk ws hinictoh tohpee nri gclhots ea utori celaec: ht hoethsee rt rinutnok tsh aer eu popfe rn epaarrlty oefq tuhael asuizriec,l ea.n—d B. b. 93. The heart of an adult human subject, witJh. tHhe. fboerianmg enn oot vmaloe reo ptehna.n oTnhee- thapiredr tuthree ibsr evaedryth w oidf eth—et hoep evnainlvge. oBfo tthhe ahuerairctl easr ea spopueanrd ;l anrog ehri stthoarny onfa tthuera cl a;s—e.—theJ .o Hth.er parts vesBs.e lbs. 9o4f . aAn madaugnlti fihcuemnta pnr espuabrajeticotn, oinfj tehcete hde aarnt da nrde mbloovoedd
fhreoamrt tahree bfioldleyd. wTithhe b lvaecnko uinsj escytisotnem— thaen da rrteigrihatl ssiydset emof atnhde lveefsts cealsv ittiheos uagrhe dsiespteanradteedd wfriothm readll itnhjee ctoitohne.r tTexhteu rheesa rotf atnhde bsiotidoyn, whaivthe rbeesepne csto toar reaancghe do tahse rt,o apnrde steor veex thhiebiirt rtehlea tiovuet lpinoe
tohfe t hcee nbtored y: bthye itrsa mviafsiccuatliaorn ssy sotfe mth. e Tbhloeo dh-evaersts ealps peinar st hien lhuenagrts , araen dp rtehseeirrv ceodn. neTcthioen rweliatthiv teh ea nreastpoemcyti voef stidhees voefs stehles pmaosnsianrgy aurptewrya radrse wfroemll exthheib hiteeadr.t —Tthhee ccaovuar,s ea oorft tah, ea cnadr optuidl,
ibtus tipoons itoifo nit si nb rraenfecrheensc et ot oth teh ee xjtuegriuolra ar,n dv eiinnt,e raionrd o ft hthee dsiksutrlil,
itht eh aorldchs wtoh itchhe thseu bsculbacvliaavni avne ainr,t erayn fdo rimtss ,t ethrme irnealatitoionn iwn htihche Lbreaandcihnegs d oowf nthwea rdfosr efraormm , thme ahye abret, aisll thsee etnh oarat ciocn ea ngdl atnhceen. tphoen daibndgo mveiinnasl :a onretxa tw thiteh cthomeirm voins cileiraacl vberassneclhs,e sa,n adn lda sctolyrr tehse
ibnotethrn afel maonrdal se. xteTrhnea l tihlioarcasc icw itdhu cat., cionn stihdiesr aibnlset apnocret iosnu bof
pdaivinidt.e d Iitnst oc osmevmereanlc etrmuennkts ,i nh aths e bereence pintajeccutleudm w cithhy lwi, hiittes lceofut rssueb aclloavniga nth vee isnid aer eo fa tlhl es aatoisrftaac, toarnidly idtse mteormnsitnraatteiodn.— inJ .t hSei subBj.e bc.t .9 51T Theh ep huelmarot naanrdy phreianrcti paanld a.vrteeirnise sh oafv aen b aedeun lti nhjuemcteadn with yellow—the systemic heart and arteries with red wax.
tAo psahretw o ft hthee p boosnityio pna roife ttehse ocfi rtchuel acthinegs t ohragvaen sb eine nt hper ecsaevrivtye d; aclnadv iac lep oartttiaocnh eodf thhaes ubpepeenr mlefots ti nb iot§n ep loafc teh teo setxerhnibumit t wheit hex tahcet rcehleastitv. e pTohséi tidoina pohfr tahgem v hesasse lbse ienn tahles os urpeetariinoer da pteor tusrheo wof tthhee p1 assages for the transmission of the aorta and cava. J. H. culoru5m, 9i7s Timhep ehrefaecrtt .o f Ta hceh iflodl lionw winhgic his ththee sheipsttuomry voefn tthrie- cas“e Pbaytr iDckr. GSurlalviveasn, ,s eaeg eDdu tbh.r eHe oysepa. rRs, ewpoasr tsa,d vmoilt.e d5 .into the uMnedaetrh evHidoesnpti tsayl mopnt otmhes o21f sttu boef rMcualayr, c1a8v2it9i.e s iHn e thleab oluunregds aonf dt hoef hberaorntc’sh itaicst. ionT, hec ocmaspea rweda sw rietmh atrhkea bfleee fbolre nthees sv ioolfe nthcee opuf lase d aanrkd lciovliddn heusse , osfu sckhi na.s oTcchuer sf aicne ,m hoarnbduss, casnedr ufleeeuts, wfroerme mcoallofuorr mhaatdio nn ootf btheee nh ehaarbt.i tuaOl,n iannqdu iroyn liyt acpapmeea roend twhhaetn t hhise wlahboetuhreerd vuinodleenr tp eexcetorcriasle a uffseecdt ioton sp r: owdue cwe etrhee nsoatm aeb leef fteoc tl.e^arn be“si dHees dbireodn cinh ittwiso, tduabyesr acfutlearr h cisa vaidtimesi,s sainodn , ainnfdil torna tdioisns eocft itohne,
lunTghse, trhigeh ht eaaurrti cwlea sw faosu lnadr gme,a lffoorrammeedn. ”ovale closed, the fossa aonvdal ias luinneu saunadl lyh aslmf ainll ,t hbee tirnagn sovnelrys etw doir elicnteios ni.n Tthhee t rviecrutsicpaidl, vabalovuets hwaelrfe t hoef puesrufaelc ts ifzoer,m aantdio nf.u rnTishhee dp uwlmitho ntawryo asretemryil uwnaasr vthaelv leistt. le Afin dgeefri,n aendd s smitouoatthe d hboeltew eseunff itchiee nttwlyo wlaidste dtoe scardibmeidt ionpteon tihneg s,u lpepde frr opma rtth eo f ritghhet lveefnt tvriecnletr, icthler:o uthgihs tphaes sasgepe tuwmas, tlwefitc ea uarsic wlei dwea ns ss mthaaltl ,l etahdei nlegf ti nvteon ttrhiec lep uolfm tohnea rsya maret esriyze. Tanhde tThhicek anoerstas waas s tuhneu sruigalhlty, caanpda citohues ,a aonrdti cth vea dlvuecst uwse arret eprieorufescuts. dimBi.n ibs.h 9e8d. iTnh sei zhee,a brtu ot fn aont ionbflaintet rwatiethd .i mpJe. rHfe.ct septum. The ilnivfiadn ta fsteorn itosf bai rtmhe; diitc aslo ogne nrtelecmovaenr edb ecfraomme tchoisn vsutlasteed, aanndd dbuurti nnge vtehre sfuircskte ds ixs tmroonngtlhys, whaads nlaon rgeutiudr,n ionfa cstuivceh, autnteaacsky,; aanbdo unte tvheer hceoaudld w beeraer peexremrcainsee nitnly t heen lnaurgrseed ,s tahrem sf.a cTe hael vweaiynss