*C. a. 16. Larynx of a child, exhibiting the effects of acute
cynanche maligna on the mucous membrane,—Dr. Charles
*C. a. 17. A well marked specimen of the. effects .of cynanche
laryngea maligna, accompanying scarlatina,. No farther his,-
tory. of the .case is on record. The size of, the parts .would,
however, indicate that the patient. had reached adult age.
The fauces,-pharynx, and larynx are coated with lymph. The
isthmus faucium,. in particular, appears almost blocked up by
0. a. 18. Larynx of a child who died of acute pertussis;
The lining membrane is, apparently, free from any of the
effects of inflammation. The preparation has been put up
rather as a specimen of the negative than .of the positive
lesion of texture attendant on this affection.
C. a. 20. Larynx of a child aged four years, who, after
suffering feverish symptoms for a few days, was seized.with
dyspnoea, stridulous breathing, ringing, cough, and, in short, all
the signs of croup. Notwithstanding the most active treatment,
death took place on the fourth day. The larynx Was
found completely filled with purulent matter. The epiglottis,
the aryteno-epiglottidean folds,, and the mucous membrane
covering the arytenoid cartilages, are extensively ulcerated.
The margin of the lima is ragged and unequal. Several ulcer
rated points are scattered over the. surface, .beneath the above
mentioned parts, : The lining membrane was, in the. recent
state, highly inflamed, and matter could be- readily pressed
from the mucous glands. (See Dublin Medical Journal, vol.
13.) .—Dr.IHaeklei/.
0. a. 21.; Larynx of a child . exhibiting, a thickening. of its
mucous membrane from chronic inflammation.-—Idem. .
€.:a..22, Larynx; its mucous membrane thickened,.—.the
result of chronic laryngitis.
C. «.23. Acute diptheritis. The pharynx, larynx, and
trachea are coated with lymph ; . the effusion also passed down
into.the small bronchial tubes. The mucous membrane was,
in the recent state, of a very dark color, and slightly ulcerated.
From an idiotic boy who died after two days illness,—his
principal symptoms having been difficulty of breathing and of
swallowing, with typhoid fever. The gentleman who made
the post-mortem examination, got malignant pustules on his
lingers-.—/. W.-Cusack, Esq.
0. a. 2f. Larynx exhibiting an opaque membrane stretching
across its interior, a little below the inferior opening of the
gkittis. It is perforated by a hole, but not in the centre, The
mucous membrane is much thickened, and marked by a cicatrix
in one spot.
The patient was a young man, who, about a year before his
death, had an attack of laryngitis, from which he recovered,
for the time ; but died, afterwards from a recurrencé of the
disease.—./rAwu • •
C. a. 25. Extensive ulceration of the epiglottis and larynx.
History unknown.—Dr Ghetfne'.
c.>:: 26. Chronic, ulceration of the. epiglottis, with hypertrophy
of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The rimse,
and ventricles are nearly filled up by granular exoreêcencèS;
Ca s e a ; middle aged, and robust man, who never lmd had"
syphilis;, *. The disease had not existed for more than a.year
previously to his death. The dyspnoea was extreme, ai)d from
the long continuance, and violence 'of the exertions- consequent
on it, the muscles, of thé neck had become hypertrophied.
Tracheotomy .’was performed, but without sne'eess-f-«/. Wi
-Cusack, Esq. ■
,%C. a. 27. fEdema of the glottis, The aryteno-epiglottidean
folds are distended with serum, and the aperture of the larynx
is consequently harrowed. The cricoid eartilage is in a state of
exfoliation, and a small abscess, connected with it, opens into
the pharynx. .