Cj . 5. 113. A monstrous kitten.deformed; the body double, cons istTinhge ohfe tawdo ist rusninkgsl ej,o inanedd lwaciteh itto twfaoce s easts faorf eaxst rtehme iutimesb.—iliJc.u sS,. and having connected
boGdi.e sb .a n1d1 8o. n1e hhee asdk,e leptroense orvfe ad fioen taspl icraitlsf.,— cJo.n sHis.ting of two oneG .c a5l.f1, 2a0ll. thIwe oo thheera pdas,r tsg roofw winhgi chto gweetrhee rs,i nbgelleo, nagnindg ntao- tural (in spirits)—J. S.
boGrn. abl.i v1e2 3a.t tThhee f uslkl epleetroiond .o f Iat mexohnisbtirtosu tsw oca plfe, rfwechti chhe awdass, tcwheos ts,p ifnoaulr caonltuemrinosr , litmwbos ,t aoilnse, pfoeulvri ss ewtsi't ho ft wriob ss afcorraml inbgo noense, faancde ,t wanod p tohset ehrieoard sli manbds . neTckhse asrkee ldeitsotinnsc ta raen do pupnocsoendn feacctee dto • fbuuste dth. e oTthheerre paarrets tawreo mburecahs tm boornee ms, ixceodm tmoogne tthoe rb aontdh caonnimfoardls
, aatntadc hsom pelnatc efdo rl attherea lclyo,r rbeestpwoenedni ntgh er isbkse loetfo nesa,c ha.s toT ahfe
hbirnedasetr bleognse) aanrde rtihbes mneoxstt tdheev eglroopuendd, (atnhde fcoarlmf rethseti nggr eoant eistst isnh acroe nosfe qthuee ncchee ostf— ththeo csleo soep papopsirtoex aimrea stihoonr to afn tdh ei nscpoimnapll ectoe,
lbuomnenss, sinu pethrieoirrl yn,e iagnhdb otwuroh coooxdy. geTs,h eth pee ltveirsm hinasa titownos osaf ctrhael tdhoeusbel esa csrpuimnasl ycioelldusm ann, ocsl oisnenlyo maipnpaltiuemd , towgheicthhe rd. escEeancdhi nogf lmimeebtss aarned pfeorrfmecst,, aasn idn roerfdeirnriabrlye,, ae acshy,m tpoh isthise ipr urbeissp. ecTtivhee pskroealectho ncsl.o seTlyh,e a nadn taerreio jro ineexdtr etomgietitehse r obfy tah es trostnegrn luigmasm eanpt,
theT hpeo smteurisocrl easr eo fw itdheel yh esaedp,a rnateecdk., aSnede aBn.t ecr.i o3r7 lfi.mbs, were anlulm c oomf polneete s iadse ,t ob neulomnbgeerd ; reasnpde cthtiovseely a rtois itnhge fcroormre tshpeo nsdtienrg
scildese so of f tthhee cnheecskt owfe breo tmh uacnhim caolnsf ;u saendd avti cteh evierr osar.i giTnhs.e mTuhse
dsoia hpihgrha gams sn weaerrley uton itdeidv ibdye tah ec ecnatvraitly t eonfd tohne, cwhheiscth ianstcoe ntwdeod. cTeheids eddi vfirsoimon thwea ste ncdoomnp tloe teeadc hb yp ear icfaibrdroiuums ,s hmeeatk iwnhgi ctwh op rsoepc.
a r3a7t1e) .c heTshtse, meaucshc loecs cuopf iethde b ype tlhveis parnodp elro vwiescr ereax,t r(eSmeiet iBes. bwoemre aallilv pee, rfaencdt , lainvded e afsoirl ya dbeomuto ntwstroa bhleo.u rsT. hisP mreosnesntteerd w bays Dr. Poe, Cavan.—J. H.
takGe.n bf.r o1m24 o. nTe hoef pthoes tecroilourm enxst roefm thitey moof ntshtero ussp icnaallf mmaarrrkoewd tGh.e bo. th1e2r3 .s piTnhee a nree revxecs eaerdiisninggly f rsomma ltlh, awt hsiildset wthhoisceh flraoym n tehxet saindde loopwpeors ietxe,t rdeemsittiyn,e da rfeo rl atrhgee caonrdre wspeolln dfoinrmg eods. *in—nJo. mHin. atum moGn.s tbro. u1s2 5c.a lTf,h me aurrkinedar yG .b lba. d1d2e3r., pTehniiss , parnedp atreasttiiocnle sh aosf tthhee faoprpmeaatriaonnc.e oTfh oen tew toa kheanlv ferso mof aanll atnhime apla rotfs naaretu uranli,t ehde atoltghey
tah esri,n gasle i fc tahlefy; thhaodu gbhee inn dreerailviteyd tfhroeym atrhee arlels pseecgtmiveen tssid efrso mof ttwheo sdidifefse roenf tt haen ismkaellse,t ojoni n“aered jtooigneetdh.e rT ihne t hrieg hsat maned m leafntn seird aess oOff tthhee btlwadod teers trieccleeisv, edw hniecrhv easr ef reoxmh idbiiftfeedr esnetn sdpiinnga lt hseyisrt evmassa. donefee rsepnitniae , toth teh eo tshaemr eo unr etthher al,e fot neo fl atyh eo no tphpeo sriitgeh; t easicdhe, ooff fceoruernste ,c erreecberiavli ncge nntreersv.e s Tfhroem v essiycsutlegme ss ecmoinnnaelecst emd awy ibthe adlisfo
luonoikteedd, tuhpooung ha si n ntohte nusautuarla lwlya yf, owrmitehd ,v afsrao md eftehreeinr tiba eidneg
rpilvieedd , frloikme uthne- mtwatoc hseidde ste sotifc ltehse, abnladd dfreorm, wthitehi r nberevinesg fsruopm
dwihffiecrhe,n tth .osuygsthe maps.p arTenhetl ys asmineg lme,a wy aasl saott abceh esadi db yo fi ttsh ec ruprean itso, jpouibniecd binotnoe sa n baerlcohn giinn gth eto usduifafle rmenatn nsepri.n alT hceorleu mwnesr,e tbwuot kspidencet ytos wthhei cshp inoecsc uaps iethde ttheest iscalemse, arnedla wtivheo speo usriteitoenr sw einthte rreed
tahse i fb tahseey o hf atdh eb bellaodndgeerd itno thae s ainccgules tocamlfe.d pRlaucdei manedn tsm oanf ntwero, tohthe erp eklivdinse, yosn atnhde oafd aja cthenirtd s itdeesst icolfe t hwee rvee rdteisbcrearln cibolleu mnnesa r; tbhueti rf rgormow ththe hsamda lbl eaennd s tcuonmtepdr,e sasnedd tshpea cdee ivne lwophmicehn tth oefy t hlaeyir, duGct.s bi-n t1e2r6ru. ptTehde.— inJt.e Hst.inal canal of the monstrous calf, mThaerrkee da rGe . tbw. o1 2p3,e rfdercite ds taonmda cphrse:s erthveed smunadlle ri nat egsltaisnse-sc aasree. lainkde wmisaek ed iast isnincgt laen tdu bnea,t uwrahli cfho ra sfteevre rthale fueestu, awl hceonn tvhoelyu tuionnitse, andG .a lbt.e r1a3ti1o. nAs isnp esicziem, etenr omfi inmatpeesr faotr athtee aannuuss .i—n Ja. cHal.f, at the full period. During several days which the animaxl survived