rence is known by racterize the mucouths e mdeimsabprpaenaer aonfc eth oef i tlhiuem c,e l(lsse ew h7i8c5h) cahnad
tthhee ccoolmonm iesn cdeimstienngt uoisfh esdm :o otthhen elesns gbtyh wofh tiucbh et hbee tiwneteernio trh oisf poAin.t ,c a. n7d8 9th. eA o pseencintigo na tothf et haen ussm isa vlle riyn itnecstoinnsei doefr aab lep.o—rpJe.s Ss,. (ladregpeh .a pnJdi oscmj ailnl jienctteesdti naensd aervee artbeodu :t ethqeurael iisn nwoi dctæhc ;u man ;d tthhee aopnplye amraanrcke ooff tdhiset ilnocntgioitnu dbientawl efeonld tsh eomf t hies ltinhien gs umddemenb rdanise
aonf dth tee rimliuinma.t esT ahber ucputtliycl eo np athssee sm au csohuosr tc hwoariyo nu.p— tJh.e S r.ectum opAen. inc.g 7p9re1s. enTthse i tasneulfs ino ft hae fpoorrmp eosfs a( ldoenlpghit.u pdhioncaæl nfias)s u: ret hine theA .s kci. n8 :0 0th. eT rheec tusmm alella diinntges ttoin eit ios fp raens eeravgelde. —: Jth. eH .mucous vmilelmi, bbruatn eis idse vcooivde roefd vawlvituhl æv ecroyn nloivnegn, tefsin.—e Ja. nSd- thickly set
weAll . mc. a8rk0e1d. Av ilplia—rt ao fd tehger eree cotuf mde ovfe laonp meaegnlte ,o fs htohwei nmg ulcaorgues mchaolriaio. n Tnohet top rebpea rfaotuionnd isnh othwes laarlsgoe tihnet ersutidniemse onfts thoef cmoeacmal
appAe.n cd. a8g0e2s., rAed upcreedp atroa ttiwono tvoe rys esrmvea l-la sc ual s-sdpee-csiamce.—n Jo. f Ht.he lcooencga, l awpipdeen daat gethse iinr nfroecet uerxntarle mbiirtdiess ,o fa npdre yn a: rtrhoewy aarte tvheeriyr j(ustnrcixtifolanm mweitah) .-t—heJ . inHt.estine : taken from the screech-owl, shoAw. cth. e8 1lo4n. gT, hnea rrionwte sptiannaclh rceaansa ls uopfp oart ebda rinn -tdhoeo rf olfdo wolf, thteo tpheeri tsomnaelulm in tweshtiicnhe .—co(nSneeec tAs . tbo. g4e4th2e.)r— thJ.e Ht.wo first turns of shoAw. ct.h e8 1l5o.n gA, fpinoert,i oann d onfu tmhee roduuso vdielnliu mof tohfe amn uocostursic hm, emto
ibnrcahn eo. f tThhe es tboimliaarcyh .*d—uc(tSse eo pperenp i.n 4to4 3th.)e— iJn.t eHst.ine within an
Th*e smIna lal na nodst rlaicrhg ela itnetleys tdinisesse cwteedr ea at st hfoel lCowolsl.ege of Surgeons, the relative lengths of
From the stomach to the cceea, 17 feet.
TFrhoem le nthgeth cocfe ceaa ctho ctæhec ucmlo,a c2aJ, f2e8et .feet.
In the Leçons d’Anatomie Comparée, T. 3. p. 469, the Baron Cuvier has stated, that in all birds the portion of intestine between the insertion of the coeea and cloaca
is shorter than that between the coeca and stomach ; and in the tables of the comparative lengths of the large and small intestines, (p. 456) has left a blank in
the measurement opposite the ostrich’s name, showing evidently, that he was unacquainted
with the fact, that the ostrich offers astriking exception to the rule laid down by him.—J. H.
preAs.e rcv. e8d1 6in. sOpnirei tso.f tIhte i s coe2£c af eoeft loann g,o satrnicdh w iedveer rnteeda r atnhde rvoeorst etsh tahne twheid fer epea ertx,t rtehme nitayr.r owA p ocortniotinn uiso ussm ospoitrha la nvdal vdee vtoraid
opfre apnayr aptiroonje, cmtioanrks eodf twheit hm uthceo ussa mmee mnubmrabneer. gAivneost hae rv, ieaw d royf tbhye ivnafllvatei oans. —it Jl.i eHs .in the interior of the gut when distended infAla.t ecd. 8a1n7d. dAri epdo, rstihoonw ionfg tnhuem learrogues iinntteersntianle vaolfv easn, tohsitcrkiclyh hplaalcf ethde t ocigrectuhmerf,e reonccceu poyfi tnhge cbayn tahl,e airn dat ataltcehrmnaetnintsg bsoe tatesr toth agno irno utnhde cthæec usmur.f—acJe., Hbu. t not formed of a continuous valve as parAe.d cb. y8 i1n8f.l atAio np oarntido nd royfi nthge. sTmhaelrle i ins tae svtianlve uolfa arn a rorsatnrigcehm pernet
itnestetirnnea.l—ly J.d iHff.ering both from that in the coeca and large inalorep
aixn dairsqtiunactta ;) . onT hcelores e airnes pneoc tvioanlv tuhleæ scuornfancive eonfte tsh e; tmhue cvoiullsi lmele, mwbrhainties hm aliyn ebse rsuenenni ncgo vsepreirda lblyy nauromuenrdo utsh zei gtuzbage,. —paJ.r aSl.
andA .p cr.e p8a2r1e.d Ato p iescheo wo ft hsem adlilv einrttiecsutilnuem f—rotmh ea rceumraleinws, odfr itehde, tmuibsesi obny iwnthoi cthhe, cdauvriitnygo ffoe thtael g liufte ,t oth neo yuorilskh othf eth ger oewggin fgoaunnidm aadl.
ThAis. dci. v8e2rt2i.c uTluhme liasr gpea ritnicteuslatirnley loafr gae ciunr ltehwe. cuArle dwe.f—ineJd. Hlin.e tmwaor kcsoe tchae a lriem cito nbneetwcteeedn w thiteh sthmea llla tatnedr nlaeragr et hien taensutisn.e—s,J .a nHd. corAo.d ica. ).8 2T3h. e Tmhuec somusa lml ienmtebsrtainnee oisf as mspoooothn bainlld (wpliatht aoluea t vleaul
vuAlæ. cco. n8n2i4v.e nTthese ; itnhtee svtiinllai la rcea lnoanl'g o, ffi nae hanerdo nnu m(aerrdoeuas .—maJj.o Sr). tihnfel aitnetde satinnde derxiecde.e diTnhgely oneasorrpohwag uasn di s svheorryt w; itdhee acnoedc Iaol naap- •
pendages very small.—J. H.
(anAa.s cc. y8c3n1u.s ) Ai njpeicetceed .o f Tshmearlel airnet easbtuinned afnrocme oaf vwililil do ns wthane muAc.o uc.s 8s3u2r.f aAce ,p breupta nraot ivoanl viunl æpl acsotnenr ivoefn tpeasr.—is, J.s hSo.wing the f.oerm eanntdir ed imlenengstiho nosf othf eth teu bdei gfersotmiv e tthueb em oofu tthh et ow itlhde s wanauns, is preserved : the gizzard—the separate entrances of the