No. Page
21. Lymphatics on the surfaces of the stomach, liver, gall-bladder, &c. . 239
22. Lacteals, bloodvessels, nerves, &c. on a portion of jejunum. . . 239
23. Base of the brain, and origins of the nerves..................................................239
24. Parts of the brain exposed by a vertical, antero-posterior section. . 239
25. Two other vertical, antero-posterior sections of the brain. . . 240
26. A horizontal section of the brain, showing the lateral ventricles, &c. . 240
27. Two horizontal views of the brain—a superior and inferior. . . 241
28. A view of the ventricles and hemispheres, dissected from below. . 241
29. The third ventricle, commissura mollis, valve of Vieussens, &c. . 242
30. The fourth ventricle, corpora quadrigemina, calamus scriptorius, &c. 242
31. The muscles, nerves, &c. of the eye, face, and neck. . . . 242
32. The organ of hearing, magnified to four times its natural size. . . 2 4 4
33. The organ of hearing, magnified three times. . . . . 245
34. A magnified model of the labyrinth of the ear, un-opened. . . 246
35. A preparation like the preceding—showing also the aqueducts of the ear. 247
36. A similar model, with the cavities of the labyrinth open. . . . 247
37. A similar model, showing the membranous labyrinth. . . . 247
38. A magnified model of the labyrinth of the ear, fixed to a wooden handle
for the purposes of demonstration. . . . . . . 248
39. The tunics entering into the formation of the anterior half of the eye,
magnified. . . . . . . . . . . 248
40. The counterpart of the preceding, showing the tunics of the posterior half
of the organ. ................................................... . . . 248