auricle receives the venae cavthe auricular appendix is la®rg ea t aannd anngelaer lnye amr eemacbhr aonthoeurs :: avnendt rtihcele f oiss ssam oavlla, liists scoo athtsin t haisn ,t oa nbde thdeia pflheasnhoyu cso. lumTnhse irni gihtst icnotleurmionr s ffeowr tahned a tltiattclhem pernotm oifn ethnet; trthiceursep iadr ev tahlvreee, aonfd tehvoesne tThheey saerme illeusnsa rm vaarlkveeds tohfa nth eis pcuolmmmonoanr yam aorntegr yt hea rme ashmomwanl iian. tthioen poofs bitliooond w ihnitcoh t hthee vye onctrciuclpey. , wThhee nl efptr eavuerinctlien gis rtehgiunr;g itthae
avueirnicsu blyar a acpopmemndoinx o rliafircge.e : Ththee l efetn vteranntrciecl eo ifs ltahreg ep aunldmfloensahryy, tThhee caarmche ®o fc tohleu mano®rt an fuumrneirsohuess atnwdo bbrroaandc, hbeus.t— noJt. pHro.minent. lonBg abn. d1 6v1e.r yT phoei nhteeadr ta ot ft haen a palepxa :c cthae (icnatmerenlauls sluarmfaac)e. ofI tth ies irti gihst apuercictilne aitse sdm: otohteh arilgl hotv evr,e nextrcicelpet iins thpey arapmpeidnadli,x ,p wlahceerde vcoerlutimcanll yo,f acnodn saildmeroasbt lde evthoiicdk onfe scsa rneex®te ncdoslu fmronmae t: hoen ea nftleersihoyr tcoo rtdhaee tpeonsdtienreiaoer owf athlle: ttrwicou soptihde rvsa lvafef o: rtdh ea ltetfatc ahumriecnlet itso ptehce
tvieniantse da rien cthloes ea ptoexg etohnelry: ; ththee, loepfte nvinengtsr icolfe thpoes speuslsmeso nfaoruyr tmimanens etrh eb etyhoicnkdn eits, s foofr mthineg rtihgeh ta, peaxn do fp rtohjee chtes arint: ai t pios inpteerd
ffeocr tltyh es mionosethrt iionnsi doef, ththee rtee nbdeoinnsg onfo tt.h eev emn ictraarln ev®a lvceo.l umTnhaee aserclsh ooff tthhee haeoartda ganivde sa notfefr oionre etxrutrnekm, itfireosm a rweh dicehri vaelld .t—heJ .v eHs.
maBn.n ebr. a1s6 2to. Tdehme ohnesatrrta teo ft hae darnoamtoemdayr yo,f perveeseryrv peadr ti no fs uthche oprrgoajenc. tioInt ios fv tehrey lleafrtg be,e yboronadd t,h aen dri gphoti nvteednt raitc lteh.e eTnhde b yri gthhet avuernitcrliec lei,s ansdit uisa taeldl sambooovteh (eaxncteeprito ra t toth)e thaep exc oirne swpohnicdhi nga fceawva em aursec uclloi spe etcotgineathtie ra rien tfhoeu nrdig :h tt hwe aollp oefn itnhges aoufr icthlee. veTnhsee tshuircfkacnee spsr eosfe nthtse oringlyh tt wveon tfrliecsleh yi sc ionlcuomnnsisd, eroanbel ef o: ri tsa fifnotredrninagl aotft athceh manetnert iotor , tahned t epnodsotenrsi,o rb deilvoinsgioinngs otfo ththee t riucnuistpedid cvoarlnveer s; ttoh e tohteh esr efport ufimxi:n gth teh ev caolvrdea en teexntd itnoe aeth oef tphuel mpoosntearriyo ra drtievrisyi oisn not furnished with any fleshy column, the cordae tendineae
sbeeminiglu naattra cvhaelvde s too f at hfel aptu, lmsmoonoatrhy, amrtueisyc ualraer sshuorwfanc e; : thtehne- isst rluecstsu crea paancde oaursr,a nbguetm meonrte i sf levsehryy btheaanu titfhuel. riTghhet, leflt haeu rilcelfet vcaepnatrciecoleu sis ; trietsb lien ttehren atlh sicukrfnaecses iso fp ethrfee cntglyh td, evanodid iot f isc amrnoesree tchoelu mmnitarea,l tvhaelrvee .n otA b eloinngg efvienne otnene dfoonr ,t haett atecnhdeidn oounsl yc obryd st hoef eonthdesr,. is Tshtere tmchoesdt oafc rothses tlehaed icnagv ivtye sfsreolms oofn et hwe ahlle atrot tahree preserved in the preparation: the arch of the aorta is shown
to Bfu. rnb.i s1h6 b3.u tT ah issi nisg lae steructniokn.— oJf .t hHe .heart of a dromedary— r(cigahmte vl,e dnrtorimcl.e) .a sTquhea rien pteireiciael c suutr ofaucte o ifs t hsheo awntne rtioo rb we palelr ofef ctthlye smBo.o tbh. a1n6d4 .d eTvhoeid hoef aarnt yo cf aran esdee ecro lu(cmenrvsues.— eJla. pHhu.s), about tawreo smtiloln othpse'n .o ldT. heT vheen sfeo craavmsee no poevna lne eaarn de adcuhc toutsh earr,t earniods uast ian tcoo ntswidoe rdaibsltei ncatn gcleo minp atrhtme ernitgsh tb ya utrhicel e pwrohjieccht ioisn doifv idthede tiuntboe rtchuel ulomw Lero cwoemrip: atrhtem iennfte raipopr e(apross tetori olre)a dca vdai rwechtilcyh too pethnes fcoormampaernt moevnat lec;o nthdeu ctssu ptehrei obr lowohdi chin otpheen sd iirnetcot iotnh e ouf pptheer aaunrdi csualoc-cvuelantteridc ublayr tohpee npirnogje :c ttihoen aoufr icthuela rm aupspceunldi ixp eics tmlaragtie. Tanhde irtisg phot svietinotnr icolbel iiqs uteh i: ctkh eirne saureb sntoan ccaer,n eistes ccoalvuimtyn ®is esxmcaelpl,t twhhoisceh b eexlotenngdins ga ctoro tshs ef rtorimcu osnpeid s ivdael voef, tahned c aav sitoyl ittoa rtyh eb outnhdelre: tmheo uvtahl voef st hoef vtheess eplu. lmTohnea rlye fat ratuerriyc laer ies cflleossheyd adnodw pne cotyinear ttehde, aanndd iptos inatpepde nadt itxh 'ela ergxter.e mTithye : leiftst -cvaevnittryic ilse sism avlelr ya nmd udsecvuoliadr of fleshy columns. There is only one large vessel supplied
froBm. thb.e 1a6rc5h. Aof pthoer tiaoonr tao.f— thJe. Hro.ot of the aorta of a rein deer (cervus tarandus) showing a lamina of bony matter
deBp.o‘ sbi.t e1d7 6b.e tTwheee nh eiatsr tl oayf ear ss.e—al J(.p Sho. ca vitulina), preserved in scpoimriptsa, rtamriedn tpsr. epTarheed fsoorm a s otfo tehxeh ihbeita rtth ei sa nbartooamdy a nodf aslhl oirtts. bTyh e trhieg htth aicukrincelses i sa vnedr yp rmojuescctiuolna r oafn dth teh rmowunsc uinlit op epcotumchaetis: K