C. a. 91. The tongue (strutkio camelus). The toanngdu es uips ervioerry l asrhyonrxt offr oam m ablee foosrter ich ab atchkinw asredms,i launnda rb prolaatde inin t hthee t rbaancskv eprsaer td oirfe cthtieo nm : oiut tlhi,e s sluikpe
opso rhteydo idoens :a itl aism dineva ooidf ocfa rptailpaigllea e,d ebruivt ecdo vferroemd otnh eb obtohd ysu orf
gfalcoettsi dwisi tihs innu mtheer ofuosr msm oafl l a gwlaidned utlraiar nogruiflaicre ss.l it,T bhoe unridmeda mlateemrablrlayn we, itrhe mtwotoe cfraormtil aegaecsh ootrh beor naenst ecroiovrelrye,d a nwdi tmh emetuincgo uast Tanh earneg alere b neoh ivnedn, trwiciltehso iunt tehpei glaloryttnisx . or Tahrey tceonronidu a coafr ttihlaeg oess-. lhoynogid, efsl aatr em luosncgle, sta, paerriisningg, afnrodm jo itnhtee dl airny snexv,e rdael spcleancde si.n Tinwtio
maCte. conane■ c9t2io. nT whieth l tohwee sri dleasr yonfx th oef t raa cmhealae, soeset r9i2c,h 9, 3w—ithJ .Ha p. ortAiobno
uot ff ivthee i ntcrhaecsh eoaf, thaen dlo wpoerr tipoanrst ooff thboe thtr abcrhoenac,h aiadlj otuinbiensg. tthhaen i nafneyr ioort hlearr ypnaxr,t oisf twhied etur baen d: tohfe ac amrtoilraeg irnoouunsd erdi nsghsa poef pwlhieicdh t oth eisa cpha rott hise rf,o ramnedd laerses aclaspoa nbalerr oowf emr, omtioonre, cthloasne ltyh oaspe
tehlsee wtuhbeer,e ainnd tthhea ttr nacehxet aa. boTveh eis limnea rkbeedtw beye nt hthei si npsoerrttiioonn ooff ntwaror oswtr osnligp,s olaft emrauls clsete wrnioth- tirnatcehreseacl timngu stcelneds o;n sa, nwdh ibcyh tlhier eaet tchirisc uplaori nritn gin ma atrrkasn sthveer psela dceir eocft tiohne iancfreorisosr tlhaer ytunbxe, .a ndA gfiivrems aarttea cchommpelnett eto, tthhoe sber oonfc thhiea l btruobnecsh. i gToh eo,nrilny gpsa ortfi athlley tarraocuhneda lthareysne xt.u—beJs. . H.There are no proper muscles to the inferior an Co. stricah.. 9 3.T hAe drriinegd sp raerpea rautinoifno romf lya paabrot uot fo nthee ltirnaec heina of bbrree aodft ht h; et hperye paarera ftliaotnte nise dth, ea nsda menec iarct leb oththe tuebnde s:, tbhuet ciat liis
tshoem eexwthreamt mityo ren efxlatt ttehnee ds uinpe trhioer ,a nthtearno -apto stthearito ra ddjioreincitniogn thaet cdhileaatilo mn unsecalre sth aer ein vfeerriyo re lvairdyennxt . onT thhee dsriideeds, loofn gthiteu dcianratill atrgainouCs.
ringas.. —94J. . OHn.e of the lungs of an ostrich (struthio camelus) fwroemll wdihsicchha rtgheed c. apTsuhlee ahiar sc ebleles na rree mshoovwedn, taon db ea lvl etrhye labrlgoeo d; and seven or eight wide holes appear on the outer surface—
pbays wsahgiecsh, tdhier eacitrl yfi ncdosn taindumoiusssi owni tihn toth teh eb rognrecahti all attuebraels ,c ealnlsd. Tinhae bronchial tubes lose their cartilaginous rings upon entérstra1
ttuhme boofd rye do,f tthhiec klulyn gs,e bt,u ttr aancsqvueirrsee i nm sutsecaudl aar wfibelrle sm warhkiecdh aarlleu dtreadc etoa,b lien ttoh rthoeu gcho mthme ehnocleems eonnt tohfe t hoeu tlearte sruarl facceell,s . abTohvee pearecpha aras tifolens hdye amnodn astsr areteds aasl saon thorredein abrriolya d siszleipds teonfs omr uvsacglei,
neaxet efnedmeodr ifsr, oman dt hwe hriicbhs oinf tthhee ccoonrrneescptoedn dsintagt es iodfe tthoe bpea irnts
saenrdt eadl sion ttoo tbhee fciobnrotiunsu ocaups swulieths oa f ctehnet rlauln gte, nhdeoanr t,c oamnmd olinv etro, tfhunact toiofn tsh ea striduee odpiappohsirtaeg—mm.—akJi.n gH .by their attachments and injCec. ted,a i.n f1l2a1te. dT, haen dl upnrge soefrv ae dtu irnt lteu rp(teensttiundeo. myIdt aiss) hmiginhulyte ly vcaatsicounlsa rw :i tiht se caeclhls o atrhee rv^eyrFy . lSar.ge, and have free communibroCn.
cah.u s1 2i2n. rTelhaitsio pnr etop atrhaet iolunn gsh oofw tsh eth teu rdtliest. ribIut triuonns otof tthhee esixdteres maere epnedr foorfa ttehde wluitnhg h—oldeism, ibnyis hwihnigc ha st hite pcroomgrmesusneisc a:t iiotns with the air-cells is established : the holes are all much of
theC s. aam. e1 2s3iz. e Tahned tfroarcmhe.—a Jo.f Sa. turtle. It divides into two binrgan ncoh ejso i: nittss bcya rwtilhaigcihn oduilsa traintigosn foorrm ncaorrmopwlienteg coirfc tlhese, htuabve
couCl.d ab. e1 a2c4c. oTmhpel istrhaecdh.—ea J,a nSd. lungs of a turtle filled with ipdleasat eorf- othf-ep aforirsm. oTf hthise sme ocdeel luolfa rp orergpaanrast.i—onJ . cSo.nveys a good (teCst.u dao. 1m2y7d. aTs)h em atcraecrahteead , aanndd woneell owf atshhee dl.u nIghs eo fs taru tcutrutrlee abnrodn acrhraianlg teumbee ntte romf itnhaet easir -ocne ltlhse, man dar eth we emll osdheo wbyn .w—hJi.c hH t.he of Cpu. lam. o1n3a8ry. tTishseu el uwnhgics h oefx tae nsdnsa kther. ouTghh etrhee iws hoolnee lemngatshs onfe atrhlye icnh ethste acnednt raeb odfo mitesn l e: ntghteh : htehaer t pooccrtuiopine so fa thpoes liutinogn acneltlesr i;o trh teo ptharet hpeoasrtte riiso vr atosc tuhlaatr oarngda ne xahpipbeitasr sn ulimttleer oeunsd somwaeldl winittehr sveacstceudl asrliitgyh, tlayn dw pitrhe sfeinnet sm beumt bar asninogulse fcieblrli lolæf .—greJa. tS s.ize, C. a. 139. The anterior half of the lung of a rattle-snake