the right side of the vertebral domen down to its bifurcation inc othluem ilnia, cas,n dit ehvoelnd si nth teh es aambe
luennugstuha lt o ptohsei tiloenft. ofT thhee ainofretrai,o ra vnedn ain cfarvoan t lioefs thfoer ibtos dwiehso loef tthhee avoerrttae,b bneu.t thTeh roered earr itner iwesh iacrhi steh ea se uxtsrueaml iftrieosm r ethceei vaer cfhro mof tihngem si dthee o bf lothoed hise arde vaerres efdi r;s tt hseu plepflti eadr mfr oamnd t hthee acroterrreias pionnndo
imn fnsuactac;e stshioen r itghhet bsliodoed o cf othnev enyeecdk ,b ayn tdh eth cea rroigtihdt aanrmd sruecbecilvae
vriiganh ta vretenrai eisn, nwoTmhiicnha htaa vcero ssespesa raatbeo voeri gtihnes fraormch thoef athrceh .a oTrthae, faonrdm sjo iwniinthg tiht et hleefrte att hthee cleofmt msiedne coefm tehnet aorft etrhiae invnenoam icnaavtaa
supTehreio or.esophagus is placed along the posterior and right side ohfy pthoech tornacdhrieuam. , Tanhde tshtoem vaecshse liss wshheicwhn s ulypipnlgie di nt hteh eli vreiig hint tshigem loefitd. fleTxhuere c olieecsu min o cthcue pireisg htth, et elremfti nilaiaticn gf otshsea,r ea nind tthhee raeccctourmda, ntchee wpoitshi titohne ooft hwerh iircrhe gausl arrietigeasr.d s Inth em askaicnrgu mth,e isd iisn
speacntciohnre iats ,w aans d noottheedr tohrgaat ntsh ew emrei sopfl athcee msaemntes cohf atrhaec tesrp, leaennd, equBa. llby. c1o1m6.Xp lAet ep aresp tahroastieo nex, hshiboiwteidn gin tthhee hpereaprta,r apteiroinc.a—rdJiu. mH,. lsuenrvgesd, abneda rdiniagp htrhaegirm noaft uar aml ornekleayti.o nTs hiens et hpea rtcsa varitey aollf ptrhee
icsh persets: etrhvee da, ttsahcohwminegn tt hoef rtehseem pbelraincacred ioufm it sto atrhraen dgieamphernatg, min tjhecist . resIpne ctht,e i no tthheer mmoanmkmeya ltiari,b teh et oc othnante citnio nth eo fh tuhme abna sseu bof
tphher apgemri,c aarsd iuims sish owwint h itnh et hsete rpnruempa, raantido nn omt warikthe dt heB d. iab.
14B1..— b.J .1 H17.. A dissection of the cavities of the heart of a mbeoinngk edyi st(esnimdeiad saanbdc ehaa).r deTnheed wauirthic lesps iraitnsd, wveernet rciuclte os,p eanf teinr fsourcmh”aati omna. nnTerh ea so tpoe ndiinspglsa, yv tahlveeirs , sctarurncetu®r ec oalnudm inn®te,r ior con8tc.
all Be.x hb.i b1i1te8d. .A— dJr.i eHd.preparation of the heart and arteries of a monkey. The description will be found at B. c. 361, and the
preBp.a bra. ti1o2n5 . uAnd bere atuhtei fsual mper ehpeaaradt.i—onJ .o fS .the heart of a young
descriptive catalogue. 6
bveaalvre (su, rtshues gArmeaetr viceassnesl)s., &lch. ea rien tsehroiowrn o, f allhl eth hee caarvt iitsi erso utnhde aanndd sitosm aeuwrhicaut lbarr oaapdp : enthdeix r imghutc ha unlacrlgee irs tmhaond emra ttehley hfluemshayn, hise vaerrtv: tphreorme iinse nnto, aEnuds ttahceh fiaonss av aolvvea,l isth me atrukbeedr,c aunludm p eLrfoewctelny calroes medo r: et haep porpoexniminagtse do ft hthaen isnu pmearino.r Tanhde einnftierrei oor fv tehnea ec caavvit®y othf atnh eth eri olehft ta; uitrsi cilnet eisr iomr aids ea lvmisoibslte d ;e vito iadp poef aflress hmlyo rceo dluilmatnesd; tthweo tarirceu csopnidn evcatelvde bhya ssh tohrrte ceh owredl®l dteefnidnmede ®po troti otnwso, olof nwg haincdh tchhiocrkd sf letsoh yt hceo lusmurnfasc, ea nodf tthhee thhieradr ti,s naetatra cthheed m boyu tthen doifn othues pluumlmno. naTryh ea rtmeroyu,t hw iathnodu ste tmheil uinntaerr vveanlvtieosn o of f thane yp fulelmshoyn acroy
ashrteewryn ,a raen de xohfi bthiteesde; tihtes ldeifvt ihsiaosn bieneton tcwuot sbhroarntc, hwesh iilss t atlhsoe rcioguhrts eh abse hbienedn tphree saerrcvhe do fl otnhgee ar otrot ad eamndo ntshtera vtee nitas ctraavnas, velrhsee ltehfet saeupritculme .i s lTarhgee waanldls folefs hthye a nledf tc voennntercicteled atroe thther ereig htitm beys acso ltuhmicnk® .a sT thhee mriitgrahlt ;v ailtvs e iinst earriroarn gpreeds eanst ms v merayn ,f eitws cchaornrde®® tbeuntd isnlieg®h talyre elloenvgat endu mcoelruomusn sa,n vde rthy iuckn,l iakned t haottsaec thoe dw thoi cbhr otahde cohf otrhde® a toerntad ingeiv®es otfw toh eb ratrnicchuesps iudp vwaalvrde sa |r et hfiex efidr.s t fTuhrnei sahrcehs the right subclavian and both carotids ; the second becomes
lefBt .s ubb. c1la2v6i.a nT--h^e-. 1h. eHar. t of a full grown bear (ursus Ameri.cainsu
se)x hdiibssiteecdt.e d Tash eBre. ibs. l1i2tt5l.e dTifhfee reanncaet ombeytw oefe na lilt iatsn dp atrhtes
heaBr.t ob.f t1h2e7 .m Torhee yohuenargt aonfi ma alli.o—neJs. sH | .a dried preparation : tyheell opwul.m oTnhice haepaerxt ohaf st hbee elenf ti nvjeencttreidc lere pdr, otjheec tssy isnte am ipco hinetaerdt fgoivrmen boefyfo fnrdo mth teh ee xatrrcehm iotfy tohfe tahoe rrtiag: htth. e Tfiwrsot bafrtaenrc hae ss haorret acnoudr sthe eyni eclodns tina utersu nitks— cothuers ec oams rmigohnt osruibgcinla voifa nb o; thth ec asreoctoidnsd,
becBo.m be.s 1t2h8e. leTfht es uhbecalrat voifa na. ^y-oJ.u nHg. lioness prepared as B. b. 8It1 .r easnedm bshleosw iinn ga ltmheo sat neavtoermyy roefs paellc tth teh cea hveitaierst aonf dt hpea ssyaoguensg-