E.6. 837. Knee joint, excised for white swelling. 390
E. b. 839. Knee joint, ... excised for white swelling. 390
E. 5, 839. Knee, ... dislocation of, from disease 391
E . b. 8391. Knee, 839, cast of 392
*E. 5. 840. Knee joint, ... imperfect anchylosis of 392
*E . b. 841. Knee joint, ... bony anchylosis of 392
*E . 4.842. Knee joint, ... white swelling of 393
*E . 4. 848. Knee joint, chronic synovitis of 393
*E . 4.844. Head of tibia, caries of ... 393
* E. 4. 845. Knee joint, ... white swelling of ... ! 393
*E . 4. 846. Knee joint, white swelling of 393
*E . 4. 847. Tibial caries of 393
*E . 4. 848. Tibial condyles, caries of 393
*E . 4. 849. Knee joint, foreign body in 394
*E . 4. 850. Knee joint, white swelling of (cast) 394
*E. 4. 851. Knee joint, false anchylosis of 394
*E. b. 852. Knee joint, bony anchylosis of 394
E . 4. 853. Knee joint, chronic rheumatic disease of 394
E . 4. 360. Ancle joint, acute inflammation of 394
E . 4. 861. Ancle joint, general disease of 394
E . 4. 862. Ancle joint, incipient anchylosis of 395
E . 4. 863. Ancle joint, ... scrofulous disease of 395
E . 4. 864. Ancle joint, anchylosis of ... 395
*E. 6. 866. Ancle joint, scrofulous disease of 395
*E. 6. 867. Ancle joint, chronic disease of 395
E . 6. 868. Ancle joint, partial luxation of (cast) 395
E. 4. 869. Joints of foot, gouty disease of 395
E. 4. 870. Last joint of great toe, scrofulous disease of 396
E. 4. 871. Last joint of great toe, scrofulous disease of 396
E. 4. 872. Great toe, gristly tumor from ... 396
E. 4. 873; Great toe, gristly tumor from 396
E. 4. 900. Shoulder joint, chronic rheumatic arthritis of 396
E. 6. 901. Shoulder joint, chronic rheumatic arthritis of 397
E. 6. 902. Shoulder joint, chronic rheumatic arthritis of 397
E. 4. 903. Shoulder joint, partial luxation of 397
E. 4. 904. Humerus, dislocation of, into axilla 399
E. 4. 905. Shoulder joint, dislocation and disease of 399
E. 4. 906. Scapula, new socket formed on 400
E. 4. 907. Glenoid cavity, caries of ... 4Ô0
E. 4. 908. Shoulder joint, chronic disease of ... 400
E . 4. 909. Head of humerus, rheumatic disease of ... 4Ö0
E. 4. 910. Head of humerus, rheumatic disease of ... ... 400
E. 4. 911. Head of humerus, rheumatic disease of 400
E. 4. 912. Humerus, . dislocation of, under pectoral (cast 401
E. 4. 913. Shoulder joint, disease and dislocation of 401
*E. 4. 914. Shoulder joint, dislocation of, into axilla .. 402
*E. 6. 915. Shoulder, . dislocation of, into axilla (cast) 403
E . 6. 940. Elbow joint, .. . scrofulous disease of 403
E . 4. 941. Elbow joint, .. . scrofulous disease of 403
E . 4. 942. Elbow joint, .. . white swelling of ... 404
E . 4, 943. Elbow joint, .. anchylosis of 404
E . 4. 944. Elbow joint, ... white swelling of ... 404
E . 4. 945. Elbow joint, .. scrofulous disease of 404
E . 4. 946. Elbow joint, .. excised, for white swelling 404
E . 4. 947. Elbow joint, .. . deformity of, from disease *.. 405
E . 4. 948. Elbow joints, .. . scrofulous disease of 407
E . 4. 9481. Elbow joints, .. . 948, drawing of 409
E. 4. 950. Elbow joint, .. . old dislocation of .409
E . 4. 951. Elbow joint, .. bony anchylosis of 410
E. 4. 952. Elbow joint, ... bony anchylosis of 410
E . 4. 953. Head of radius, dislocation backwards of 410
E. 4. 954. Head of radius, dislocation backwards of 440
E . 4. 956. Elbow joint, .. . dislocation backwards of (cast). .. 410
*E. 4. 965. Elbow joint, .. . dislocation backwards of (cast) 410
*E. 4. 966. Elbowjoint, .. . bony anchylosis of 410
*E. 4. 967. Elbowjoint, .. . bony anchylosis of 410
*E. 4. 968. Elbowjoint, .. chronic rheumatic disease of 411
*E. 4. 969. Head of ulna, caries of 411
*E .4. 9 7 0 . Humeral condyles, caries of 411
*E. 4. 971. Elbowjoint, .. . dislocation backwards of 411
*E. 4. 972. Outer condyle of humerus, fracture of (cast) 411
*E. 4. 973. Humeral trochlea and head of radius, enamelling of .. 411
E . 4.980. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of 411
E. 4. 981. Wrist joint, . scrofulous disease of 412
E . 4. 982. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of 412
E . 4. 983. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of 412
E . 4. 984. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of (dry) 412
E . 4. 985. Wrist joint and carpus, chronic disease of 412
E . 4. 986. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of 413
E . 4. 987. Wrist joint, . 986, cast of 413
E . 4. 988. Ulna, . dislocation of, at wrist (cast) ., 413
E , 4. 989. Wrist joint, .. . dislocation of (cast) 414
*E. 4. 990. Wrist joint and carpus, scrofulous disease of 414
*E. 5. 991. Carpus, , , bony anchylosis of 414