A. d. 880®. Grall-bladder, enlarged and half filled with small
,s Biliary calculi, consisting chiefly of choleste*
Biliary calculi; cholesterine and coloring mat-
----------- 5- Grall-bladder, containing three large calculi,
which fit exactly against one another, and completely fill the
----------- 6. Numerous calculi from the gall-bladder, very
uniform as to size, and shape; they are usually five-sided,
the sides being flat, white, and polished; cholesterine.
— ------1—7. Three large oval biliary calculi; the opposed
surfaces are flattened; cholesterine, and coloring iriatter.
----------- 8- Two large calculi, fitting accurately against
each other by polished surfaces; they entirely filled the gallbladder
from which they were taken: cholesterine, slightly
tinged by bile.
— — 1---- 9. Two biliary calculi, composed wholly of carbonate
of lime; their structure is cellular, and there is no appearance
of laminae in the section.
— -----10. Oval biliary calculus, about the size of a hazel
nut, composed of carbonate of lime.
— -----u. Large oval calculus from the gall-bladder of a
female, composed of pure cholesterine;- the surface is uneven
from the number of sparkling crystals which cover it.—B:
Power, Esq.
----------- 12. Biliary calculus; cholesterine—color yellowish,
surface crystalline.
----------- 13. Biliary calculus—surface nodulated; the cut
surface has a radiated appearance, and is not laminated;
—-----1-----u. Calculus from the neck of the gall-bladder,
oval; cholesterine.
A. d. S3015. Numerous small “biliary calculi, passed at stool;
they consist of alternate laminae of cholesterine and biliary
' ;-r ■;, —-16. Nuinerous calculi from the gall-bladder, of
small size; each presenting a number of flat faces from the
friction to which it had been subjected; cholesterine and
inspissated bile.
_— -----17. Numerous biliary calculi of various sizes, from
a pea to a hazel nut; composed of nuclei of. bile, With superimposed
lamina: of cholesterine.
• r —.18. Several small calculi; consisting of inspissated
bile.—Dr Orpen.
———-—-ri. Grall-bladder,' greatly dilated, in consequence
6f the lodgment of a large calculus in its neck.
—----- :—20. Grall-bladder, dilated and containing several
hundred small calculi, very uniform in size and appearance,
and consisting of cholesterine, with inspissated bile.
----------- 21. Several large calculi from gall-bladder—the
nucleus of inspissated bile, and the laminae of cholesterine
tinged with coloring matter, are shown in the section.
— ,-------2Z. Numerous calculi of diminutive size—many of
them not latger than the heads of pins, and perfectly spherical
; almost pure cholesterine.
—>------- S3. Biliary calculi, with numerous, flat, polished
faces ; cholesterine, the nucleus, of bile.
---------— Section of a biliary calculus ; cholesterine.
---------- -2S. Calculi passed by stool—the whole centre consists
of inspissated bile covered over by a thin film of cholesterine.
— 2----S—s6. Several ealculi from the gall-bladder ; cholesterine
and biliary matter.
-----------®7. Numerous calculi of various shapes, consisting
of a nucleus of bile surrounded by laminae of impure cholesterine.