cicatrized ulcer. covered a red, vasAcu ltahri nso pfte lsliucbles,t acnocnet, inthuorouusg wh itsho mthee pskairnts, tohfe wshkiuchll, wtheere proobmseirnveanbt,l eb. onTyh, ei rwrehgoulela rriintige so ifn ththee fboarasem eonf bmaacgkn upmar tc, owuhlde reb et hese oesn owcciitphiotuist wdaiss sedcetfiiocnie, nte. xcTephte aspt iniatsl manadr ropwro manidn ennte,r vaens dw etrhee w velels sfeolrsm eodf ;t hteh ec oenyjeusn wcteivrea lvaregrye tcuorngsitdi tuwtiitnhg btlhoeo dh. ighTehset epyoeinlitd si nw ethree pheerfaedc t; —tthhee esuypeberailolsr wpaerrtes oalfs toh ep eorrfbeictst ;w beruet ambosestn to ;f tthhee mmouuscthle ws, asa nwde ltlh feo rumpepde r; tfhecet ,n obsuet cobmenptl eat e,l itbtulet fdlaotwtennweda r;d sa.n dA thlle thexet eortnhaelr eeaxrtse rpnearl
aSnudrg einotne rGnaibl bpoanrst,s ooff Mthoea bt.o—dyi. natural. Presented by thoGu.g ah. 2f4u.l l Ag rfoewmna,l e wheulml anno ufoeristhuesd ,b oarnn dw itohtohuert wai sber aiwne—ll forGm. ead. .—25J. . AS . human foetus, at the ninth month ; it has no braGin. , aa. n2d6 .p rAes ehnutms athne f oedetufosr, mainteyn ocfe paa dloouusb.l e Thhaerere l iips .—neiJt.h eSr. wbrhaiicnh naoprp sepairn ailn smidaer rtohwe, daunrda tmhaet eerx,t raerme iatitetsa cohfe dth eto near vdees,
laircea twe amnteimngb,r aanned. theT hspe inspailn coaunsa pl rios coenslsye sc oovfe arelld thine bvye rate tbhrians tmeresm borfa nskei,f i.r edT ahned nsehrivneisn ga,l la tnhdr obuegahri ntgh en obnoed oyf athree pcehrafreacct,
andG .t hae. 2foe7.t uHs uism faunll yf oefotrums,e dw.—ithJ . aSb.sence of the upper part goef tthheer wskaunltli.n g.T hTe hber asipni nthalo umgahr rvoewr yi sd pefeircfieecntt.,— iJs . nHo.t altoencGy.
oaf. 3b0o.t hA afrumlls gfrroowmn ,t hfee msahloeu, ldheurms.a n Sfmoeatulls wwaitrhty d eefmiciinsheonrcte,
s anodcc tuhpey ftohoeti rtw pilsatceeds .i nwTahred sr.—ighJt. Sth.igh bone is very forGe-.a arm. 3s 1.f roAm futhlle gerlobwown . huTmhaen afroemtsu sp rwesitehn td eliftitcleie nrcoyu nodf tkoneosb osn atth et hleefirt ftoroutn ;c attheed reigxhtrte mis itwieesl.l foTrmheerde. —arJe. So.nly two upGpe. ra .j a4w5 . oTf hae ccheinldtr acl arproyritnigo n twofo thtee eathlv, eorelamr orvidegde b oyf Mthre. iCnagrsm aiccchoamel piann ayn t hoep eprraetpioanra ftoiorn d—ouobnlee -Gha. rae.- l4ip6., sThowwoi ndgr atwhe
appearance of the parts before operation ; the other, 47, exhibiting
the great improvement effected by the treatment.
PrGes.e na.t e4d8 .b yT Mher .h eCaadr moifc haane li.n—faJn .■t ,S .exhibiting a hernia cerceobnrsii.
stsT ohfe b rhaeirnn icao viesr ende abryly t hhea lofr dasin laarryg ein ates gtuhme ehnetas do, f atnhde sacnadl pt. heT hcaev iotyp eonfi ntgh eo tfu mcoomr mis upnliaccaetido nin btehtwe eceenn ttrhee osfk tuhlel owceceikpsit,a lg rbaodnuea. llyT phien iinngf anawt aliyv. ed Pwrietshe nttheids taof fetchtei oMn usseevuemn
by GJ.. aC. r4e9ig. hAto nd,r iEeds qh.—eadJ .o Sf .a fetus affected with hernia certheber
ih. erTnhiae, opise niinn gt hoef ccoemntmreu noifc athtieo no bcecitpwuete. n tThhee s kcuelrle barnadl mofa tthteer borfa tihne, taunmd obr yw tahse c ocovmermedo bny i nthteeg ourmdiennatrsy. mTehmeb freatnuess
waGs .s tai.l l-5b0o. rnT.h—e Jf.a cSe. of a cyclops human fetus. In every trhesep gelcot biets roesfe tmheb leesy etsh aatr ed epsrcersiebnetd, ainn dG u. nait. e5d1 i,n etximceaptet lyth toat
gether. A female at the ninth month. Presented by Dr.
CoGll.i nas.- —51J. . THh.e face of a monoculous human fetus. It had rbeearcahnecde tohne ethigeh tfhac me—onat hr, uadnimd ewnat so fb oar nn odseea—d. hasT hbee epnr ostulit
ompeemn,b rtaon es. hoTwh ea pcroavtuitbye rainn ciet s isc eantttraec,h elidn ebdy witist hr omotu ctoo uas tcuaarttiiloang ionfo uthse sctrailbkr,i foornme pelnadt eo of fw thhiech e tshhmowoisd itbsoenlfe . in Othne esiitohfe
trh esi dfief tohf pthaier sotfa lnke,r tvhees mnaasya lb tew isge eonf, trhuen noipntgh ailnmtoi ct hber apnrcoh
tsuitbueartainocne o. f Tthhee peothstmeroioidr nbaornees ,i sb etotwtaelelyn wthaen ptitnegri,g oaindd pilna ttehse, ao ssfiofsicsaat iloinn eodf twheit ho sm fruocnotuiss amppeemabrsr atnoe haisv eo pbrsoergvraebsslee.d fTrohme ac ecnetrnet,r ala npdo idnitv;e trhgoinugg hf iabtr etsh eb nto epi tohfe trh sei dbeo nweo, ual dn oatcphp eianr thtoe ionrddiicnaatrey, ftrhoamt towriog inpaolilnyt st.h e Uonsdsiefricnaetaiothn hthaed enmasaanl atperdo tausb ien
rparnocveid eisd wa itshi ncgilleis eo, pceanritnilga,g ebso,u &ndce.,d anbdy ofonu trh sem ianlnl ere yaenligdlse, boift se,a bchy othf et haeb sleonwceer oofn tehse, ioss ae tphumnoc'tiudmes , laacrery tmhraolwe.n iTnthoe oonre
cbauvti tnyo, ing lwobheics,h othre orep taicr en meruvescs.l esN aon dru dneimrveenst sf oor ft weioth eery eths e; olfactory or optic nerves could be discovered any where.