164 A. b. 451—567.
A. b. 451. Spoonbill, . stomach of, (platalea leucorodia, L.). • 29
A. b. 452. Curlew, . stomach of (scolopax arquata, L.). 29
A. b. 460. Wild swan, . . gizzard of (anas cygnus, Gm.). 29
A. b. 461. Cormorant, . • stomach of (pelicanus carbo, L.). 29
A. b. 462. Diver, . stomach of (colymbus stellatus, Gm.). • 29
A. b. 463. Goose, . gizzard and duodenum of (anas anser, L.). 29
A. b. 475. Turtle, . stomach of (tesiudo mydas, L.). 29
A. b. 476. Turtle, . sand from the stomach of. Donor, Dr. Chas.
Orpen. J. S. . . .
A. b. 477. Turtle, . stomach of 3 the tunics dissected. SO
A. b. 478. Turtle, . stomach of.—Professor Kirby’s Collection.
A. b. 487. Crocodyle, . stomach of (lacerta alligator, L.). 30
A. b. 488. Alligator, . oesophagus, stomach and duodenum of. . 30
A. b. 489. Chameleon, . stomach and intestines of (lacerta chameleon,
L .). . 30
A_£. 500. Rattlesnake, . stomach and intestines of (crotalus horridus,!..). 30
A. b. 501. Rattlesnake, . stomach of; cavity opened. 30
A. b. 510. Frog, . . stomach and intestines of. See A. c. 885.
and A.a. 205. ,. . . .
A. b. 525. State. . stomach and spleen of (raja batis, L.) . 31
A. b. 526. Dog-fish, . stomach and intestines of (squalus caniculus,
L .). , . . . . . 31
A. b. 527. Electric-ray . stomach and intestines of (raja torpedo, L.) ;
in plaster. . ,. . . . . 31
A. b. 535, Sturgeon, . stomach and pancreas of (acipenser sturio'). 31
A. b. 536. Erog-fish, . stomach and duodenum of (lophius piscat.). 31
A. b. 637. Lump-fish, . stomach and intestines of (cyclopterus lumpus). 31
A. b. 542. Congur-eel, . . stomach and intestines of (murcena conger,
L.). J.H ,
A. 6. 543. W olf-fish, stomach of (anarrhichas lupus"). . . 32
A. b. 550. Cod-fish, . stomach and duodenum of (gadus morrhua). 32
A. 6. 551. Cod-fish, . a soldier-crab, softened by the juices of the
stomach of. . . . . . 1 : 32
A. b. 556. Mackerel, . stomach and intestines of (scomber scombrus,
L.). . . . . • ■ • • 32
A. b. 557. Mullet, . gizzard and intestines of (mugil cephalus,L,). 32
A. b. 558. Mullet, . stomach of (mugil cephalus). J.H . ••
A. 6. 259. Doree, . stomach and intestines of (zsusfaber, L.). 32
A. 6. 565. Pike, . intestinal canal and swimming bladder of
(esox lucius, L.). , . . . « 32
A. i1. 566. Gar-pike, . stomach and intestines of (esox’ lelone, L.),. 33
A. b. 567. Gar-pike, . stomach of, in situ, (esox belone.) 33
A. b. 568 to A. c. 694. 165
A. b. 568. Gillaroo-trout, gizzard of ([salmo fario).
A. b. 569. Gillaroo-trout, gizzard of.-—Presented by Professor Kirby .J .H.
A. b. 570. White trout, stomach of (salmo thymallus, L.) . • 33
A. b. 571. Trout, stomach of (salmo fario'), with numerous
duodenal appendages.
A. b. 580. Cuttle-fish, intestinal canal of (sepia officinalis, L.). 33
A. b. 581. Cuttle-fish, intestinal canal of (sepia loligo, L.). 33
A. b. 582. Cuttle-fish, intestinal canal of (sepia loligo). 34
A. b. 583. Cuttle-fish, intestinal canal of (sepia loligo). . 34
A. b. 584. Cuttle-fish, intestinal canal of (sepia octopus, L.). 34
A. b. 593. Bulla lignaria, stomach or gizzard of. . . . 25
A. b. 595. Oyster, stomach and intestines of (ostrea edulis, L.). 35
A. b. 596. Razor-fish, . the' rectum passing through the heart of
(solen siliqua'). J . • • . • 35
A. b. 597. Cockle, crystalline style of (cardium edule, L.). 35
A. b. 620. Leech, stomach of (hirudo officinalis). 35
A. b. 621. Leech, posterior half of, which lived ten months
after being severed from the anterior half. 35
A. b. 622. Sea-mouse, stomach of (aphrodita aculeata). 36
A. b. 623. Lug-bait, intestinal canal of (lumbricus marinus, L.). 36
A. b. 624. Earth-worm, intestinal canal,of (lumbricus terristris, L.). 36
A. b. 630. Lobster, stomach of (cancer gammarus'). 36
A. b. 631. Crab. . . digestive canal of (cancer mcenas). 36
A. b. 632. Cray-fish, digestive canal of (cancer astacus). 36
A. b. 652. Cricket, stomach of (acheta domestica, L.). 37
A. b. 660. Sea-urchin, . stomach of (echinus marinus eschulentus). 37
A. b. 661. Sea-urchin, . intestine of (echinus eschulentus). 37
A. b, 662. Star-fish, stomach of (asteria rubens). 37
A. b. 663. Star-fish,. . . stomach of, in situ (asteria rubens.) 37
A. c. 685. Human small intestine, injected. ......................................... 37
A. c. 6 8 6 . ----------small intestine, diverticulum of, dried. 37
A. c. 687. ----------small intestine, diverticulum of, dried. 37
A. c. 6 8 8 . ------- -—small intestine, diverticulum of, filled with hardened fences. 38
A. c. 689. Intestinal canal, inflated and dried.1 ......................................... 38
A. c. 690. Eostus of 6 th month, cæcum of : wet preparation. 38
A. c. 691. Child of six years, cæcum of. . . . . . 38
A. c. 692. Adult man, cæcum of. . . • • 38
A. c. 663. Colon, in the state of contraction. . . • 38
A« c. 694. Intestines, with the other organs of the body, reversed. SeeB ft. 100 61