A. a. 80. The oesophagus of a muscular fibres take a spiral directiohno rgo u: nd(s uths es cturobpeh.—a.)J . tHhe. sofAt . ma.e m86b. raTnhoeu st ovnigllui,e voefr ya ufonelitkale cthalofs, e (boofs thtaeu fruulsl. )g rwowithn aniAm. aal., w88h.i cTh haer e toshnagrupe, hoofr nay , reainnd- dreeetrro, ve(crteerdvu.—s Jta. rHan.dus.) agbeoonu tG twenoe rmalo. nthTsh oe ldto, npgruees eins tseodf tt oa nthde v milluosuesu m; t hbey pthhaer ySnuxr,
manadr koapbelnyi nbgr ooafd t.h—e Jf.a uHc.es very wide ; and the soft palate retheA
. cah. e8e9k. oAf piae cney olgf amu,u co(auns timl. empibcrtaan ee tf rotrma gtoh e cianmsiedleu so.)f shoAw. ian.g 9 l0a.r gAe, ppireocme ionfe nmt,u pcoenusd umloeums bpraapniel læfr.o—m- Jt.h Se. cheek of eam dirnoemnceedsa rhya n: g( cfarommel uths ed rionmneerd asruirufsa.c)e .n—umJ.e rHo.us soft, flabby sinAg.u laa. rl9y1 . sTofht ea su viuf læa dfreomma ttohues ,p alolantge, opfe nad durloomuse,d aarnyd. biIftu ris
cated at the lower extremity.—J. H.
li;n Aa,.) as. h1o0r0t,. tThhicek ,t oanngdu ef loesf hay , fualnl-dg rcoowvenr esde ala, t (pthheo cdao rvsiutum- wiAth. rao.u 1n0d1 .f laTthteen etdo npgaupeil laoef. a Sseeea lt hme upcrehp ayroautinogne rf otlhloawn itnhge. gprreeec edoifn gd.e veTlohpee mcoennttr aisnt tbheet wmeuensc uthlaer oarngda nps,a paisl ltaor yt hsetr udcetures
is very striking—J. H.
remAa. rak.a b10ly2 .m Tuhsce uloaers, oapnhda gtuhse omfu cao usesa lm. em(pbhr. anveit uisl .)s moIot this, strAon. ga,. a1n1d0 .c oAv eproerdt iwonit ho fc umtiuccleo.u—s Jm. eHm. brane from the pharmyuncxo
ousf fao wllihcalelse.,- g(-dJe. lSp.hinus diodon.) showing large, deep,
shoAr.t aa.n 1d1 t1h. icTkh, ea ntodn gnueaer loyf dae vwoihda loef, p(adpeillplhæ. odni otdh.e) doIrts aisl surface.—J. S.
(baAloe. an.a 1 r1o2s.t rAat ap.r)e psahroawtioinng otfh ae pvaarstc oufl atrh ep guulpms ofrfo ma wwhhailceh, tsheeen p flaloteasti nogf lwikhea lae bfroinneg ea rine pthreo dsupcieridts. , hTahvee bloenegn, dfirnaew pnu olpust tfhroemy ctharer yfo bralomoidn.a inI ntjheec triooont st horfo wthne iwnthoa ltehbeo naert eirniteos owfh tihche pguumlpsy hfraisn gine ss. omSee ep la1c1e3s, r1e1a4c.h—edJ .t hHe. finPerset seexnttreedm ittoi esth oe fm thue
seum by Dr. Jacob.
A. a. 113. The root end of a piece of whalebone, showing
twhhei cfohr aimtsi nga rofowrt ht hea ntdra nnsomuirsissihomn eonft tahree vsauspcpuolartre dp.u—lpJs., bHy. A. a. 114. Some layers of whalePbroenseen stleidce db yl oDnrg.i tJuadcinoabl.ly, taor es hcoownd tuhcete hdo. lloSwe ec atnhael st wthor opurgehce wdihnigch p trheep anruattriiotinosu.—s pJu. lHps. A. a. 130. The tongue of an ePagrlees.e ntIetd i sb yb rDoard., Jfalacto, ba.nd rwoiuthn dae dh oartn tyh ec otaitpin; gg,r owohviecdh aisl opnagr ttihceu ldarolrys uumny, iaenldd infugr nuisnhdeedr tthhee abpaesex:: tah e npurmepbaerra toiofn ssthroonwgs aplaspoi ltlheee caorerd saer rvaoncgaelde sa tcor obses shoAr.t aa.n d1 35li.g aTmheen ttoounsg.u—e J.a nSd. os-hyo’ides of a woodpecker. t(hpeio ucso rmnuina oor,f) thTeh eo st-ohnygouidee sis ahrea rdso, plooningt eadn, d acnudr vbeda rabse tdo: ppaosins tisn t hae l oroosoet sohfe atthhe rouupnpde rt hme aoncdciibpuulte, : atnhde rgeaecnhio -bhyy othideeiri tmou bsec leinss werhteicdh ianrtios et hferoirm e xthtree mchitiine,s ,a dnrda wfo ltlhoewm t hdeusrein cgo rcnouna
ftroarcwtiaornds btahcek toovnegru eth, ew hhiecahd ,i sa nad soinli dl ickoen tpinroupaotirotino no ft htrhuesirt sptercukcetur rteo. poTshsees sp.o, wofe rd, awrthiincgh aolul tt hites wtoonrlgdu ek nwowitsh tfhoer cwe oaondd
rapAid. iaty. ,1 i3s6 t.h eT hree stuolnt goufe t hoifs a p epcaurrlioatr. mAeclthhaonuigsmh .t—hisJ . cHre.ature aprotsicseuslsaetes dt hbey p mowaner, noof urtetseerminbgl asnocuen dwsh aatnedv ewr ocradns lbike et rtahcoesde boef tswpeeeench .t heTmh ein t othneg uceo nosft rtuhcet ipoanr rooft itsh eh etroen gshuoew ans taon boer geann
vaneldo pinedfl eixni bal eh.—omJ.y Sc.overing, which renders the organ hard corAo.d aia. ,)1 50I.n Ththe isto nbgirude, otfh ae wsihzeit eo sfp othoen btiolln, g(upela tbaelaeras lenuo- ipnrcohpeosr tiloonn gto, athnadt otefr mthien amteadn dbibyu lae sb : rothade beixllt riesm siitxy ,o rw ehigilhstt tfhoeu rttohn ogfu ea nd oinecs hn :o ti te xisc eeendv eeliotpheedr iinn al ehnogmthy ocra sber, ewadhtihch o onne tghine .—doJr.s uSm. is formed into a fringe along the posterior marit
iAs . loan. g1,5 1n.a rTrhoew t,o nagndue p oofi nat ewdo, oadncdo cdki f:f e(rssc oflroopma xt hrauts toicfo ltah.e) mspaonodnibbiulll eisn. —beJin. gH l.arge enough to fill the space between the A. a. 156. The upper mandibule of a duck, (anas boschas,)