5 6 6 INDEX.
C. «. 33. Epiglottis, &c. ulceration of 154
C. a. 34. Larynx, ulceration of 154
C. «. 35. Larynx, ulceration of 154
C. a. 36. Larynx, eifects of ulceration on 155
C. ff. 37. Larynx, ulceration of 155
C. a. 38. Epiglottis, ulceration of 155
C. a. 39. Epiglottis, ulceration of 155
C. a. 40. Larynx, ulceration of 155
C. a. 41. Glottis, ..» oedema o f; ulcer in pharynx 156
C. ff. 42. Larynx, ulceration of 156
C. ff. 43. Thyroid cartilage, tubercular degeneration of 156
C. «. 44. Larynx, &c. eifects of boiling water on 156
C. a. 45. Thyroid cartilage, distortion of ;56
C. a. 46. Larynx, ... wound of 156
G. ff. 47. Larynx, complicated injury of 157
C. «. 48. Thyroid cartilage, wound of 157
G. ff. 49. Thyroid cartilage, wound of, united ... 157
C. a. 50. Trachea, artificial opening into ... 158
C. ff. 51. Trachea, artificial opening into 159
G. ff. 52. Larynx, plum-stone extracted from 159
C. ff. 53. Larynx, molar tooth extracted from 160
G. a. 54. Larynx, &c, . effects of diptheritis on 161
C. ff. 55. Larynx,] effects of inflammation and ulceration on 162
G. ff. 56, Larynx, effects of chronic inflammation on 162
G. ff. 57. Larynx, &c. . effects of death by hanging, on 163
G. ff. 58. Larynx, &c, effects of d.eath by hanging, on 164
*C. ff. 59. Larynx, &c. .. wound of 164
*C. ff. 60. Cricoid cartilage, exfoliation of 164
*C. ff. 61. Larynx, . ulceration of 164
*C. ff. 62. Cricoid and thyroid cartilages, exfoliation of 164
*C. «. 63. Larynx, . effects of ulceration on 164
*C. a. 64. Pharynx, . extensive fungus in 164
*C. ff. 65. Larynx and pharynx, ulceration and chronic disease of 165
*C. a. 66. Rima glottidis of a bird,'compressed by a tumor 165
C. o. ,80. Thyroid gland ... enlargement of 165
C. ff. 81. Thyroid gland, ... enlargement of 165
C. ff. 82. Thyroid gland, . . enlargement of 166
*C, a. 83. Thyroid gland, . . enlargement of .:. 166
*C. ». 84. Thyroid gland, . . sacculated enlargement of 166
C. ff. 95. Thymus gland, . . induration of 166
C, ff, 96, Trachea, . scrofulous tumor adhering to •I* 166
C. ff. 115. Larynx of an eagle, croupy membrane in 166
C. a. 116. Trachea of a deer, artificial opening in 166
C. b. 125. Pleura, acute inflammation of 166
C. b. 126. Pleura, sub-acufe inflammation of 166
C. b. 127. Pleura, condition of, in empyema 167
C. b. 128. Pleura, condition of, in empyema Ï67
C. b. 129. Pleura, chronic thickening of Ï67
C. b. 130. Pleura, chronic, thickening of 167
C. b. 131. Pleura, adhesion and thickening of 167
C. b. 132. Pleura, adhesion and thickening of 168
C. b. 133. Pleura, acute inflammation of 168
C. b. 134. Pleura, acute inflammation of Ï68
C. b. 135. Pleura, ... thickening of, with empyema 168
C. b. 137. Pleura, lung, &c. cancerous disease of 168
C. b. 138. Lung, compression of, from empyema 169
G. b. 139. Lung, fistulous orifices in, opening into pleura 170
C. b. 140. Pleura, fibro-cartilaginous growths from 171
,C. b. 155. Pleura, ossification of 1 7 1
C. b. 156. Lung, bony tumor attached to I7 2
C. b. 157. Lung, bony concretion on surface of I7 2
C. b. 158. Lung, cicatrices of ... ... 172
*C. b. 15'9. Pleura, thickening and adhesion of 1 7 2
*C. b. l60. Pleura, thickening and adhesion of 1 7 ?
*<j. b. 161. Pleura, adhesipn and abscess of 1 7 2
*'C. b. 162. Pleura, thickening of 1 7 2
*C. b. 1*63. Pleura, tubercular deposits in 1 7 2
*'C. b. 164. Pleura, tubercular deposits in 172
C. b. lS’0. Lung, inflammation of 172
C. b. 181. Lung, inflammation of ... ... I7 3
C. b. 182. Lung, sanguineous engorgement of I7 3
C. b. 183. Lung, hepatization of I7 3
C. b. i84. Lung, hepatization of ... . ... 173
C. b. 185. Lung, hepatization of 174
C. b. 186. Lung and pleura, inflammation of 174
C. b. 187. Lung, hepatization of ... 174
C. b. 188. Lung, hepatization of m
C. b. 189. Lung, hepatization of ... m
C. b. 190. Lung, hepatization of 1 7 4
P , b, 191, Lung, acijte abscess of ... 1 7 5