A. b. 340. The stomach and caballus,) The stomach forms a csæimcupmle ocfo nai chaol rscea.v it(yE :q vthues moeaskoipnhga gtuhse icsa irndsiaecrt eadn din ptoy ltohreic m biadgdsl e noefa ritlsy ceoqnucaalv : e tbhoer dleerf,t rciogmhtp aisr tmsoefnt ta nisd vliinlleodu sw : itah pcruotmicilne elnitk efo ltdh eo fo emsoupchoaugsu sm, etmhe
cbæracnuem m wahrkicsh trheec eilvinees tohfe dileiumma rcbayt iao ns mbaeltlw seleitn-l itkhee map. ertTuhree is wider and longer than the stomach.—J. S.
somAe. wbh. a3t 4g1l.o bTulhaer ; stthoem aocehs opohfa gau sp iogp:e n(ss uns eascrlryo fam,)i d-Iwt aiys bdievtwideees nt hthe ec tawvoit ye xintrteom twitioe sc ;u la-d cei-rscauclsa,r coof nwsthriiccthio nth pea rletifatl liys alanrdg ed, iamnidn ivshereys purnoimfoirnmenlyt tionw fraorndts ; twheh iplsytl othrues r.i—ghJt. iHs .conical, theA m. ibd.d l3e4 p3a. rtT wheh icshto rmecaecihv eso ft hae poeecsocparhia g: us( siuss steapgaarsastue,d) fcruolm-d eth-sea cr,i gihs tc auntidc ulelafrt banyd s ublicfiid :— ththee l erfitg hetx,t rwemhiicthy ,i so vr ilgloreuas,t preAs.e nbt.s 3 a5 0li. ttAle pporortmioinn eonfc eth nee afirr stht es tpoymloarcuhs .—or J.p aHu.nch of a ystooumnagc gho ;a ti,t inisj elicnteedd. wiTthh isc uist itchlee :l airtgs epsta pciollmæp aarrtem semnta lol fa tnhde pshooinwtne db: yt hthee v raesmcuolvaarli tyo f oaf ptohreti omn-uocfo tuhse m ceumticblrea.—ne Jh. aSs. been maAc.h ,b . f3ro5m1. tAhe p osartmioen aonfi mthael asesc tohnadt oofr 3h5o0n e: yi-tc oims bceodv esrteod
with cuticle under which may be seen numerous fine papillæ.
A. b. 352. The thi• rd and fourth stomachs of a young Jg.o aSt,. tchoem spaamrtem aesn ttsh :e ittw ios nfoarmmeedr : “t hpeli ctahtierdd” isf rtohme tshmea lleleasf-t liokfe tahre
praanugnecmh eanntd o hfo ntheye -cmomucboeuds ism ceomabterda nwe i:t ht hciust icclaev. ityT hleik feo utrhthe ihsu tmhea np srtoopmera cdhi igne fsotirvme acnadv isttyr uacntudr er e: sietm isb lpeys rasmomideawl, hhaitg hthlye bveaescnu dlaorn, e atnod t hdee vsotriudc toufr ecsu otifc lteh. e lCasotn snidamereadb lec aivnitjyu rbyy htahde tshoelv oenrgt agn awsterrice jauciccoem, pbleifsohreed .t—heJ i.n Sje.ction and preservation of
infAla.t ebd. 3a5n3d. Tdhriee ds:to mthaisc hp orfe pa afrualtli ognro wanff gorodast , a(cna pinras trhuircctiuvse) aepxaemrtuprlees oafr ea sthrouwlyn .r—umJi.n Sa.ting stomach ; all the cavities and
A. b. 354. The stomach of a foetal calf, inflated and varnwihshicehd
a:t t(hbiso sp etariuordu so,)f litfhee leapdresp farroamti otnh e soheoswops htahgeu s gtroo othvee fourth or digestive stomach, for the direct conveyance of
theA m. bi.l k3 5in5t.o Tthhea ts ctaovmitayc.h— oJf. aH .foetal calf (wet preparation) sphoortwioinnga btlhye ssmtrualclt usriez eo of ft hthe eo rpgaaunn acth s; uacnhd a tnh ea gme i;l kt-hger oporvoe- estAa.b lbi.s h3e5d6b. eTtwhee efnirtsht er oowes oopfh caeglulss ainn dth foe uprathu nstcohm oafc ha. —droJ.m He.
cdaavryit y: ; (ocnaem eoluns edarcohm esdiadrei uso,f) at hperreo mairnee nttw mo ursocwusla ri nr itdhgies lwehadicihn ge xttoe ntdhse fsroecmo ntdh ed iovpiesinoinn go fo ft hteh e sotoemsoapchha g: utsh einsteo ctehlalst wwihtihc hth aicrek lbaargned sa nodf dmeuepsc alere alitn ethde wiri thm couuttihcsle ,w ahnidc hf usrenrivseh etod cloAse. bth. e3m77 .w Thhene fsuelclo.—ndJ .r oHw. of cells in the paunch of a dromfiresdt
arroyw :. —thseeye a3r7e7 .l aJr.g He .and wide and much like those in the ingA t.h be. t3h7ic8k. nAes ss eocft itohne omf uthsec uplaaru nccoha t oafn ad dtrhoem deidstairnyc,t nsehsosw of
trhatei ocnu tiict uclaarn libnein gre ;m tohvee dc uftriocmle thise smo usctorounsg s uthrfaatc eb yin mlaarcgee
paAtc.h ebs. .3—79J.. HA. piece of cuticle taken from the paunch of a droAm. ebd. a3r8y0, .a nTdh ed rsieedc o; nidt iss ttohmicakc,h fiormf aa nddr oompaeqduaery.——J{.c aHm.el, mdraommmeda.)l iat h: e itb opnrenseetn tos r nhuomneeryo-ucos mrboewds sotof mcaelclhs forof mo ththeer bporottjoemct,s aalnl de qsuidaelsly o ffo wrmheicdh o of tmheurs ccuellalsr poaf risemteasl,l earn dd ifmuernnissihoends wcoimth pasrtrtmonegn t sopfh itnhcet osrtso maat cthh eisir limneodu twhsit.h cTuhtiec leen t; irteh eo fc tehlilss aprreo maliln aernrta nmguedsc uolna r obnea nsdid ee x; teanndds aftr otmhe oonpe poosriifteic, e a toth itchke iontgh ert,h ef orr utmhein aptuerdp ofsoeo do f fraopmpr otxhiem aotiensgo pthhaegmus ina ctrroasnss fethrre
tcheilrlded c-asvtoitmy.a cThh, isi nm wushciuclha ro bnalnyd p iusr seh owwante ar t iAs . hbe. l3d8, 2.i—ntoJ . tHhe. smAal. l,b .a n3d8 1m. aTyh eb et hciornds isdteormeda crhu doifm ae ndtraol mofe dthaery t.h irIdt oisr lavmeriy
nseartveedd sinto am samcha llo fb oottthlee r: riut mis idneavnotsid : otfh ceu teinclteir,e aonfd ipt riess epnrets
onAly. ab . fe3w82 i.r rTeghue lasrtlryo npgli cmatuesdc uelmari nbeanncde sw.—hiJc.h Hc.onnects the