c. page.
C. a. 10. Monkey, . larynx of (shnia sabæa). . . . 91
C. a. 11. Monkey, . larynx, trachea and thyroid gland of (simia
flavescens). . . . . 91
C. a.12. Panther, . a portion of the lungs of (felts pardus). . 91
C. a. 13. Panther, . larynx of (felis pardus) ; dry. J.S.
C. a. 14. Lioness, . trachea of (felis leu'). . . . . 91
C. o. 15. Lioness, . larynx of ; dry preparation. J. S.
C. a, 16. Dog, . larynx of ; in spirits. . . . . 91
C. o. 17. Bear, . . larynx, trachea, and tongue of (ursus
Americ.). J. H.
C. a. 18. Cat, . larynx, trachea, and tongue of (felis catus).
C. a. 19. Porcupine, larynx of (histrix cristata). . . . 91
C. a. 20. Coati-mundi, . . larynx and trachea of (viverra nasua). J. H.
C. a. 21. Agouti, . larynx and trachea of (mus aguti).
C. a. 22. Cavy, . larynx and trachea of (cavia paca). 92
C. o. 23. Hedgehog, H . larynx, trachea, and tongue of (erinaceus
Europeevs). . . . - . 92
C. a. 24. Marmot, . larynx, trachea, and tongue of (marmot
Alpinus). J. H.
C. a. 25. Nylgau, . . larynx of (antilopus picta,§c.) : dry. J. S.
C. a. 26. Rein-deer, . lung of (cervus tarandus). 92
C. a. 27. Rein-deer, . larynx of ; dry preparation. 92
C. a. 28. Foetal calf, . lungs of ; showing their structure. 92
C. a. 29. Dromedary, . larynx and trachea of (camelus dromedarius).
J. H. . . . .
C. a. 30. Alpaca, .. . larynx and trachea of (camelus paco). J.H .
C. a. 31. Horse, . larynx of (equus caballus). J. S.
C. a. 32. Horse, . trachea of. . . . . . . 92
C. a. 33. Whale, . . lung of (delphinus diodon) . . . 92
C. o. 34. Whale, . . larynx and trachea of : dry. 92
C. a. 35. Whale, . . membrane of the trachea of. 92
C. a. 36. Porpoise, . . larynx of (delphinus phocana). . 92
G. a. 37. Porpoise, . . lung of, injected. . . . . 92
C. a. 38. Porpoise, . . lung of, un-injected. . . . . 93
G. a. 81. Swan, . trachea of (anas cygnus, L.); in situ. . 93
C. a. 82, Swan, . trachea of, detached. J. H.
C. a. 83. Peacock, . . trachea and lungs of (pavo crist.). 93
C. a. 84. Swan, . lung of (anas cygnus) . , . 93
C. a. 85. Curlew, . . lungs of (scolopax arquata, L.) 93
C. o. 86, Parrot, . trachea, larynx and tongue of (psittacus
cinereus.) . . . . 93
C. a, 87. Woodpecker, . os hyoides, larynx, trachea, and-tongue-of
(piams minor), . •98
C. a. 91. Ostrich, tongue- and isuperior larynx of (struiUno
camelus). . . , . - . 94
C. a. 92, Ostrich, . lower larynx :of ^struthio camelus). . 94
C. a. 9 3. Ostrich, . . trachea of, with its lateral muscles: dried. 94
C. a. 94. Ostrich, . . ilumgjof, iwith.-its.muscular appendages. 94
C .a. 121. Turtle, .. .. lung jofi(Sestudo mydas) ; injected, inflated,
and dried. . . . . •95
<G. a.122. Turtle, bronchial tube in the lung of. 95
'C. a. 123. Turtle, trachea of; showing its structure. 95
C. a. .124. Turtle, trachea and lungs of; filled with pi aster of
Paris. 95
C. a. 125. ,Tortoise, trachea and lungs of; -membranous cells. J.S.
C. a. 126. Tortoise, laryn-x, trachea, and tongue of, J. II.
C. a. 127. Tortoise, ;luBg-öf (testudo mydas). •95
C. c. 131. Alligator, larynx of >(lvcerta alligator). J. S. ..
C .a . 132. Alligator, larynx and trachea of. J. H.
C. a. 133. Alligator, . . . lungs of (lacerta alligator). J .H .
C. a. 134. Chameleon,, . lungs and larynx of. See preparation
A .b . 5-8. J .H . . . . .
iC. a. 138. Snake, lung and windpipe of, in situ. 95
C. a. 139. Rattlesnake, lung Of, (cr.atalus horridus). 95
<C. a. 140. Rattlesnake, larynx of (crotalus horridus). 96
<C. <*• 141. Boa .constrictor, trachea and lungs of. 96
C. a. 142. Boa constrictor, posterior cells of the lung of. 96
C. a. 143. Boa constrictor, larynx and os hyoides of. J. H. .
C. a. 147. Frog, lungs of (rana temporaria), injected and
dried. . . . . . . 96
G. a. 159. Hollybut, gills of ('pleuronectes hippoglossus) , uninjected.
. . . . 97
C. a. 160. Hollybut, gill of; injected. . . . . 97
C. a. 161. Gills of an osseous fish un-attached externally. 97
C .a. 162. Frog-fish, solid basis of the gill of, (lophius piscatorius,
L). . . . . . 97
C. a. 163. Hollybut, osseous support of the gill of. 97
C. a. 164. Frog-fish, gill of, injected. . 98
C. a. 170. Sturgeon, swim-bladder of (acipenser sturio). 98
C. a. 171. Pike swim-bladder of (esox lucius). 98
C. a. 172. Cod-fish, swim-bladder of (gadus morrhua). 99
C. a. 173, Gurnard, . . swim-bladder of (trygla lyra). 99
C. a. 174. Eel, swim-bladder of (murtena anguilla, L.), 99
C. a. 180. Cuttlefish, branchiae of (sepia loligo) ; in situ. 99
2 a