pedo). In the not much to disgtienngeuriaslh ctohnef oorrmgaanti ofnr oomf tthhaet borfa iont,h etrh ecraer tiis
lleaagvineo iut sf ofirs thh e; bsuutp pinly t hoef tehneo remleocutrsi csaizl ea popf atrhaet unse, rivte ps rewsheincths aa bsotvriek, inangd ptehceu lsieamritiyci. rcTuhlaer ccraannailusm o fh tahse breigenh tl eaaidr— optoegn eftrhoemr wexihthib iat epdo r: titohne doifm tihneu tisvpein sailz em oafr rtohwe alantdte irt,s cnoemrvpeasr, eda rew iatlhl tehsocasep ew nhoictihc eg. o fTrohme ntehrev ebsr awinh itcoh tshuep pellyec ttrhiec oerlgeacntrsi,c- coargnannost areD d. ear.i v1e0d7 .f roTmhi st hbee baruatnifcuhl iapl raenpda rfaitfitohn p asihr—owJs. Ht.he brain, ntheervsee sp, aarntsd, ecleocntsrticit uotrignagn sa omf ao stto rspinegduol a(rr avjaar iteotryp eodfo )a. nimAalll aonrgda nbiezaartiinogn ,t haereir enxahtuibraitle dre lainti vceo pnonseicttiioonns . wTithhe euapchp eor tphaerrt, obfr atihne acnadr titlhaeg ionroiugsin csr aonfi uitms sheavse rbaele nne rrevmeso. vedT htoe enxeprovsees tfhoer tbheein egl ecfutrlilcy meqaucahli nien atrhei ckonf eesnso rtmo otuhse sgizree—at esaccihat ico fi nth tehme houf mthaen b braondcyh i:a et,h eanyd r uranm oivfyer atmheo nsgp atchees ebleectwtriece ntu tbhees .a rcThhees reilgehcttr icis osrog and isosne cthteed l eafst stiod e eixs hpibreits etrhvee dd einsttriribe,u ttihoant oonf tthhee nerDv.e sa .t h1r0o8u. gOh niets o sfu tbhset aenleccetr.—ic Jo.r gHa.ns of a torpedo, injected, tahned nsutrmipbpeerd o of ft hites lfaimbrionuast ecda pcsyullien.d erTs,h eo ff worhmic, ht hthee s oizreg,a ann ids Pcormespeonsteedd, bmy aDy rb. eJ awceolbl .—unJd.e rHst.ood from this preparation-f- ThDe .l ean. gt1h0 9o. f Ath see cctyiolinn dorfi ctahle t uebleecst rriucn noirngga nf roomf ath teo rdpoerdsoal. ltioc athtee laabmdionma iwnahli cshu rifnatceers oecf tt hthee oserg taunb, easn, da trhe e cnleuamrleyr osuhso dwen
imn otdheis opfr edpiasrtaritbiounti.o n Tahme osnizge thoef otunbe eos f atnhde lnaemrvinease, ains da listos
disDp.l aay.e d1.1—0.J .T Hhe. brain, nerves, and spinal marrow of a frog- fainsdh t{hloep chaiuvsi tpyi socfa tthoeri ucsr)a.n iuTmh ela rbgrea i:n thise srepminaarl kmabalryro wsm ruanlls, bAu stm aa lslh goarntg wliaoyn,i ca enndl atregrmemineantte as pbpye afrosr moninogn ea o cf athued ao lefqacutionray.
nerDve. sa.—. 1J1. 2H. .A section near the termination of the caudal vertebrae of a sturgeon (acipenser sturio) prepared to show a
ipnr'?o' lao ndgifafteiorenn coef tihne t hsips inraels pmeacrt,r obwe tiwnetoe nt hiet taanidl, athned heoxgh-ifbisith
in which the spinal marrow is short, and terminates abrupDtl.
y a..— 1(1s6e.e TDh.e ab.r a1i1n0 o.—f aJ c. oHd-.fish \gadus morrhua) removed ifsr ommu tchhe icnrfaenriiourm i.n Tsihzee ptoa rtth we hsiacmh er epparrets einn tcsa trhtiel ahgeimnoiusps hfeisrhe s: (asnede aDri.s ea. n1e0a2r .e).a cTh hoet hoelrf afcrtoomry t hneer vfreosn at roef stlheen dheerm, ainspdh leornegs,. Tarhee siotupatitce dt upboesrtcelreios r atore thlaermg e:r ththeasen ttuhbee rhcelemsi saprhe esreeps a;r aatnedd bpyai ra osfh caollropwor afi sqsuuared r:i gtehmeyin aa rien midaenn.t icaTl hew iothp titch ne eiavnetse raiorer voerirgyi nla. rgeU, nadnedr ncreoastsh ethaceh oopthtiecr tautb ae srchloerst adries ttahnrceee ferloemva ttihoenisr foofr mmeerd uglilvaersy amttaacthtemr—enat ctoe ntthrea l,i nafunndd itbwuol ulmat,e rtahle o nlaetst e; r trhee
sbeemllubmle isth ae btruobaedr lcaimneirneau mof ogfr etyh es uhbusmtaannc eb, rasiintu. ateTdh eb echeirned
tdhuel loap otibcl otunbgeartac leasn,d asnpdin oavl emr athrreo wfo uarrteh b voetnht roicf lger. eatT mhea gmneitudDe.
ina. c1o2m0.p aTrihseo nc warittihla gthineo suisz e corfa nthiuem b raoifn . a Js.p iHn-y shark i(nsqteuraiolurs o sfp itnhoes ucsr)a nsihuomw ihnags tbheee bnr eaxinp oasnedd ,n beyrv ethse, irne smitouv. al1 hoet saellc tiitos nnse rfvroems a pitpse saursp einri othr ea ncde nitnrfee orifo trh we aclalsv i:t yt,h seu bprpaoirnt ewd itaht ac udlaistteadn cme efrmombr atnhee, ctahreti lfaibgreil lbaye ao f swinhgiuclha,r lfyr obme atuhteifiur ln, urmeteirfoixuesd
dpeocinuts,s aatsio wnse,l l aansd fraotmta cthhme emntasn nteor einv ewryh incehi gthhbeoyu sriunpg
pfoorrmt itnhge t hber acionc, oboena or f ath ree sseilmk-bwlaonrcme- tToh eth ien tethrsrteiacdess oof ft hseislke fibrillae were filled in the fresh state, with a gelatinous,
saDlti.sah., 1 4t0ra. nTshpea rbernati n foluf iad c.—uttJl.e fHis.h (sepia officinalis). Its form aonf dth ceo cnanreticlatigoinn owuisth c trhaen iouemso ipnh waghuics ha rite wshaos wennv beylo tpheed r. emJo.v Hal- (caDn.c ear. a1s4ta1c. usT). heF oubrra inne rover s cetarekber aol riogring afnr oomf ath isc racyen-ftirsahl mass—the optic, the auditory, the olfactory, and those which
go Dto. at.h 1e4 a2n. teTnhnea en.e—rvJo.u Hs .system of a razor-fish (solen siliqua). Three ganglia are pointed out by bristles placed under thJe. ms..