B. b. 207. Turkey,
B. b. 208. rleron,
B. b. 209. joose.
B. b. 210. Ostrich,
B. b. 211. Eagle,
B. 6. 220. Tortoise,
B. b. 221. Tortoise,
B. b. 224. Alligator,
B. b. 225. Alligator,
B. f>. 226. Chameleon, .
» . b. 227. Boa-constrictor,
B. b. 228. Rattlesnake,
B. b. 229. Rattlesnake,
B. 6. 230 Serpent,
B. b 231. Frog,
B. 6 241. Frog-fish,
B. b 242. Shark,
B. fi 243 Sturgeon,
B. b 244. Dog-fish,
B. fc. 245 Ray,
B. 6. 246 Torpedo ray,
B. 6. 248 Frog-fish,
B. b. 249. Cod-fish,
B. b. 250. Wolf-fish,
B. b. 251. Pike,
B. b. 252. Eel,
B. b. 253. Tetrodon mola
B. b. 254. Spiny shark,
B. b. 270. Cuttlefish,
B. b. 271. Cuttlefish,
B. b. 272. Cuttlefish,
B. b. 273. Cuttlefish,
B. b. 274. Crab,
B. b. 275. Cray-fish,
B. b. 276. Razor-fish,
B. b. 277. Snail,
B. b. 278. Earth-worm,
heart of, section through the ventricles. 70
heart and pericardium of (ardea major'). 70
heart of (anas anser) ; injected and dried.
J. H..................................................
heart of, the cavities, openings, valves, &c.
are all satisfactorily displayed. J. H.
heart of (aquila chrysostos). . . .
heart of (testudo mydas) ; cavities opened,
heart of; [cavities opened,
heart of (lacerta alligator); cavities opened,
heart of; cavities opened,
heart and lungs of (lacerta chameleon).
heart o f; cavities opened,
heart of (crotalus horridus); cavities
opened and exposed,
heart of, injected and dried,
heart of, injected, and in spirits,
heart of (rana temporaria). See A. a. 205. 20
heart of (lophius piscatorius) ; cavities
and valves shown. • •
heart of; cavities and valves shown,
j heart of (acipenser sturio). ->
heart of (squalus caniculus).
heart of (raja batis). , . • . •
heart of (raja torpedo).
heart of (lophius piscatorius). J. H.
heart of (gadus morrhua). J.H .
heart of (anarrkichas lupus). ; ..
heart of (esoi fucius).
heart and pericardium of (mur. anguilla).
heart of; cavities displayed,
heart of (squalus spinosus).
heart and principal bloodvessels of (sepia
loligo, L.).' • • •
systemic heart of (sepia loligo) ; opened,
three hearts of (sepia loligo) ; in connection
with the branchim.
systemic heart of (sepia officinalis) ; opened. 78
heart of (cancer mcenas, L.).
heart of (cancer astacus).
heart of (solen siliqua).
heart of (helix hortensis). J .H .
dorsal vessel of ( lumbricus terrestris)
B. c. 300. Human liver, vessels on the surface of, injected. 78
B. c. 301. Human aorta, semilunar valves of. See B. b. 88. 57
B. c. 302. Nylgau, artery of (antilopus picta) ; showing its
structure. . . . . . 78
B. c. 303. Dromedary, jugular vein of, inverted to show the valves. 78
B. c. 304. Dromedary, jugular vein of, showing the valves. 78
B. c. 305. Dromedary, section of the aorta of (camelus dromedarius). 78
3 . c. 306. Dromedary, . section of the aorta of, showing its fibrous
structure. . . • • • 78
B. c. 307. Dromedary, . carotid artery of. . • • • 79
B. c. 308. Rabbit, ear of, injected and preserved in spirits. J .H.
3 . c. 309. Seal, inferior vena cava of, showing muscular
fibres in its structure. J. H. . .
B. c. 310. Whale, ■ . art,ery of, showing its several tunics. J. S.
B. c. 311. Cat, kidney of, showing aborescent arrangement
of veins. J. S.
B. c. 312. Human kidney, corroded preparation of. . . . 79
B. c. 313. Human kidney, corroded preparation of. J.H .
B. c. 330. Human foetus, peculiarities in the circulation of. 79
B. c. 331. Human heart, bloodvessels, &c. transposition of. See
B. b. 100...................................................
B. c. 332. Human aorta, five vessels arising from the arch of: dry
preparation. . . . . . 79
B. c. 333. Human aorta, four branches from arch of ; right sub-
clavian the last branch. 79
B. c. 334. Sub-clavian artery irregular, and transfixed by a piece of bone. 79
B. c. 335. Thyroid arteries, irregularities of. . . . . 80
B. c. 336. Thyroid arteries, three in number. . . . . . 80
B. c. 337. Radial, arising from axillary artery. 80
B. c. 338 Arm, arteries of, injected with wax. J. H.
B. c. 339. Arm, arteries, and veins of ; injected. J.H . .
B. c. 340. Arm, arteries and veins of ; do. J. S.
B. c. 341. Hand, . arteries, veins and absorbents of, injected. 80
B. c. 342. Hand, . arteries and veins of, injected with quicksilver 80
B. c. 343. Ulnar artery, taking origin from brachial. 81
B. c. 344. Radial artery, passing round back of radius. 81
B. c. 345. Iliac arteries and veins, branches of, in great numbers. 81
B. c. 346. Femoral artery, double in the middle of the thigh. . 81
B. c. 347. Anterior tibial artery irregularity of. . . . . 82
B. c. 348. Kidney, supernumerary artery of. . . 82
B. c. 349. Radial artery, arising from middle of brachial.' J. H. .
B . c. 3 5 0 . Interoseous artery, . large, and making part of palmar arch. J.H . ..