F. c. 401. A recent impregnation deer. The decidua is equally develoofp ethde iunt ebruosth o fc ao rnrueian, aSluthrgoeuognh Gae nfeoreatul—s iJs. pHre.sent in one only.—Presented by the
ThFe . ecx. t4r0e3m. itTy hoe ff athlleo ptiuabne t ufobrem asn ad soavca rwiuhmic ho f ias dcroonmtienduaoruys. wthieth ftahceil ictayv wityit ho fw thhiec hp eariirt oinnteruomdu, ceasd winatso tdheem tounbset raetsecda pbedy foivrsatr iiunmto ltiehse lsoaocs,e alyn din t htheen csea ci,n tboe itnhge acbodnonmecitneadl tcoa viti toyn. ly'T bhye oneF .s cid. e4 0n5e.a rA t hpea rotr iofifc teh oe fu ttheer ufsa lloofp ai acno wtu,b kei.l-l^edJ. wHh.ile bearrinedg.
a cTahlfe. plTawceon toufl æth eo rg lcaontydlueldæo nuste hrianvæe bareee ns hroemwonv iendje wctietdh athttea cchheodr iiosn e, xapnods edth. e Tpehrefsoer agteladn dsuurlæfa ceex tisot ewdh iinc hg trheaety nwuemre
bers in the uterus.—J. H.
cowF., (cS. e4e0 6F.. cO. n4e0 5o.)f dtheeta cchoetydl efrdoomns i tsfr ogmla ntdhuel ac huoteriroinna ,o afn da ifninjeec vteads cwuliathr bflraincgkeesn ewdh siiczhe . fiOttnede siunrtfoa cteh ee xhfoibraitms innua moefr othuse glaFn.d c, . w40h7ic. hT ahries sphroewpanr aatti oFn. sch. 4o0w5s. —theJ .m Ho.de of connection bperetwgneaenn t tchoew .c otTylheed ovness,s ealns do gf lathned uulæte ruosf wtheer e ufteilrlueds iwni tha rceodn,s itdheorsaeb loef tehxet pralavcaesanttiao nw itohf bblaocthk icnojelocrteiodn , inajnedc tiaolnthso uhgadh tmakadeen pitlsa cwea, yi ni nntoo tphaer tp wlaacse nthtaa,t oorf tvhicee uvteerrusas. fouTnhde tofr ihnagvees omfi nthae o cno tthyele dgolannsd hualæve, btoe eenx hpiabritti amllyor ep ucllleeadrl yo utth eoifr tmheo dfeo roaf
conFn. ecc. ti4o0n8.—. AJ. pHre.paration of a foetal calf, at an early period, iinncjelocsteedd riend i ttso msheomwb trhaen evsa. scuTlhaeri tvye osfs ethlse ocfo ttyhlee dcohnosr.i—onJ . aHre. andF .d cr.i e4d0.—9. JT. hHe. uterus of a cow after parturition injected of Fth. ec .u 4t1er0u. s Am darryk epdre 4p0a9ra. tioTnh oef tvhees scehlso rhioanv,e anbdee cno tiynljeedcotends fvreormy nthuem ceorordu so.—f dJi.f fHer.ent colors : they , are of great size, and (deFlp. hci.n 4u3s 0p.h oTchoeen fae)m. alTe hoer glaanbsi ao fa rgee nperreastieornve do f ina tphoer pporisee
tphaer atriuogno—ust hset avtea gionfa tihse slmitu coopuesn maleomnbgr atnhee— baa cpkro, bteo msahrokws
tohvea rioas atrinec eeex hainbdit ende cnke aor ft hthe et oupt eoruf st—het hbeo tctloer.n—uaJ . ubt.eri, and (,deFl.p hc.. p4k3o1c.c eTnah.e) uTtheer usa niomf aal, ptoogrpeothiseer winijtehc tietds caanldf adbroieudt 2W£ hefene tf irlsotn tga,k ewna, s itcsa utegahtts iyni eal dfeisdh imngil kn oent nbeeairn gK isnqguseteozwend.. The womb is large, and the bloodvessels supplying it and
theF .o vc.a r4ia3 2a.r eT vheer yn imppulceh a nddev pealorpt eodf. —thJe • Hm.ammary gland of ga upmoerpnotsis.,e . ThTeh em naimppmlae, isa csomncaella lpeadr ti no af wfihssicuhre oonfl yth ies ipnrteesnearrvroedw,
ltiheisn ugnldaenrd utlhaer sbkainnd, , atnod theex tleenndgst hi n otfh see vfoerraml ofefe ta,
paFra.l lce. l 4t3o3 t.h Tath eo fn itphpel eo popf oas iwteh aslied.e .—ThJ.e rHe .are two openings mono vietsd seuxmhimbiitte. d aIt sfi nseu rvfialcloeu ws hsetnru tchtue rec.u—ticPlree swenatse df irtsot trhee
MuFs.e uc.m 4 b4y5 .M Trh. eM o.v aPriaan aienlld.-, —ovJi.d uSc. ts of the domestic hen, isnid seirtuab. le Tshiezree, ainre t htwe oo lvaarrgiees .o vaT, haen dov oidthuecrtss oarfe m shoorew nin cruonnninFg.
acl.o 4n4g6 .t hTe hbea fcekm taol ej ooirng athnes colfo gaecna.e—ratJio. nS .of a cormorand r(ipuemlic aonru sr acceamrbuos) . vitAeltl otrhuem t oips soof athrrea npgreedp aarast itoon sthhoew o tvhae
cseaelinc esth ea ntdo rtiunfouunsd ifbaullloap ioafn tthueb eo wvai.t h wLohwicehr tdhoew onv imduacyt bies dcouncttisn tuhoeu sv.e ssTehlse ,t od ethliecsaete o rfgoaldn s,o fa npde raittotancehuems , thwehmic ht o cothne
rsaptiinoen,. is Tshper eoavdid ouuctt otenr mthien awteasx inw hthiceh u tseurpups,o rwtsh icthhe t hprroeupgah
tchoem mmoend iuremc epotfa cal es hfoorr t tvhaeg dinisac hoapregness finrotom tthhee rcelcotaucma,, tvhae
ggiuniash, eadn db yu rae teprise.c e Tohfe wohpaelneibnogn fer ofmro mth et hraetc tuomf thise duirsetitner
intFo . wc.h i4c4h7 .a Agl apsasr tt uobfe t hhea sc obveeernin ignst roofd uthcee de.g—g Jo. fH a. common hmeenr o{ugsa sl-m daollm pesoti.n) tsd iosfc hcaarlgcaerde obuesfo dree piot swita hs apveer fbeecetend f. ormNeud
on the external surface, the commencement of the formation
of Fa .s ch.e 4ll6J0§.- J.T Hhe. genital organs of a female land tortoise. There are two ovaria, two oviducts and two uteri. There is
a lFar.g ce. e4g6g6 . inT ehaec ho voafr tihuem ovoaf riae sc.—haJm. eSl.eon {lacerta chame