file other organs of sense were formed. There was water in then batruairna l;— htehren ilaip ds iabpehauratigfumllay
is ; and supernumerary fingers.-—J. H.
theG .a na.u s5.2 . TThhee roebcstturmuc toiofn a ehxuimstsa ni nfoe tthues , cimanpael rofofr athtee ngeuart Iamboe uatn tdh rehea llfin iens ubpre afdrothm. thAe odriefpicree,s sainodn iisn n otht em sokrein t hlainne da awnidth abmouvceo tuhse mobesmtrburcatnioen ,m thaerk gs utt hise cosintusiadteioranb olyf wthied era nthuasn ; ncoaatutsr alo. f tTheh e rescttruicmtu, rea nadp pine arssu cehq umalalyn netor ains vonlovte toa llh athvee aElsteqr.e—d J.t hHe . line of its direction. Presented by J. Peebles
cheGa., ai.n 5a3n. iAn fcaanst.e oTf hmea plfhoarmryantxio, nw ohfi cthh ei sp huanruysnuxa lalyn dw itdrae,
tneercmtiionna tewsi tbhe ltohwe oines oap hcaugl udse. saTch, ew oiethsoopuht ahgauvs intagk easn yo rciognin
fsroo msm thoeo tpho asntedr iwori dwea, lla so ft oth ere tnradcehr etah,e b pya assna gope enfrionmg wthhiec hl ais
trryancxh einat oin ttoh et hseto mluancghs., asS deeir eDcut balnidn eHaossyp, .a sR ethpaotr tasl, onVgo l.t he 5 p. 310.—J. H. F ’
chaGr.a cat.e r5s4.. AT hheu mvaagni nfaoe istu ns—earhleyr mclaopsehdro udpit ee xitne rintas lleyx.t erTnhael pclrietoserinst s isa t fiutsll yro oast thlaer goep eansi nagn o fo trhdein uarreiltyh rsaiz. edT hpee noivsa, riaunmd isso palsa cetod giniv eth eto latbhieu msi gphutd eannddi , towuhcihc,h tihs et hcehraerbayc teenrsla rogfe da scrGot.u am. 5c5o.n t5a6i.n inTgw ao tceasstitcsl eta :k epnre sbeyr vtehde ilna tsep iMritrs.. -S—hJe. kSle.ton fpraormen ats cthoi lbde a ab obuoty t,- eann dye naarsm oefd ,a agne,d aeldwuacyaste sdu apsp ossuecdh .b yT ihtes rmacisttearks eo wf aas bvoeyr yt heaxnc uas agbirlle., foIrt tihs er ocbhuilsdt hanasd menotreer st hlea, rgchelay
isnetmo balilnl gt hteh ea mpeunsiesm, eisn tosf ntahteu rsaizl et on athtuarta ls etxo. thTe haeg eo r; giatn hraes
aIt ghlaans sa afnudrr om wo vine atbhlee spitrueaptuiocen, oafn tdh ei so sriufbicjee cot f ttoh ee ruercettihornas .; abtu tth teh er ooopt eonfi ntgh efr oomrg awnh. ichT hthee p uarritn ree sise mdibslcihnagr gthede issc prloatcuemd tise rmnaoldlye,r aatnedly i np riotsm iinnteenrti obr,u to nn ootn pee sniddue,l oau sb o; diyt irse sreumgobulisn gex a
tmesotsict lep rombaayb lbye, faesl ti,n mGo. vae. a5b4le, laikne oivt,a rtihuomu. ghT hsme avlalegri,n aa nids closed externally, but from the opening at the root of the
tchliet obrilsa dad perro—bteh ec aont hbeer malaodneg ttoh ep avsasg iinn atw too tchoeu rusteesr,u osn. e iTnhtoe child is still alive (1831), but has been lost sight of. The
casGts. aw. e6re2 .t aHkeunm iann 1f8oe2t4u.—s, Ja. tH th. e period of birth, i.n which ibnottehg uthmee nlot,w etrh eex tfreeemt itaiet st haere beontvtoelmop ebde iinng t hteh es amonel yg epnaerrtasl rwuhnisc hu pa pipne aar p doiisnttiendc t.m aTnhnee rh etoa dt hise ltaorpg.e , aPnrde stehnet ecdr abnyiu Jm. Stokes, Esq.—Drawings and a cast of the monster have been
moGn.t ha,. e6x5h. ibAi timngal eu"n fnoeattuusra lb edtewveeelonp mtheen t siinx tshe vaenrdal pseavrtesn tohf tohfe t hbeo dhye.a d,T hanedre fiso ram hinegrn iaa ctuemreboruir slparrignegri ntgh afnro mth eth eh etoapd iotfs etlhf.e sTchaelp w, aalnlsd oafr et hsihso twumn oinr atrhee foprrmepeadr aotfi oan p, reomlopntgieadti oonf tehaeiv ictye.r ebrIanl amddatitteiorn w, htihceh finac teh ei sr ehciedneto sutasltye doecfcourpmieedd bthye iar ftois stuarkee ianw tahye anliyp aapnpde paraalantcee, owf hdiicshti nisc tsioon w biedtew aenedn bthroea ndo ases abneldo wm tohuet he. lboTwh e; raingdh t thfoerree- aisrm n oi s thwuamnbti nogn tfhroem le fat hlaitntdle. ThTe huep paebrd ohmalifn oafl vthisec ebroad yar ea paplela rssi tuoathteedrw oisuets pideerf ethcet. cavity inne uam th ; int hbea gd,e fwichieinchcy aipnp tehaer sa btod obme ian aml owdailflisc atthioronu ogfh pwehriitcoh
trhigish te nthoarmn otuhse hleefrtn siaid pe.r otrTuhdee su,m isb isliitcuaal tecdo rdm ocroem teosw oaurdt sf rtohme tahned saafmteer aap ecrotuurrsee woift hb etthwee perno ttrwudoe da nbdo wtherlse e: iitn icsh esst,r ajiogihnts, tthheer p dlaiscseencttaio, nw hhaicsh yise tp rbeeseenrv meda dine thoef tphree paabrdatoimoni.n al Noor tfhuorrnaactiusr
alc.a viTtihese. lowTheer exextrteemrniatile s paarret sb oothf pgeernfeecrat.t—ionJ. Hap. pear pieGp.a rbe. d1. 10T. hTeh eh esakde lewthoinc ho fi sa sminognlset,r oauffso krditst eantt,a bcehamuetinfut lltyo teworoT essppionnadl incgo lluimmbnss ,a rwe ictho nwnehcitcehd .-—twJo. sSe.parate bodies and andG .t wb.o 1b1o1d. ieAs . moTnhsetr obuosd ikesit taerne. coIntn epcretesde,n tssi dae sbiyng slied eh,e aads far as the umbilicus. The lower jaw is split, and the tongue
is dGo ubb.l e1.1—2 J. .A S .kitten, with two heads, joined side by side. The body and the extremities are naturally formed.—J- S.