B. 350. 1 Human foetus, circulation of—Donor, Professor Kirby.
.. 2 Neck and axilla, . arteries and veins of. Idem.
.. 3 External carotid, . branches of, Idem.
.. 4 External carotid, . branches of. . • Idem.
.. 5 Elbow, arteries, veins, and fascia of. Idem.
.. 6 Arm and hand, arteries of. Idem.
.. 7 Arm and hand, arteries of. Idem.
8 Arm and hand, arteries and veins of. . Idem.
.. 9 External iliac and femoral arteries, branches of. Idem.
10 Penis, blood-vessels of. Idem.
., n Penis, blood-veseels of. Idem.
.. 12 Leg, and foot, arteries of. Idem.
.. 13 Leg and foot, arteries of. Idem.
.. 14 Both legs and feet, arteries of.. Idem.
.. 15 Thigh, arteries of. Idem.
.. 10 ^>Tibial arteries, . 17 \ irregularities in. Idem.
1 J
.. 18 Right subclavian artery, the last and fourth branch from
arch of aorta. Idem.
19 Longitudinal sinus of dura mater, showing the orifices of the
veins. . • *. Idem.
c. 361. Monkey, circulation of (simia saboea) : dry preparation. 82
c. 365. Dog, . • circulation of ; dry preparation 82
c. 366. Dog, • • • heart and great blood-vessels of ; dry. 82
c. 367. Badger, circulation of (ursus meles) ; dry. 82
c. 368. Dog, circulation in the leg of ; dry preparation. 82
. c. 369. Horse, . . circulation in the foot of ; in turpentine. 82
, c. 370. Calf, . . circulation in the foot of ; dry preparation. 83
, c. 371. Monstrous calf, circulation of ; dry preparation. 83
. c. 372. Seal, mesenteric artery of (phoca vitulina) ; dry. 85
, c. 373. Hedge-hog, . arteries of (erinàceus Europcei14’), . 85
. c. 374. Porpoise, heart and blood-vessels of (delphinus phoceena')
: dry preparation. 85
. c. 375. Seal, . kidney of (phoca vitulina) ; injected and
dried. . 86
. c. 375. i Seal, . . ; kidney o f: wet preparation, | howingjvessels
of surface. J.H .
. c. 376. Foetal foal, . foot of, injected : wet preparation. 86
. c. 377. Foetal foal, . section of an injected foot of : do. . 86
. c. 378. Foetal foal, . foot of injected : dry preparation. . 86
. c. 379. Seal, . liver of, shewing dilatation of venae hepatic®. 86
. c. 380. Seal, circulation in the dorsal veins of penis of. 86
B. c. 381. Seal, . . . circulation in the liver of : dry. 86
B .c. 382. Seal, . circulation in the liver of : in spirits. 87
B .c. 383. -Otter, . heart and blood-vessels of, injected. 87
B. c. 384. Seal, . leg and foot of, injected with red wax. J.H .
B. c. 385. Calf, . head of, injected ; showing the rete mirable.
• arteries of the spongy bones, &c. J. H.
B. c. 401. Heron, . circulation of (ardea major) : dry preparation. 87
B .c. 402. Common fowl, circulation of (gallus domesticus') : do. 87
B. c. 403. Curlew, circulation of (sçolopax arquata) : do. 87
B. c. 404. Goose, . head and neck of, showing the arteries : do. 88
B. c. 405. Goose, . . ' wing of, showing the arteries and veins ;
dry preparation. . . . • . 88
B. c. 406. Goose, . leg of, shewing the arteries and veins. 88
B .c. 407. Northern diver, great veins of ( colymbus arcticus') j dilated. 88
B. c. 408. Gannet, circulation of ganser bassanus). 88
B. c. 409. Ostrich, inferior vena cava of (struthio camelus') j
muscular fibres very distinct. J .H . .
B. c. 425. Cod-fish, , circulation in (gadus morrhua). . 89
B. c. 426. Cod-fish, circulation in ; dry preparation. 89
B. c. 427. Cod-fish, circulation in the branchiae of ; dry. 89
B. c. 428. Cod-fish, circulation in the branchiae of ; dry. 89
B. c. 429. Cod-fish, circulation in the tail of ; dry. 89
B. c. 430. Cod-fish, circulation in the gill of ; fine injection—wet. 80
B. c. 431. Sturgeon, circulation in the branchiae of (acipenser
sturio). . . . . . . 89
B. c. 432. Sturgeon, aortic canal in the vertebrae of. 99
B. c. 433. Sturgeon, a dorsal vertebra of, showing canal for aorta. 90
B. c. 434. Ray, circulation in (raja bâtis) ; dry preparation. 90
B. c. 435. Ray, . . . circulation in (raja batis) ; do. 90
B. c. 436. Shark, . circulation in ; . do. . 90
B. c. 437. Shark, | tail of, showing aorta and cava ; do. 91
B. c. 438. Frog-fish, tail of, showing aorta and cava; do. J. If.
B. d. 444. Blood, . cupped and buffed. J. H.
B. d. 445. Blood, . fibrin of, deprived of the red globules.
B. d. 446. Cellular membrane, specimen of. J. H.
B. d. 447. Adipose membrane, specimen of. J.H . • •
B. d. 448. Urinary bladder, sub-mucous cellular tissue of. J. H. ;
B. d. 449. Urinary bladder, . sub-mucous tissue of ; another specimen. J.H . ..