same degree : there form carunculie mamairlela nreos .p osTtehrei ocre lroebbeesll u: ma nids dthivei daendte irniotor cnouvmeererod ubsy l othbeu lecse rleibkrea lc ohnevmoilsupthioenress, .a ndT hien sgprienaat l pmaratr riosw u nis
shoDw. n lyian.g at the bottom of the bottle.—J. H. hemispheres6 a8r.e T mhaer bkreadi nb yo fn au mpoerrpoouiss ea {ndde dlpeheipn ucso nphvooclucetinoan)s. :T he svuidpeedr ioirnltyo, tthheryee a rloe bheisg, ht haen d proosutnerdi o;r inoffe rwiohrilcyh, thceoym parleet edliy
icnotvoe rpsr othcees csuerse bmealmluimll a:r eths,e faonrt egriivoirn glo obreisg ianr et on tohte p roolfloacntgoerdy nbeerllvuems, iass lianm sionmatee do, thaenrds opfr ethseen ctsl avses rmmiafmormma lpirao. ceTsshees cveerrey
like those of the human brain.—J. S.
TheD . hemais. p8h1e. reTsh ea brer aionf ogf reaa tsepsatr robwre-ahdatwhk t(raanccsivpeirteser lnyi s: us). tchoenyn eacrte thsemmo ottohg eatnhde r w: itthheoruet icso nnvoo lduitvioisniso n: icnotom mloibsseus raest othlfeaicr tobrays e :n esrmveasll. prTochees suosp tmica mtuilblaerrecsle sa ffaorred ovreigryin ltaor gthee: tthhee yo prriogijne cto bf ethhine do, patnicd enveernv ersis ef raosm h itghhes aes ttuhreb heercmleissp ihne rtehse: vbearsme ifoofr mth ep rborcaeisns ;i si t sihso lwamn.i naTtehde accerroesbse allnudm f urrensisehmebdl ewsi tha tvweroy smlaraglle l: aitte raisl caopnpveenxd abgeelos.w , Tahned mmeadrkuellda boyb lpoynrgaamtaid aisl eminences.—J. H.
orgDa.n is par. e8s2e.r vTedh ei nb raa ivne royf paner foescttr isctha t(es.t ruTthhieo lcaarmgee luvse)r.m iThe
fpohremre as,p paenndd afgoerms, wa hpiecchu lpiraorijteyc ti nfr othmis t hbeir ds,i daerse ocfl ethaerl vh eemxhisibited.—!.
H. y
semDb. les vae.r y9 5m. uTchh et hbarat ionf ao cfa rat ilbaogain coounss tfrisicht,o (rs. ee TDh.i sa .b 1ra0i2n) reiont
hwerh.i chI ttsh ee nsteivree rablu plka ritss ianrceo nasrridanergaebdl ei,n c ao mlinpea rbedef owriet he athche tsiiozne so :f tthheey a nairme ablr. oaTdehre thheamn ilsopnhge r;e sa nadre tedremvoinida toe fa cnotenrvioorluly
ibne hthinicdk t hcelumb,- lliikkee tohlefa acntoterryi onre ervmeisn. eTnhcees o opft tihc et ucboerrpcolreas qaupapderai-r tgheemsein tua bine rmclaens.: Btheeh oinpdti tch nee orpvteisc dtuebceurscslaetse, tihne t hcee resubbelsltuamnc me aoyf bbae nrde,c ocgonviezreindg i nth teh ef ofuorrtmh voefn at rnicalrer.o wT, htrea nmsveedruslela, mobeldounlglaartya is large, like that in birds (see D- a. 81.), and convex and
prominent on the inferior surface. The origins of many of the
neDrv.e s arae. s9h6o.w nT ihne tbhrea ipnr eapnadr aotrioigni.n—s Jo.f tHh.e nerves of a rattlesonf
atkhee (ocrrgoatna,l uasn hdo orrf imduoss)t. oTf hthee a nneartvoems yw ohfi cthh ei ts egviveeras l opraigritns
to, Dis. wa.e l9l 7s.h oTwhen ibnr tahinis opfre ap aryaotuionng. —crJo.c Hod.ile (lacerta alligriaotrolry)
.i n pTohien theedm oilsfpahcetorerys atrueb ebrrcolaeds l: attehreayll ya,r ea wndit heonudt acnotnevaroel
uttwioon so,p atincd t usbeepracrlaetse,d bbryo aad ,v erortuicnadle fdi,s spuarert i:a lbleyh sinepda trhaetesde forpotmic enaècrhv eos,t haetr tshuep jeurniocrtliyo,n a nodf wghivicinhg t horeirgei ni si naf ecroionrsliyd etora tbhlee athcec umoputliac titounb eorfc lgerse y: istu ibss toafn cceo.n sTidheer acbelree bseizlleu, ma nldie sp rbeesheinntds tpwroox ilmataetriaoln taop ptheen dfaogrmes ,o fi nth ew hsaicmhe r epsapret citn biti rmdsa. kesI haen mapeidsu
wllaid eo, balnodn glaetaad sis dvoewryn binrotoa dth aen dsp finlaatl : mtahrer ofwou. rtTh hvee natrraicchle
noiDd . mae. m10b2ra. nTe haen db rpaiian mofa tae rs paroet toefd as bhlaarckk i(sshq ucaolluosu cr.a tuJlu.Hs)., doergtaacnh iend cfarortmila tghien ocursa nfiiushm. toIt schoonws itshtse ocfo hnefmorismpahteiorens ,o fo pthtiec thuobreizrcolnetsa,l cpelraenbee,l luamnd, annodt mveerdtuiclalall yo bolovnegr aetaac, ha rortahnegre, da os n ina msuarnes. , Tanhde hweimthiospuht ecroensv foolrumti oonnse, garneda t gfraonmg ltiohne, lwatiethraolu, t fainstoerriigoirn
. anTglheesr eo fi ws hai ccha, vtiwtyo— laar grue,d ismoeftn, to loffa cvteonrtyr icnleersv,e sin t atkhee fceerniotrre i no fs itzhee thoe tmheis hpehmeriiscp ghaenregsl,i oann.d T phlaec oepdt icco tmubpelertcelleys baerhe iinnd
tthraenms.v eTrsheel yc—erebbeealrliunmg ilnie tsh isst ilrle sfpuertchte ar nb aalclkia n: ciet itso lathmei nbartaeidn oflfa bt,i radnsd ; h(osleloe wDe.d a b. y8 1th.)e. deTphree ssmioend uolfl at hoeb lfoonugrathta vise nltarircglee,, whDic. ha .i s 1c0o4n. tiTnhuee db rianitno iotf f rao md ougn-dfiesrh t h{es qcuearleubse lclaunmic.u—luJs.) Hin. sciotum. paTrihsoen p rwepitahr athtiaotn osfh otwhes cthraen isumma ilnl swizhei cohf itth ies blordagine di n: tthhee ppliaac me aotfe trh ies warealcl hmnaorikde dm aenmdb sruanrreo uisn dosc ctuhpei bedra biny cal ogslaeilryy: galell aptainrtosu so lfi qtuhoer , cwahviictyh uisn opcrecsuepniet din b gyr ecaetr eabbruanl dmanactete, rf il: ltinhge duDra. ma.a t1e0r6 .l inTehse t hbera iinnt earinodr noef rtvhees skouf lla. —toJr.p eHd.o {raja tor