A. a. 1. A finely injected tion, form, and connectionsp roefp atrhaet iopnh,a eryxnhxib. itinTgh eth es usbitjueact
twhaes htehaadt aonf da thfeem valeer,t e1b3r ayl ecaorlsu molnd h: avthee bpeoesnt erreimoro vpeadr,t soof wasi ttho epxrpoomsien ethnet cmavoiutyth fsr omm abrekheindd . byT hslei pes usotfa chwiahnal etbuobnees,, faapupceiaurm a, t sothfte psaidlaetse ,o fe ptihgel otptioss, terrimioar gnlaortetisd:i s,t hea ndis thcmomus
imnejenccteiomne nhta so fn eoaersloyp rheasgtousre, d arthe e anlla truernadl erceodlo uevr iodfe ntth. e Tlihpes amnedm tbornagnuee. , aAnrdt ifgiicvieanl peryoems,i newnhciec hto hthaev ev ibllei eonf tshueb mstiutcuoteuds fcooru nthteen aonrcieg.i—naJl,. give a striking expression of life to the S h e k l e t g n , in Aco. nan. e2c. tiTonh ew tiotnhg tuhee osfu ba-nm aadxuilllta rmy aalen,d i nsujebc-tleind,g uaanld g slhanodwsn. Tfrheen uomri filcinegs uoafe , thaen dd uthcets roelfa ttihvees es itgulaatnidosn aotf tthhee siwdhesa rotof ntihane duct and gustatory nerve are demonstrated.—J. H o u s t o n .
* Ih studying the catalogue and museum together, that part of the book to be
"first consulted is the Index, because, therein only are the preparations all registered
and classed as on the shelves ; and because from thence it is that references are
made to the following illustrations of the leading objects in the collection.