in spirits, and their interior naturally displayed. In the ricgohntf oaurmricalteio, nt hteh oerpeebnyin wgse lol f atnhde vsaengaee, caanvdse tahned fvoesnsaa coovraolnisa,r iato, gtehteh earu rwiciuthlo -tvheen ttruicbuelracru pluams
Lseocwtieorni, wthhei cmh uhsacsu lbi epeenc tminaadtie, &ofc .t haere r iagllh dt evmeonntrsictrlaet eedx.p oTshees tiong v iienw r etfheere rneclea titvoe tphoasti tiloena doinf gth ei natuor itchuel op-vuelmntorincaurlya ra ortpeerny,
tcoagrneetshee rc woliuthm tnh*e, vtahlev esse potfu tmhe svee notpreicnuinlogrsu m: i,t a&lsco. shTohwes ltehfet wauarlilc lbey h awsh bicehe nt hlaei df ooupre nc obmy earsn oinfc itshieo nb aagcr oasnsd tthhee p poasstesarigoer dthoewren waraer dnso fvraolmve si th eirnet,o atnhde thvee nmtruisccleu lia pree cmtinaadtei aerve idfeewnte r: saanmd el evsise wpr tohmei innetnetr iothr aonf tthheo slee fitn v tehnetr ircilgeh its aeuxrhicilbei.t ed Inby thane imncaitsioionn ofc athrreie md itpraelr pveanlvdeics u;l atrhlye sdtroewnngwtha rodfs t:h et hcear neceoen fcoor-
mlumayn seb e; aanldl wtheel lg raepapt rtehciicaktende ssf roomf ththe ew dalelms oonfs tthraet ivoenn trhiecrlee givBen. .b—. J8.2 .H .A model of the cavities of an adult human heart. gInre mat avkeisnsge lsth wise prer efpiarsrat tfiiollne dt hwei tcha vciotileosu roefd twhea xh e; atrhte a nedn tiirtes wtimase ,t hwenh enim tmhee rfsleedsh inw daisl uctoerdr omdeudri aatnicd arecmido, vaendd bayf taebr lusotimone cinle ws,a vteenr,t rtihclee sw, aaxn db geareriant gv etshsee lfso wrmas dorfi tehde a inndte vraiornr ioshf etdh e— aJu.rSi.
a cBh. ilbd. 8p3r.e Tpahries dis ian b ethaeu tisfauml leit tmle apnrneepra - raast iothna otf a tth eB h. eba. r8t 2o.f iInt erexdh iabnitds bnloatc okn wlya ax ,p ebrufet catl msoo tdheal to of fth thee c apvuiltmieos noafr yth ev ehsesealrst alunndg tsu.—beJs. aSs. they are ramified through the substance of the aduBl.t bh. u8m4.a nA hmeaordte, l porfe pthaere cda viint ietsh ea nsda mgree amt avnesnseerl s aos f ththaet sdtersuccrtiibveed, atT Bhe. bri. g8h2t. orT phuislm porneipca rcaatvioitnie si so fp athrtei chuelaarrtl yw einre
tfhilele dre mwiotvha bl loafc tkh ew aflxe,s hth bey l eafct iodr, styhset etmwoic mwoidthe lsre—d,t haen db alaftcekr sahnadp tehse, arnedd —cawpearbel e soefp abreaitnegd r, ejporienseedr vsion ga s etaoc ehx hthibeiitr bpyr tohpeeirr ausn ioann atlhoeg opuesr fetcot tdhoeu sbilneg hlee aprut.l moTnhiec bhlaecakrt mofa yfibshe, rethgea rdreedd one may be taken as a specimen of the kind of heart posseswsehde
nb yp lsaocmede tmogoelltuhsecra d—emthoen ssntraailt,e ftohre ecxhaamrapclete ;r oanf dth teh eo rtgwaon as found in mammalia and birds, when arrived at the period
of Bfu. llb .g r8o5w. tThh.—e Jh. eHar.t of a human foetus about the seventh monoen pthie coef ouft ewroh-galeesbtaotnioe nm. ayT bhee saeuernic tloes oacrceu pbyo tthh e oppaesnseadg e: ftrhoem l eftht ea uirnicfeler io; r avneonthae cr apviae cteh lrioeus gwhi tthh eo nfeo reanmde nin othvael es uinpteo
rvieonr tvriecnual acra voap,e nanindg w: itthh et hpeu olmthoenr arerys tsa ritne rtyh aiisi glahitd aoupriecnu lboy- arino sinucsi s: iotnh ee xotepnedniinnggs a loofn gth iets rfiogrhet paanrdt ilneftot bthraen cdhuecstu so fa rtthee
ahratde royf mthaeyir bme asgenenit uthdreo ausg hc otmhep ainrecdis iwonit,h a tnhda ta ovfie twhe t hdeurcetbuys
artBer.i obs. u8s6 . TJ.h eH .heart and lungs of a foetus at the third mseoenn tha,t tEak. ean. f1ro1m. Vthieew feoedt use xotef rnwahlilcyh i t thise ask epleertfoenc t mmayin ibae
tvuerses eolsf aa rfeu lal-lgl rodwistni nhgeuairsth ;a bthlee, aaunridc lebse,a vr enthtrei cluessu, aaln dre lgartievaet pdoimsietinosnio ntos : etahceh coavthiteire,s hanavde nneoat rblye enth ec uts aompee nc. omTphaer actoivne
nsieocnt iionnt oo fl tohbeu lleusn, gsa ntdo tehnev esliodpees moef ntth eb yh eaa fritn, et hseerior ussu cbodviveiringB
a. rbe. a8l7l .p eTrhfeec thlye adrtis ocef rnai bcleh.i—ld J.a bHo.ut two years old, prepanaraetodm
iyn otfh teh em yaonuntehrf udl ehsecarirbt,e da s acto m81p,a raendd w eitxhh itbhiatitn ogf tthhee acdavuiltti.e s,T phaes sdaigsesse,c tivoanl vehsa,s mbaeye nb es os eemna anta goende vtiheawt. —al Jl . tHhe. theB v. ablv. e8s8 o. fT thheis a porretap ainr aptrieovne snhtionwgs r ethgeu rmgiotadtei oonf oofp bel roaotdio fnro omf tmheo uatrht eoryf itnhteo vtehses ehl,e aarnt.d thTeh ec ovnatlavcets aorfe tlhaeidir dmowarng ionvse rw tihteh leoaockh boethtwere eisn sthhoewmn tthoe bleig shot ccaonmnpolte tbee thdiastc eirnn eadtt.e—mJp •t iSn.g to meBn.t bo. f9 0th. eA v aplrveepsa roaft iothne shaoowrtain ign ath vee rhyu umnauns ubaold ya r:r atnhgeree
aorred ifnoauryr nduismtibnecrt . anNdo pdeervfeiactti ovna lfvroesm, tihnest eoardd inoafr y thstraetee, wthaes ocoblsleecrvtiaobnl.e in any other part of the organ.—Prof. Kirby’s B. b. 91.—A preparation in which the same irregularity