C. a. 181. Cuttlefish, . . one of the branchiae of, detached, . 99
C. a. 190. Garden snail, . pulmonary organ of (helix hortensis). . 99
C. a. 191. Garden slug, . pulmonary organ of (Umax ater). . 100
C. a. 194. Whelk, . . branchiae of (buccinum undatum). . 100
C. a, 195. A shell, . . showing the respiratory tube of (murex
scorpio'). - . . . • 100
C. a. 200. Scallop, . . gills of (pecten maximus). ■ • 100
C. a. 201. Oyster, . . gills of (ostrea edulis). . . 100
C. a. 202. Mussel, . . . . gills of (unio pictorum). • • 100
C. a. 220. Earth-worm, . respiratory organ of (lumbricus terrestris). 100
C .a. 221. Leech, . . lungs of (hirudo medicinalis). . . 100
C. a. 222. Lug-bait, . . respiratory apparatus of (lumbricus marinas).
. . . . . 1 0 1
C. a. 223. Sea-mouse, . . respiratory apparatus of (aphrodita aculeata).
. . . . . 1 0 1
C. a. 230. Crab, . . branchiae of (cancer momas). .. . 101
C. a. 240. Star-fish, . . organs of respiration of (asteria rubens). 101
C. a. 241. Sea-urchin, . . organs of respiration of (echinus eschulentus).
. . . ■ . 1 0 1
C. a. 250. Actinea, . . respiratory tentacula of (actinea anemone). 101
C .a . 251. Actinea, . , respiratory tentacula of (actinea dianthus). 101
C. a. 252. Actinea, . . respiratory tentacula of (actinea cereus). 101
C .a. 253. Dead-men’s-fingers, respiratory organs of (alcyohium digitatum).
. . . . . 102
C. a. 255. Medusa, . . respiratory organs of (medusa aurita). . 102
D. a. 1. Human brain, section of. • 1 0 2
D, a. 2. Human brain, section of. . 10 2
D. a. 3. Human foetus, brain and spinal marrow o f; seventh
month. J. H.
D. a. 4. Becurrent nerve, . irregular distribution of. . . . 1 0 2
D. a. 25. Monkey, brain of (simia sabcea). 103
D. a. 26. Monkey, brain and spinal marrow of. J. S.
D. a. 27. Dog-faced baboon, brain of (simia hamadryas). J. H. ••
D. a. 35. Dog, ■ . . brain of (canis domesticus). 103
D. a. 36. Bear, brain of (ursus Americanus).
D. a. 37. Otter, brain of (lutra vulgaris).
D. a. 38. Coati-mundi, brain of (viverra nasua).
D. a. 45. Guinea-pig, . brain of (cavia). . ■ • 103
D. a. 55. Horse, pons varolii of, with tubercula quadrigemina
and medulla oblongata. J. S.
D. a. 64. Seal, spinal marrow of (phoca vitulina). J. H.
D. a. 65. Seal, brain of (phoca mtulina). 103
D. a. 6 6 . Seal, nerves and pulps of the beard of. J. H.
D. a. 67. Porpoise, brain and spinal marrow of (delphinus
phocana). J. H.
D. a. 6 8 . Porpoise, brain of (delphinus phocee?ia). 104
D. a. 81. Hawk, brain and origin of the nerves of (accipitenisus).
■ 104
D. a. 82. Ostrich, brain of, (struthio camelus). 104
D. a. 95. Boa-eonstrictor, brain of. . . . . . 104
D. a. 96. Battlesnake, brain of (crotalus horridus). 105
D. a. 97. Crocodile, brain of (lacerta alligator) 105
D. a. 98. Crocodile, brain of; satisfactorily exhibited. J. H.
D. a. 102. Spottéd-shark, . brain of (squalus catulus) ; detached. . 105
D. a. 103. Dog-fish,| . brain of (squalus caniculus') 5 in situ. J. H. ..
II. a. 104. Dog-fish, . brain and nerves of, in situ. 105
D. a. 105. Angel-shark, . brain and ears of (squalus squatina) ; in
s i t u . ...................................................
D. a. 106. Torpedo-ray, brain and nerves of (raja torpedo) ; in situ. 105
D . a. 107. Torpedo-ray, . brain, nerves, and electric apparatus of,
in situ. 106
'D. a. 108. Torpedo-ray, . electric organ of; detached. 106
D. a. 109. Torpedo-ray, . electric organ—section of. . . 106