C. a. 253. A large bunch of dead-m digitatum) showing numerous small acetinn’ess-fei,n giner sth (ea lcfoyromnm omf taecntitnaecsuel aa,r es porfe avda raiollu so vleenr gththes , suerxftaecnes ibolfe ,t haen dm acsosn. traTcthieles e; wanhdic ahr ea lftiettrenda tienltyo cfoonracmeailn at hoenm th, eo rs uarlflaocwe ooff tthhee iar lcsytaonndiuinmg, wfoarttehr ,i n ptohses ewssaetedr .b y Tthhoe sep oiwmepre orffe icmt bbeibininggs , ains dn od idscohuabrtg itnhge tshoeu racrem osf othf et hree smpoirraet ofuryll yf udnecvtieolno,p eidn atchtein seasem aer me tahnen earg tehnatst of Cit. sa p. e2r5fo5r. mAa nlcaerg.—e mJ. eHdu.sa (medusa aurita), showing the fraecsep ioraft othrye abpopdayra, tuthse. oTpheenrien gasre offo uwr hsiacchs, onne athr et huen droeor tssu orf
itnhteo tetnhteasceu laap, earrteu rsehso, wdnu rinin tgh et hper epexarpaatniosnio. n oWf attheer biso tdayk einn sqwueimntm-cionngt,r aancdti oang.a—inJ e. xHp.elled from them, during the subsetheD
h. umaan. b1r. aiTnh iins tphreeipr apralaticoen ing ivthees ac rvaineiwum o,f dailvli dthede, pinar tas of vveernttirciacll e,s eacntdio nth, ef ororimgi nesa ro ft om eaanry. ofI tt hseh onwesr vaelsso; tthhee fooruigrtihn aenxdh ibcitoeudr.s—e J.o fH .the spinal-accessary nerve is very clearly in Dpr eap. a2r.a tTiohne Dc.o uan. t1e.r -paTrht e odfe tphteh osfk uthlle acnodn vborlauitnio, nssh, oawnnd tthhee fcisosruprues wchailclho ssuemp,a rvateelsu mth ei nhteemrpiosspihtuemre sa; ndth ef opronsiixti;o nt hoef fdoerrmst ooandd f roemxt aenn te xoaf mthine atthioirndo fv tehnetrsiec ltew, o& pcr.e pmaarayt iboen sw.—ellJ .uHn.rig1h3t.
ap. n4e.u mAon- giarrsetrgiuc lanreitryv ei.n tIhne thriesc ucarrseen t( thbarta nocfh a ofefm tahlee fcrhoimld )t hteh ea rrcihg hotf stuhbec laaovritaan, aanrdte rpya scsoems ebse hoifnf,d t hthee laosets obprhaangcuhs, ttohe r enaacthu rtahle a rrriganhgt esmideen ; ta onfd tthhee arretceuryrr, ewnti nndesr vreo uwnhdi cthh,a ut nvdeesr
gseals itnri ict s hcaoluff swe atoy tuhpe ltahrey nnxe, chke,r ea snedp apraatsesse sfr otmhe nthcee psnterauimgoh-t inwards to its destination.—J. H.
ByD a. coma.p a2r5i.s onT hoef tbhrea isne voefr aal bmraoinnsk eeyx,h ipbrietesder vine dt hicso msepclete.
ttiroibne, biet awr iall m buec hfo culnods,e rt hreaste mthbisl abnrcaei nto a tnhda to othf tehrse houf mthaen ssaumbe- jp ehcetr, etsh bayn tdhoe tihr hoeseig bhetl,o bnyg tihnegi tro r othtuen odtihteyr, calnads sbeys .t heT mhea hnenmeri sin
twhhei cinhf etrhioery acnoimvearl so. veTrh ethye a cree raelbseol,l uams ,i n stuhrep ahsusm thaons seu obfje acltl, ad ivciodnesdi dienrfaebriloer lyp irnotjoe ctthiorene ldoobwesn,w oafr wdsh,i cahn tdh e tmheid dploe sftoerrmiosr cmoomrep laeltleielyd otov etrhloapses othf et hcee irnefbeerilolur man. imTahlse thhaenm istop hethreoss aroef mvoalnu,t iionn sth,e tohlefa cptoosrtye rnioerr ea ncdo minp tahraet ivtoet afrle eanbessesn, caen do fl itstulec hd eipntehq uoafltihtiee sc oonn
vleosb ea.r iseI nb yth ae mmeodnuklelayr yo nfliyla, mase nint frmoman ,t hdeo btahsee ocaf rtuhnec ublrsaei nm ; aimn ilmlaorests ogfi vteh eo oritghienr aton imthael so l(fsaecet oDr.y a f.i l3a5m.)e nthtse. J. H.
goDod. specai.m 3e5n. oTfh teh eb rfaoirnm ooff ath deo bgr.a inT ahmiso npgre tphaer asatirocno pahffaograd.s a Tfohrem hpermojiespcthieorness, atererm fleadtt ecnaerudn csuulpseer imoralym: itlhlaeriers a,ntferorimor wlohbicehs tchoem omlfuancitcoartyi nnge rwveitsh ttahkee loarteigrianl, v eanntdri cwlehsi c•hth ec opnotsatienr iocra vloitbieess abreeh winadn tthine gh; ewmhiiscphh ceareuss e: st hthee p creormebineellnucme toof atphpee mari dudnlceo vloebreeds ibnr uthme abraes en eiist hinecr onnusmideerroaubsle n :o rt hdee ecpo nj vaonludt itohnes laomn inthsee ocfe trhee
cseemrebblealnlucme taor ec odnivviodleudti oinnsto.— loJb.uHle.s, which gives them a repecDu.
l iaritaie. s4 5o.f Tthhee obrrgaainn oinf tah eg uroindeean-tpiai.g (cTahvei ah),e mtoi spshheorwes t he aloreb essm aarlel , tfoltaat,l layn da bpsoeinntte; dt hine rthe ei sa nntoe rtiroarc leo obfe sc o; ntvhoel uptoiosntesr ioonr laonbye sp asrct aorcf etlhye p hreomjeicstp hbeeryeos n; da nthde ocno mthme onb alseev,e lt he Tmheid dclee
rTehbiesl luamrra ins lgaemmiennatt eodf, athnde lhieesm ciosmphpelreetse,l yc ebreehbienldlu tmhe,l caenrde bprounms., bgeivfoesre t oe atchhe owthheorl,e aonrdg ann eaa rsltyr ioknin gth ree sesammbela nhcoer itzoo nthtael lbervaeiln, of Da .r eptiale. , 6o5r. tThahte obfr aai nc arotifl aag isneoauls pfhisohc.—vJi.t uHli.ohne rtehse avreer ttehxi na n; dt hbea sefi stshuerey abreet (wfleaetnte a ntehde mto na).i sn sehaarllylo The wth e;