firm, white, mucous in the pharynx, anmde mrebnrdaneree, dw huinchev iesn c oinnt isnoumoues wpaitrhts t hbayt irtosu cgohnevneexd ,b oshrdaerpr sptraonjde cotiuotn tsh et efrimnee dc arbtrialangcihnioaul st eleatmhi n: afer oomn rwehspicirha tothrey fbuenacuttiiofnu,l isv aesxcpualanrd emd.e mTbrhaen ec, onthtien usietya t ooff tthhies manedm bitrsa naeb wruiptht athned gseinngeuralla rm cuhcaonugse suorff acchea risa cvteerr yi ss tnroikt ilnesgs;
remCa. rak.a b16le4..— OJ.n eH .of the osseous arches which support the rgoilulns doedf ; ai tsh ocollnyvbeuxt .b ordItesr icso fnucrarvoew ebdo rbdye ra dise espm gorootohv ea fnodr cgoivnivnegy slo dthgem evnetn toou tsh eb bloroandc hto o tfh thee vpauslcmuolanra mrye marbteraryn ew, haincdh palusroif iteod af luciodr,r ebsepcoonmdiensg ovnees seolf, twheh ircoho, tsh aovfi ntgh e raeocertiav.e d Tthhee fpraeret sc oouf rtshee obfo dthye r eanodretircs bitl oporodb afbrolem t hthaits thpela cgeil lsth sreoruvgeh, naollt msoe rmelayn yth eh eparutrsp, opslea coedf raets ptihreat oorryig oinrgs anosf, thbeu tg raelasto aratcert ieass, acnudla tiem aplaorntign gth ea irq ubircaknecnheeds .—moJv. eHm.ent to the fluids which cirstuCri.
o a).. 17T0h.e seT hsein gsuwlaimr -obrlgaadndse, rp oosfs eas sesdtu brgye tohne g(aecniepreanlsietyr toof fthiseh erse,s pairrea tcoornys ifduenrcetdio bny, asonmd em pahyy, stihoeloregfiosrtes , ahs asvueb sae rpvliaecnet ihte rceo.n tTrihbeuyt easr et oth teh es ebaut ooyfa tnhcey s aencdre tfiloenet noefs as goafs t, hweh fiicshh, uwnhdieler wasa atenr —emmunocstt oprryo bfoarb tlhye i tdsi spcrhinacrigpea ol uf nseo—xiomuasy p ianr taicdldeisti forno mse trhvee ibnl otohde s;e a nbda gist isa law mayast teerx ohfib oibtss erthvaet iqouna tlhitaiet st hoef asiur ccho natasi nheads bore enca brbreoantihce da ciind .b y Tahnei mparlesp, arvaizti. oani r bseuforcrhe arugse de xwhiibthit sa ztohtee sowf igmremaitn gs-izbela d(der of a sturgeon, preserved in spirits. It is is injected, and2 |e vfeerette dl osnog absy to6 sinhcohwe st hien adpipaemareatenrc)e : oitf ibtys iitnsn earn tseurrifoarc ee x: trietsm witayl lisn taor et hthe icstko,m aancdh s:t rtohneg . pasIst aogpee nosf cboumt mis ufnuircnaitsihoend isw iwthid ae , sapnhdi ndcetovor imd uosfc alne,y tion tceornmtreoduial tteh ed uicnt,
hgoreldssin agn dsu ecghr desifsf ethrernotu cgohn ate ndtoso, ra nbdet dweesetinn etwd of ocro smucphar tdmisetinntcs,t
purCp.o ase. s1.—71.J .T Hhe. swim-bladder of a pike (esox lucius). It
icso omf mgurneaicta tseisz e—wibthe inthge n eoaerslyo pahsa glaursg eb yas otnhee ssthoomrta, chn—arraonwd
pChTao- uas o1f7 a2 . coTdh-ef isshw i(mgamdiunsg m bolarrdhduear), adnedm ao npsatrrat toinfg t thhee mtascot-,
tbheatwt?e ienn tthhies foirsgha, ntsh, eeraec har eo ft wsmoa lol pseinzein, gasn do ff ocrommemd uonf isctartoionng
tenCd.i nao. u1s3 3w. aTllhs.e— sJw.Him. ming bladder of a gurnard, (try,g l,a lmurean)t.s liTkeh et hbea gfi nisg erlas rgofe ;a igt lios vdei;v iadnedd oinpteon sth irneteo cthoem poeasrotphCa
guas .—134J-- HTh. e swimming-blad1d er o„f an ee,l , so prepared, boyf tihnej ebcltoioond, vaess setols dwemhicohn srtraamteif yth eo ng ritesa ti nstiezren,a la nmde mnubmrabneer, aonf dt hwaht icdhe oarxey gleonoikzeedd uapiro, nw aist h thweh iscohu rtchee obf atgh ei ss eaclrwetaioyns
fillCe da.—. 1J8- 0H. .T he respiratory apparatus o1f a cujtftl e-„f is, h ,( sepi.a lcoalviqitoy.) oTf hteh eb rabnocdhyie, e aonfd t hwe acteurt tlefi-nfidssh aadrem iesnsicolons etdo inth tehme tThhroe ugwha tear fuisn nreeln, ewore din founn dtihbeu lubmra npchlaiacee db uyn dtheer tdhiela tnaeticokn. caanuds ecso nitt ratoc.teionnte ro, f otrh ee smcaupsec ufrloamr sthheea tfhu nonfe lt.h e Tbhoed ym, washsi cohf eisa caht tgaicllh teed p byyra mthied apl u; limtso bnaasrey, naertaerr yth ea ncde nvtreein o tfo tthhee. bhoedayr,t
(osneee sBid. eb .i s2 a7t0ta)cf hitesd a tpoe xth leo oskhse faotrhw oafr dths eto a tnhiem ianl,f uthned ibouthluerm i s: fbraees,e aonf dt heex phyibriatms indu, moner owuhs iclham tihnes e ppulalmceodn apryar avlleesls etols tahree
ramified.—J.H . , , . 7 liqCo)., ap.r e1p8a1r-e dO anned oefx hthibei tberda nwchitihaoe uotf i naj eccutitotlne.- fiTshhe ( sdeepliicaa Lcoy
tahnids boeraguatny coafn t hbee stornulcyt uarpesp reenctieartiendg binyt oa t hcel ocsoem ipnosspieticotnio nof. wNiotnhe S oo fm tuhceh t eoxf taudrmesi roaft itohne, hasu mdoa nth beosed,y a nstdr imkea ntyh eo tbheehr osludee r instances of organic formations, in the lower tribes of anii
maCl.s .a—. J1.9 H0.. The pulmonary organ .in one of the gasteropo- dsiosu).s Tmhoelrlue sicsa ,a bcraevaitthyi nugn daeirr— thteh en egcakr,d ethne s nenaitlr a(nhceeli xto hworhteicnh- iisn pthoein ftereds ho ustt batye ,a bcorvisetrleed: thwei thw aal lsn eotf- twhoer cka voitfy fcianne bvee ssseeelns., o