A. a. 1120. A garden snail shell so as to exhibit the li(vheer,l ixw hhiocrhte nass isto) dfoerpmri vaendd ofs iiztes cvoorluretisopnosn dosf tihn es osmheel lm, iena swuhreic hto i tt hleie sc alovoitsye liyn. -—thJe. uHp.per conlivAer.
dis. 1v1e2ry5 . laArg es,c aalnlodp cinlo sietsl y sehnevlle l(oopsetrse at hme asxtiommaa).c h Tanhde intAes.t idn.a l1 1c3a5n.a lT.—heJ .h Hep.atic organ of a crab (cancer mcenas). Tsohfet, mspaossn gisy ,s oa nlda rogfe aa sy etoll ofwill ctohleo ucra,v aitnyd ocfo mthpeo tsheodr aoxf a: vita sist tqhuea nptaintyc horfe asmtica llo, rbglainn di ntu bfiessh,e ws hiinchto otpheen lciokme mtheonscee fmoremnti nogf tpheec uslimara lbl ititnetre statisntee. to Itth eis crtahbis.— sJtr. uHct.ure which gives the hibAit. tdh.e 1 i1n3t6es. tiTnhael cbaondayl ;o ft hae l acrogrep uscs orapdiiopno sluaimd , oap reenp rtoes eenxtcaatnivael
moaf yt hbee sleievne rr;u nannidn gt hien ab islitararyig vhet slsienles . doTwhne t hinet ecsetnintrael tohfe t hwe hbooled ya: btdhoem tiwnoal lactaevraitly l ocbounlsattietudt em athssee sa wdihpiocshe obcocudpyy : pseevceurlaial r smstarullc ttuubree s tpoa stsh et rainnstvesetrisneally ocna neaalc, ha snidd e dfirsocmh atrhgies theAre. ind . a1 f1l4u0id. sTahide ltiov ehra voef ath est aprr-ofpisehr ti(eass toerf ibai lreu.b—enJs. ).H . The loorbgualne si,n tphlaisc eadn,i moanle coinn stihstes ocfa vfiitvye odfo ueabcleh raorwms, oanf db ifliraormy wdihgiecshti vae ccaovmitmy.o n Tdhuec tr owcarsr rioefs tlohbeu sleecsr esthioonu ldto ntohte bcee nctornal
fliokuen dfoerdm wanitdh lothcoasliet y.o—f Jth. eH .ovaria, which have somewhat a silvBe.r .a . 1T. hLea cstiezael,s tohne tfhoer mhu, manadn tihnete cstoiunres,e f ilolef dt hweisteh vqeusiscekls
mtioany. —beJ w Hel.l understood from an examination of this preparachByl.
ea: . t2h.e Lvaecssteealsl s aroen mthoree heunmlaragne din ttheastni niet ids iustseunadle tdo wfiinthd ttoh ermen. deTr htheeym h amveo reb eveisni bsletr.i—ppJe.d S o. f the peritoneal covering teaBls. oan. 3th. eT mhiusc poruesp amraetmiobnr asnheo. wsT thhee cohryifliec ews iothf swehviecrha l thlaecy
aarnec ed.—istJe.n dSe.d gives to the orifices a dotted white appearvesBs.
e la .o n4 . aT hpeo rttirounn ko fa ntdh es evmereasle nrtaemryif icaantdio nins teosft inae laocft tehael
hbueimngan f iblloeddy w : itthh ewyh iatree crhenydlee—reJd. tSu.r gid and •conspicuous by quBickf sai.l v5e. r.L ymThpeh attriuc nvke swseiltsh oints thbera hnuchmeasn h laivvee r,a fni llaerdb owreitsh
cenBt. aar.r a6n. geInm tehnits. —prJe.p Sa.r ation a few of the superfici.al lymphaBt.
i cas. o7f. tAhe dlirvieedr aprer eipnajeracttieodn woitfh aq uhicukmsialnv erg.—allJ . bSla. dder, isnhjoewctiendg wthieth r aqmuiifcikcasitlivoners. —onJ i. tsH s.urface of several lymphatics humB.a na. s8u. bLjeycmt pinhjaetcicte vde swseiltsh oqfu tihcek sliolwveerr. exTthreism iitsy ao tm tohset vtiaclsu aobnl et hpere dpoarrsautimon .o f Itht es hfoowots, tthhee iorr icgoiunr soef mupa nayl onlygm, bpohtah
sniedcetsio onf twhiet hl etgh,e t hineigru ainnaals togmlaonsdess, wanitdh tehaecihr oetxhiet r,f rtohmei rt hceosne
glaBn.d as . a9s. vAas an uemffbereern toifa .—fulJl . lSe.ngth lymphatic vessels of the lTohweeyr heaxvtree bmeietny roefm ao vheudm faronm s uthbjee clitm, ibn,j espctreeda dw oiutht omn earc duarryk.
colBo.u rae. d1 b0.o aArdn, ainngdu dinraiel dl—ymJp. hHa.tic gland, with its vasa m- foenr ebnltuiae apnadp eerf. ferTenhtei av einssjeelcst eedn tewriitnhg qtuhiec kgslialnvder a, rea nndu mplearcoeuds afenwd isnm naullm, bceorm, apnadre odf wcoinths idtheorasbel el edaivminegn siito, nsw.—hicJh. Har.e very resBp.o nad. i1n1g. vAas af emw feirnegnutiian aaln ldy emffpehraetnitci ag ilnajnedcst,e dw witiht ht hqeu iccokrsilvBe.
r ,a .a n1d2 . pAut quupi cikns ial vbeor ttilnej eocft tiuornp eonf ttihnee ..l—ymJp. hSa.tics of the rniugmhtb elrosw einr ethxetr egmroitiyn , : atlhoen gv ethssee ltsh igahre, dexowhinb ittehde lieng ,g raenadt eveBn. oan. 2th2e. Tdohres ummes oenf ttehreic f ogolat,n dass foafr aas l itohne (tfoeelsis. leJo.) . HT-hey areB l.a arg, e2,3 f.e wT,h ea nlda cctoelalel cvteedss einlsto oan cthlues tienrt.e—stJi.n eH a.nd mesentmereyse
notfe ray diomgm, efdililaetde lyw iathft ecrh ydleea.:t h ap rneovoesnet etdie dth ea roeuscnadp et hoef
theB c. hay. le2 4f.r oTmh eth lea cvteesasle lvs.e—ssJel. sS .on the mesentery of a dog- fillBed. aw. i2th5 .q uTihcek slialvceter,a ld rvieesds,e alsn do nv atrhneis hmedes.—enJte. rSy. of a badger
(ursus meles), prepared by injection with quicksilver and
dryBin. ga..— 30J.. HTh. is preparation shows a few of the lymphatics