D. b. 362. The iris eagle. The pupil is ciarncdu lacirl i:a rtyh ep rlaomceinssaees o of ft hthee c eilyiaer yo fp raon
tcoeusscehs tharee mloanrggi, ns otrfa tihgeh tc, raynstda lnlianrero lwen :s .a—ndJ. thSe. ir extremities in Dth.r ebe. 3s6ec3t.i oTnhs.e eTyeh eo fm ano sotw lr e(mstrairxk falbalme mpeedc) udlieamriotyn sitnr atthede feoyrem oefd tbhyis tahnei mboanl yi sl atmo inbaee ,s eneena ri nth teh jeu nlecntigotnh ooff tthhee sccylleirnodteicr coat and cornea.—J. H.
A Dv.e rbti. c3a6l6 .s eTchtieo eny ehsa os f bae weno omdapdeec keorf (opniceu se ymei,n ofrro) min jbeecftoedre. tbhaec kswevaerrdasl c; oaantds, oafn tdh ec hoathmebr efrrso mof sthidee otorg asind*er,^ sJo. Has. to show witDh. bbo. th3 6e6y. esT hpere ssekruvleld o; f pa reypoaurnegd tpoi gsehoonw (tchoel ogmrbeaa t liovviaer),
oprfo tphoer thieoand w.—hiJc.h S t.he organs of vision bear to the other parts serDve. db .a 3g6r8e.a tT mhea neyy efa ocfts aa rdei vdeer.m onIns trtahtee ds; evcizti. otnh eh eenrter apnrcee
ooff tthhee poepctitce nn ethrvreo uwgihth t hrees pheycatl otoid t hmee pmebctreann—e itnh et hper odmiriencetniocne obrfa tnhee alennds —rettiongae. thTehre wchitohr othide hchasa rbaecetenr sa losfo t hdei scsheocrtoedid dmoewmn,
to Dex. hbi.b i3t6 t9h.e Tghrereeen isvhie cwosl ooufr tohfe tehyee i roisf. —a- Jc. oSrm. orand (peli- canDu.s bc.a r3b7o0). dTemheo enysetr aotifn ga igtsa nfnoermt (aanndse sr trbuacsatunures). —pJr.e Hpa.red tloar shaopwp artahteu sm ebmy bwrahnicah niitc tiist amnso,v aend d otvheer tbheea uctoifrunle am. usTchue
apqreupaatirca tbioirnd ,s haso wcos,m aplsaore, dth we iftlha ttnhees ss torifk tihneg ccoornnveeax iinty t hoifs ,t hane samDe. pba. r3t 7o2f. thTe hoer gaeyne i n othf ea e apgulrep, lseh-coowont a(t f uDli. cba. 3p6u0r.p—urJe.aH).. Tdrhaew mn eomvebrr atnhae nciocrtniteaan, sa, rwe icthle athrley tswhoo wmnu.s—clJe.s Hby. which it is preDp.a rbe.d 3 t7o3 s. hTohwet heeyme oufs cal ceos cokfa tthoeo m (epmlycbtroalnoap nhuicst istuanlpsh.—urJe.u Hs). theD f.o rbm. 3 o7f4 .t hAe csheactmiobne rosf— ththee ecyoer noefa a— pthurep ilrei-sc—ootht,e s hpoecwtienng, &c.—-J. H.
sulDph. .b). p3r7e5p. arAe ds etoct siohno wo tfh teh etu neiyces aonfd ac acvoitcieksa.t—ooJ . (pHl.yctol. meDm. bbr.a n3a7 6n. icAti tpanresp aanradt iiotns mshuoscwlein ign tthhee eayrrea nogf tehme epnet reogf rtihnee falcon {falco peregrina).—J. H.
(faDlc.o bp. e3re7g7r. .)A s hsoewcitniogn t hoe fs ctlheer oteicy ec ooatf, cao rpneerae,g irriinse, pfeacltceonn,
&Cf) l 378. The eyelids of an ostrich (struthio camelus).
TThhee ifnrefeer imora rigs ibnr ooafd eearc ahn dis mfuorrne ismhoevde wabitlhe tah arnow th oef sustpreariigohr.t feaDth ebr.s 3w7i9th. Tshhoer t elyaet eroafl baanr bso,s tirni cphl,a cpe roefs eeryveelda shuenso.—peJn.eHd.. tIhned egpeennedraeln tflyo rmof othf et hveie owr gwanh,i chit st hme upsrcelpesa,r aatinodn tehxeh riebliatsti voef porfofepros rtiios ngsi voefn it so sfe tvheer aml peamrtbsr,a an ad enmicotnitsatnras,t ioannd, stuhceh baesa ruatriefulyl omvuesr ctuhlea rc porronveais—iomn bovye wmheincths tshoe rmapoivde mase ntots boef tahlme mosetm imbrpaenre
schepaptieb l:e ,i ta irse aatctaccohmepdl ifsihrmedl.y toT hthee m secmlerbortaince c iosa ot,f ba ys eomniel ucnoarr
nanerd aanldl ablyo nag p tahret ocfo intcs acvoen vmeaxr bgoinrd iet ri s; apte rtfheec otlpyp uonsirtees tcroarinneerd, iinn gi tsa mcoevrteamine ndtesg. reeI to ifs veilsaisotnic t, harnodu gshem iit-,t rawnhsepna rdernatw, anl loovwe-r tchraez ee yoen. thIet siusn i.n vTirhteu em oufs tchleiss mbye mwbhriacnhe itth ias tm thove eeda agrlee tcwano fthn en uumppbeerr ; ptahret ofifr stth, et heyee ,q uaanddr abtyus t,h ies ofitxheedr , bwy hoicnhe heansd ntoo tfrixaendc ea totfa cthhem oepntti,c int efrovrem, sf oar csalritniglaignign othues lpounlgly t ennedaor nt hoef tehne
cseuciuosn dp ymraumscidlea,l icsa ilsle ldik ferwomis ei tas ttsahcahpeed ptoyr tahme indaasla, l sitd hei so mt tuhse- goltohbere, oifn ttoh ea e yteen dboyn ,i tsw hfliecshh ya fetexrt remmaiktyin, ga an dt utranp earbso uatt tthhee roupntinci nnge rtvhee,n pcaes sfionrg a t hlroonugg dhi stthaen cpeu lilny ain gtrhoeo vqeu aodnr atthues ,s acnled
rooft tihc ec omaet,m ebnradns ab nyi cbtietianngs , ianfsteerrt ead swineteop t hoef mmoorvee tahbalen choamlfe ar scuirdcdlee,n aanndd ienx tean sdiivree cmtioonv emhiegnhtl yin ftahveo umraebmleb rafonre .exerting a _Tthhee psyimraumltiadnaeliosu ds raacwtiionng oitf tihn eo ntwe od imreucstciolens, oann dt hteh ete nqduoan
dorfa tthues fobrym ietsr, pmuullsyt einx eartn oat hgerre,a ta fto rrcige hotn a tnhgel ecsu wrviethd tthene dloinne, aTnhde breyt uitrsn omfe athnes mdreamwb trhanee m toem itbsr apnlaec er aapti dtlhye oivnenre trh ceo ernyee.r of Dth.e be. y3e9 i2s. eTffheec taenda btoym iyts oofw thn ee elayset iocfi tay .c haJm. eHle.on (lacerta chameleon) exhibited in three views. The superior shows the