D. a. 143. The oesophageal maximus), together with the bgraanncghlieosn ooff nae rsvceasl loepm a(pneactitnegn froDm. bit. .—19J1.H. SA. n injected preparation of the human eye. tThhei se ydei sisne crteiofenr ecnocnev etoy st haen aocrcbuitr,a tteh en olitdiosn, tohfe t hme upsocsleitsi,o n& co.f iItts schioliwarsy a blsroa ntchhee sse, vtherea ll ancerryvmesa,l tghlea nledn, taincudl athr eg acnhgalmiobne rws itohf tthhee esypeo.n gOyn b tohnee osp opfo sthitee nsiodsee owf itthhe t hpereirp amreaatitouns ems aayn db eo speeenn
ingDs,. tbh. e2 2a0n. truTmh em aanxaitlolamrey, oafn tdh et heey es ionfu sa nf aropnet a(lsiism.—iaJ m. aHi-. imnotenr)i,o er xohifb tihteed einy et wfroo mvi ethwes . sidTe h: et hseu pienrfieorrio or ndee mshoonwstsr atthees theD c. ilbi.a r2y2 1p.r oTcheses eesy,e uovf eaa m, aonndk ecyo.r n(seiam, iafr osamb cbeeah).i ndT.—heJ p. oHs.
toenreio pr aprat rot fo tfh teh ep rgelpoabrea,t ioshno : wthineg l ethnes wtuinthic sth oef thhyea leoyied, mfoermms
bmreannte caotntasctihteudte, sa nthde moathrkeer dp abryt. —theJ .c Hili.ary processes and pigpreDp.
a rba. ti2o2n2 . The anterior segment of the same eye as that in ciliary proce2ss2e1s .—is Jh. eHre. shown, demonstrating the iris and upDpe.r mb. o2s2t,3 .t hTe wano tevriieowr ss eogfm tehnet oefy teh eo fg loa bme oisn keveyer. tedI,n atnhde tthhee lcohwoerormido, stc,i ltihaery g lporboec eisss perse, saenrvde udv uenao epxepnoesde, da ntod tvhiee wsc: lein
rliogtaicm ceonatut mre mciolivaerde,, atnod daenmteorniosrt rsauterf atchee opfi gthmee inrtius.m— nJ.i gSru. m, {feDli.s b .l e2o3)1. . AA llla ttheera c volaietsw a inndto c thhaem cbaveritsy a oref thsheo ewyne o: ft haeliroen iess as yelDlo. wbi.s h2 3w2h. itTeh tiasp petruepma riant itohne beoxthtiobmits ,o fi nth teh reeyee .v—ieJw. sS, .the iarnisa,t ocmoryn eoaf, t&hec . eayree '.oafl la slhioonw. n.—ThJe. Htu.nics, ciliary processes, so Das. tbo. 2e3x6h.i bTith teh ee ylein oinfg a m peamntbhrearn, e( foefl ltsh ep carodrunse)a .p^rJe.p Sar.ed theD a. nba.t o2m37y. oTfh tihse p reeypea oraft iao wn oclof,n t(acianms sf oluurp suesc)—tioJn.s Hsh.owing aurDe.u sb). 2a3re8 . heArlel sthheo wsntr.u ctTuhrees porfe tphaer aetiyoen ofc oan jsaicsktsa llo f( cfaouulsr
pieDce. sb.—. 2J4-1 .E LThe eye of a badger (ursus meles), demonstrated ivne rfyo ulra rsgecet iionn ps.r opTohrtei oeny.e— isJ . reHm. arkably small, and the lens"
tireD h. eba. d2 4o2f .t hTeh aen eimyea lo ifs ap mreoseler ve(tda,l paan dE sutrri opppeerda) .o f iTtsh eh aeinr.
tOhne ltihdes l: etfht es iodreg, atnh eis eeyxec eise dminagdley esvmidaelln, ta nbdy thhael f roemt iotsv ablu lokf ashpopweairnsg t oth baet ctohren eoap e: noinn gth we hriigchh tt shiedye , ftohrem l idiss saore s pmraelsle ravse tdo, conceal the eye, and almost prevent the light from reaching
in Dth rebe 2v4ie3w. sT. heT ehyee s oizfe a orfa tchoeo ne y(ue rissu sv eloryto ri)n cdoenmsoidnesrtarbatleed : tphoer tcioonrn teoa tihse l agregnee raanl dm pargonmitiundeen to, fa tnhde tohreg alenn. s sJm. Hal.l in protwoD
.p ab.r t2s 6b2y. aT hvee retiycea lo, fl aatenr aalg oseucttii o(nm. us Tahejeu ctio) rndeivai danedd lienntos are large: the ciliary processes are long, and approach the
maDrg. inb. o2f 6th4.e lTehnes .—poJs.t eHri.o r half of the eye of a spotte§d cavy l(ucacivdiau mpa ocna )t.h eT hceh osrcoliedr.o ticT hcoe arte itsin tah ihna ;s tbheeerne ries nndoe rteadp ethtuicmk
andD .o pb.a q2u6e5 .b Tyh teh ep ossptierriitos.r hJa.l fH of . the eye of -a cavy (see 264)x, stehromwiinnagt itohne coof rtnheea ,r elteinnsa, aatn tdh ec ilcioanryv epxr obcoersdseers oinf sthiteu . cilTiahrye
proDc.e sbs. e2s6 i7s. vAer yb meaauntiiffuesl t.p—reJp.a rHa.tion of the eye of a marmot (smo armot alpinus). One side of the eye has been cut away, The3 ,sf otorm g iovfe th& ev ieeywe oisf* sniell atrhly.6 cgol&otbsu* lcalri E; ttinhbec crso, r<nineda. pnousmseosusress. little prominence; and the lens is remarkably small.—
ThDe .l abr.g 2e6 l9a.c rAym saelc tgiolann,odf itsh es hhoewadn oinf ait sh aprlea c(ele paut st htlem uidpupse)r.
paDrt . obf. th2e8 6o. rbTiht.i—s Jp.r eSp. aration gives a side v. iew i.nto the intleurciiodru
omf othne t heey ec hoorfo iad pceocacta irsy o f( sau sw thaijtaisshsu c).o loTurh.e tJa.p eSt.um sclDer.o tbi.c ,3 0c0h.o rToihde, ereytei noaf, a nylgau (until, plot.) showing the 8tc. The colour of the tapetum is
a lDig.h tb .b 3lu0e1..— TJh.e S i.r is and ciliary processes of a nyilgau. Ihe rpiuopr iml aisr ginin ,t hseo faosr mto ofof ram t rtawnosv perroseje scltiito, nfsr.i ngJe. dS a. t the supemeDm.
bbr.a 3n0es3 . aTnhde cehyaem boefr sa. n Toxh e (btaops ettuamur uhs)a s shao dwairnkg btlhuee
shade.—J. S.